Chapter Four

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  Ryder and the pups made it to the city and saw Mayor Goodway still by the street with the man who was laying there in pain. "Ryder! Pups! Think goodness you're here!" said Mayor Goodway. "Of course. Now, what happened?" said Ryder as the pups went to check on the man lying in the streets. "I'll tell you what happened. One of your pups pushed me into the streets, right when a car was coming and I get ran over. "What?! No, that must be a mistake." said Ryder. "No kid, it's no mistake. One of your pups is evil and he pushed me into the streets!" said the man as Ryder was still having a hard time believing that.

  "Well do you know which one it was?" said Mayor Goodway as the pups were confused. "Well it's not Skye. Because you said "he." "Pups, did any of you push this man into the streets, almost killing him?!" said Ryder. Chase, Marshall, Rubble, and Rocky all replied the same thing. "No. We  didn't do it Ryder. "I'm loyal to this team and I always will be." said Chase as Marshall, Rocky, and Rubble nodded. "Kid, it wasn't any of them. The one that did it was brown. Ryder realized what that meant, and so did the pups. "ZUMA?!" said Ryder and the pups at the same time.

  "That's the one. Now, are you guys going to help me or what?" said the man as he started coughing. "Oh yeah. Pups, you know what to do." said Ryder as the pups did their job. Chase placed cones around the road where the mission waas taking place. Marshall and Rocky helped the man up and Rubble moved the car as far away from everyone with his rig. "Thank you Paw Patrol." said the man as Mayor Goodway decided to take him to the hospital. "Ok pups. So if Zuma is the one that almost killed that man, then they're will be serious consequences." said Ryder.

  The pups got back in their vehicles and they realized something. If Zuma is the evil pup, then they left Skye at the lookout with him. "Ryder! If Zuma is evil, then we have to get back to the lookout fast!" said Chase. "Skye is there!" said Rubble as Ryder realized and they all sped to the lookout in their vehicles.

  Skye was sleeping in her pup house and she could hear some footsteps outside of her pup house. She tried to ignore it and go back to sleep, but she couldn't. She then locked the pup house so whoever is out there, can't get in. But as she was about to go to sleep, she heard a voice. "Hey dude! Get off of me! Someone help!" That was Zuma's voice, Skye's best friend. "Zuma?! Are you okay?!" said Skye as she started to unlock the pup house and Zuma was still screaming, which made Skye open the door and run outside.

  "Zuma? Are you out here?" said Skye. As she was about to check Zuma's pup house, there was a paw covering her mouth and she was thrown into Zuma's pup house, knocking her out. "Sorry Skye." said Zuma.

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