Twilight | 12

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It had almost been 7 hours since we set sail. And throughout those 7 hours, I lolled in bed, contemplating what Seoul would be like. It would be different, too different. I wouldn't be able to function normally because of the overwhelming disparity. I imagined buildings - buildings that were tall, constructed from concrete and glass tiles. I imagined prestigious, historical temples and wide, crowded roads.

Honestly, I didn't know what to expect.

From Hoseok's photos, it was nothing like I had seen before; flamboyant-colored lights were rare in the village. At night-time, everything would be dark since everyone would be asleep. What caught my eye were the skyscrapers, piercing the sky, pointing to space with their staggering, modern architecture. It amazed me how other cities already developed with their advanced technology and design. I always wondered how they could do it.

Absently, my sight focused on the scenery outside the window; the sun was setting, its orange-red streaks lowering down from the horizon. There were a few seagulls peacefully flying around, their shadows emanating from the twilight. Even from here, I could hear the water swishing underneath as the boat thrusted forward. Abruptly, a piercing squawk resounded through the glass panes, making me wince at the grating eruption. It somehow reminded me of home.

My elbows leaned on the windowsill as I scrutinized the landscape.

Woah, it did look like home.

Instantly, I remembered the view that I always used to wake up to. The birds, the sky, the beach, and the sea. In some way, it felt like ages ago, even thought it hadn't even been a full day yet. My hand cupped my cheeks as I goggled at the setting wonderingly.

"I miss you." I didn't know who, or what, I was directing it to, but reminiscence quickly fulfilled me.

For the rest of my time, I just gazed and gazed at the seascape. This might've been my only source of home before I would be in Seoul.

Hoseok's POV

"Want a snack-"

I halted my tracks as I saw Y/N's backside slouching tiredly on the windowsill. My grip onto the snack packaging tightened. I tried not to produce any noise. She looked focused, all her consciousness on the grand scenery beyond her. Scampering mutedly, I climbed onto the bed, stationing myself a meter away from her.

"Hello?" I waved my hands casually, hoping she would notice me through her peripheral vision.

But she still continued daydreaming.

I shifted closer to her, attempting to not create a ruckus. Eventually, I earned a decent view of the landscape.

A navy hue smeared the sky, yet darker shades were splotched further away. I could only perceive a thin line of sunshine on the horizon. Puny stars started to evolve from afar, their white glows already complementing the time of day.

It really looked like Y/N's home.

I rotated my head to face her, but her awareness was all on the view once again. With my pointer finger, I prodded her full cheeks. I gave multiple tries, yet she was still frozen as ever. In defeat, I huffed sharply, about to exit the cabin until I concluded with an ingenious idea.

"The gramophone." I murmured, looking at the vintage machine with cocked eyebrows.

I strolled towards the instrument, bewildered on how to turn it on. Instinctively, I revolved the handle with my hand with minimal strength. When my arms were barely tired, I stopped and pondered about what I should do next.

"Think." I grumbled to myself, scratching my head, "Oh yes! The cashier told me to...mmm, that seems quite right."

As I adjusted the device, the disc started to spin swiftly in circles, almost making me dizzy. Distracted by the speedy whirls, I subconsciously placed the needle until it touched the surface of the disc.

"AH!" I yelped at the sudden music, dispersing from the immense horn.

The rhythm sounded almost strident, yet the tempo was slow and steady. It had no lyrics, just various, heavy instruments playing in the background.

"Hoseok, what are you-" I turned around to spot Y/N, appearing quite irked at the commotion.

" with me." I subliminally insisted, already having my arms opened wide.

"I can't dance-"

"I'll help you." I added, tilting my head at her before she failingly sighed.

"So, how do I do this?" She asked, looking at me obediently.

"I'm more into street and hip-hop but," I captured her in my arms; my hands planted on her waist as I adjusted hers around my neck, "It seems to suit a slow dance."

Stiffly, we started dancing. We took tiny steps, interchanging between left and right. After a while, we got used to the melody, our treads becoming quicker yet more sleek. Y/N chuckled at the progression as her forehead leaned forward to touch mine. The clasp of her hands around my neck pulled me closer to her, our noses nuzzling tenderly.

"Let's change it up a bit." I proposed, gently letting her go, "Even any kind of bounce is fine."

Promptly, I performed a free-style dance to the beat as she faintly chortled at my moves. She nodded her head to the tune, dazzled by my sharp motions.

"Woah." All of her eyes were on me, "You're...good."

In return, I beamed, quite heartened by her compliment.

That was quite rare to hear.

After a while, she joined in. In wild, erratic hops, she swayed her entire body, hips swinging effortlessly to the music. I had never seen her with this much energy - but I wasn't complaining. Seeing her enjoying herself instantly created a fluttering sensation in me. I indulged this sensation.

"I like the feeling of being with you." I declared, causing her to become flustered.

" too..."

"Also, I have a treat for you in a week. I hope you'll like it..." My cheeks flushed, almost forgetting to notify her before I noted her eyes expanding in anticipation.

"What is it?!" She hastily stopped dancing, impatiently nudging my shoulders.

"Next week." I teased, just at the moment the music faded into silence.

A/N: Spot the Just Dance lyrics ;)

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