Sunshine | 2

460 19 11

A/N: I'm so sorry for this update. I usually update earlier but I was so sick for the past few days. I hope you don't mind 💜



"No no no no no." I continued patting his cheek vigorously as he remained silent.

I was losing hope. An incident like this never happened before...maybe he was dead?


I brought my two fingers and placed them gently on the side of his neck. I needed to find his pulse. A sigh of relief released from my lips. The vague yet steady beats of his pulse vibrated through my fingers. 

Thank goodness, he was alive!

Examining him again, I got distracted by his charming face and physique that I even forgot it was raining. How could someone look like this? My breath was already blown away; I've never seen anyone as enchanting as him. Daintily, I caressed his cheeks, feeling his radiant, unwrinkled skin. 

I could touch them forever; I didn't care if I looked creepy. 

Holy crap. 

His jawline was undeniably defined. With just a stroke, my hand already pained from the sharpness.

I snapped out of my daydream once a petrifying lightning strike thrashed a nearby tree.

"I have to get you up, Mr." I tittered to myself, gripping onto the sleeves on his forearm.

Mischievously, I placed his shredded hat onto my head so it wouldn't fall off of his own. I dragged him along the dank shore, his uniform creasing up and layering in filth - it was better than leaving him in the unpleasant weather.

I was so dumb. It had already been 15 minutes but he still wasn't off the beach. Either I was too weak or he was too heavy.

"What am I going to do?" I pouted, gazing at the man again, "Wait right here."

Shaking his mane, I noted Mickey fastened securely with a rope, next to the lighthouse.

I darted towards him quickly, Mickey letting out a great snort as I arrived. Absently, his eyes wandered to the desolate man afar. Right after, he opened his mouth, showing his teeth. That was strange; Mickey usually never smiled. With care, I untied the taut cord off of him before he jiggled his mane again.

"Ahh Mickey!" I cackled with amusement, more spludges of liquid from his mane landed on my uniform.

When I was done, I placed the sturdy rope next to the metal pole. Hoisting myself up, I signalled Mickey where to go.

Despite the light sprinkles of rain that drenched Mickey's coat, the weather alleviated. I held onto his reins, stabilizing myself not long after. I clasped onto him firmer as my gut felt as if I would fall off any second. The isolated man laid on the same spot in the same position with arms outstretched.

"Okay, so, I have to get you up." I nibbled my lower lip in puzzlement.

I haven't thought this through properly.


The man let out a hushed mutter, alarming me. My eyes protruded at his sudden yet endearing lilt. Still, his eyes were closed, and he didn't move a muscle after that. I wanted to hear that entrancing voice again. Naively, I was fully engrossed in him: his skin, his jawline and now his voice! Ugh, why did he have to be so beautiful?

"You can call me Sunshine whenever you want." I chortled back whilst Mickey flared his nostrils impatiently, "Fine, I'll hurry up."

For the second time, I used all my strength to haul him up onto Mickey's back. Next, I lifted myself up behind the man; my hand rested on his upper back, preventing him from tumbling down. My other hand grappled onto the cantle once I indicated Mickey to return to the lighthouse.

"Slow and steady." I ordered, my face slightly stuffed into the man's uniform.

The horse gave an approved neigh before his hooves tapped tenderly onto the sand.

This time, the wind wasn't as overpowering; a rejuvenating breeze took over, making my hair flow outwards. The acrid scent of sea water and sweat from his uniform invaded my senses, but it was so intriguing. I took this as an oppurtunity to survey him; I poke my head to the side, gaining a decent front view.

His curled, long eyelashes, his winsome, flat nose, his kissable lips.

Why was I like this? 

I never took this much interest in someone before. Near his front pocket, a polished badge gleamed:

Jung Hoseok/정 호석

"Even his name is attractive." I sighed, Mickey halting in front of the lighthouse.

I propped myself off Mickey's back, tugging Hoseok down intently. All of a sudden, his arm hooked around my dampened neck as his feet finally landed on the ground. Uncontrollably, I blushed at the feeling.

Steadily, I ambled towards the door to the lighthouse, noticing that the lantern was lit - Father must have fixed the lens whilst I was gone. As I struggled carrying Hoseok's weight, I fumbled with the doorknob. Unexpectedly, it opened from the other side, revealing Father with his arms akimbo.

"I was calling for you but you weren't listening-" He stopped and scanned the man beside me, "Who is he? And why are you wearing his hat?"

My cheeks reddened slightly as I hastily took the damaged cap off of my head.

"A ship crashed..." Father strangely stayed calm, "And I found him on the beach. He was still alive so I decided to take him here, where it's cozy and warm."

"I shouldn't have trusted you." Father facepalmed himself, still eyeing Hoseok.

"Told you." I quietly kissed my teeth, avoiding his contact.

"Let's just take him to the bedroom." And without any effort, Father lifted him up in bridal-style.

I stood in the same spot for a while, watching Father go up the stairs, his breathing not accelerating. 

Wow, I wanted to be like him when I'm older.

Soon, I stopped gawking at him before following them.

Once I arrived, my heart melted at the sight of Father tucking Hoseok into bed. He carefully covered his whole body with the cuddly, cotton blankets and turned towards me once he finished.

"I'm going to guard for a while longer. Stay here and watch him." Father demanded, about to continue to the control room until I interrupted.

"So do I sleep in the same bed with him the whole night?" I asked, immediately regretting it.

"There's two beds." He responded, blunt, indicating the small one behind me.

"Oh yes...I know."

"Leave Mickey outside for a while." Father quickly shrugged it off and returned upstairs.

As he left, I studied Hoseok closer. Honestly, I must've looked like a creep but once again, I didn't care; his neck, his hair, his adam's apple.

Why was I so obsessed with him already?

Playfully, I twirled a strand of his hair with my pointer finger. The feeling of it was soft and luxuriant; it was incomparable. 

I couldn't stop.

I joyfully continued until he released a peculiar noise.

Oh shoot, a moan...

Then his eyes shot open.

A/N: She's already hooked for Hobi but who isn't? Our Sunshine's birthday is nearing too, yay!

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