Chapter Nine

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  Zuma made it to the city and he drove his vehicle through the main door of city hall, which made the alarms go off. Zuma then used some water to shorten out the alarm system. "That's much better. Now to take matters into my own paws!" said Zuma as he ran into the office and saw Chickaletta walking around. "You will be first!" said Zuma as he activated his water sprayer and he launched Chickaletta into her cage and locked it shut. "Stupid chicken!" said Zuma as he climbed on the desk and pressed a button that activated the Adventure Bay City Hall Bell.

  The bell went off and it woke everyone in Adventure Bay, making them wonder what was going on. Everyone exited their homes and saw Zuma standing on top of city hall. "Zuma? Is that you?" said Katie. "Yep! You guessed it Katie! And I just want to let you all know that I am done with being a nice pup! All of you are not worth my time! You all are too stupid to do something so simple, so you disturb the Paw Patrol and they have to help you!" said Zuma as everyone was surprised at what they were hearing.

  "Zuma! How dare you! What has gotten into you?!" said Mayor Goodway. "Sense is what has gotten into me! But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?!" said Zuma. The people of Adventure Bay couldn't believe what was happening, Zuma, who was one of the nicest and coolest pups in the Paw Patrol. "Oh, you all are still surprised?! Well here, allow me to put some sense into you!" said Zuma as he he pressed the button and the bell rung once again.

  "Do I have everyone's attention now?!" said Zuma as all the people were laying on the ground, covering their ears, screaming in pain. "Good!" said Zuma.

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