1: Partner in Crime (JPM)

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A/N: Hey, thanks for reading! Some of the language is 20's slang so it might sound weird, but it seemed to fit JPM's character better

JPM helping the reader escape from someone following them

The streets were busy with crowds of people walking about in the sunny weather of LA. I was walking down the street, carrying a small backpack with my wallet and phone, looking aimlessly for a café or something nearby. That was when I noticed him- a taller man in shabby clothes leaning against a wall who was just staring at me. As I passed him, his footsteps came behind me and followed closely after. My heart beat faster thinking about what he could possibly want from me and I picked up my walking pace.

But this man wouldn't slow down nor stop going after me. I began to push past people, running through the crowd and turning my head every so often to see if he'd stopped. He was running after me too. The next thought that came through my head was to turn into some place that he wouldn't dare try to grab me at. If there were people there to watch and security cameras around, this man wouldn't dare grab me with that many witnesses. 

I dashed into the nearest place, which happened to be this large, old-looking building called the Hotel Cortez. Going through the glass doors, I realized I stepped into the most beautiful hotel I'd ever seen. There was red and gold everywhere, details decorated every corner of that spacious lobby. It would've been nice to admire it better if it weren't for the man chasing after me. 

"Honey, why are you tearing through here? Are you okay?" A woman at the front desk asked. 

She was dressed in a glitter black dress and pearls, smiling nicely at me with a book in her hands. I sped-walked towards her, my breath frantic from being chased. 

"I'm sorry, there was some man chasing me out there and I needed to hide someplace." I explained.

"Oh, not to worry! Here, sugar, I'll take you to one of our open rooms and you can freshen up or make a phone call to get someone to pick you up." 

"Thank you-" I paused, not knowing what to call her.

"Liz, Liz Taylor. I'll take you up to Room 62 since it's vacant." Liz smiled, taking up the key from behind her and leading me over to the elevator. 

The doors slid together and the elevator started heading up. Liz could hear my still-shuddering breath, so she put a friendly hand over my shoulders with a frown on her face. She asked if I was okay or if I needed anything else. I assured her that I would be fine in a few minutes. The elevator opened and Liz took me to the room marked with a small gold plaque that had "62" engraved into it. 

Finally, I could release all of the air I was holding in my lungs. I went inside quickly and I felt safe. The room wasn't nearly as nice as the lobby was but I was just happy to be by myself after that. I went into the stingy bathroom and splashed some cold water on my face then fixed my hair. 

A noise in the hallway approaching the door, that I now realized wasn't shut behind me. The same man from outside must have followed me inside the hotel and come up after me after I went to the room. I couldn't really see his face but he came towards me in a threatening way, fear pulsating through my veins. He walked further until he was a foot away from where I was standing, and pushed me down onto the creaky bed. That was when I panicked, about to kick him where it would hurt...until there was a slight noise and he fell forward onto the bed beside me.

My heart was beating out of my chest and I looked up too see what had happened. There was a well-dressed man with a slim Clark Gable-style mustache standing in the other man's place, holding a small silver gun with a silencer on it and a cigarette. It became clear that this man someone saw what was going on and shot the chaser.

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