Dawn | 25

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Doing nothing.

That was what I had been doing for over a week. I haven't even spoken a word to Hoseok since we left Seoul. Whenever he would start a conversation, I would avoid him and move somewhere else in the boat. I didn't want to ignore him, but my stubbornness always got the best of me.

I just wanted this trip to hurry up...

"Don't go."

I shifted my head backwards, seeing Hoseok with his eyes closed and a groggy clasp on my wrist. Using all of my strength, I tried to escape his grip, but he would apply more pressure in every attempt. I moaned in malaise when I endlessly wrestled with his clinging hand.

"Don't go." He repeated lowly before heaving me back down to the bed, so I was lying right next to him. A louder, irritated wail departed my lips, eliciting Hoseok to snicker.

I glared at him for a moment before rotating my head away, not wanting him to be in my line of sight.

"Baby, look at me." For some odd reason, I obeyed.

When I flipped my whole body around, I noticed his cheerful face; from his crescent-shaped eyes to his toothy beam. His signature dimples were in display, near his smile that endearingly crinkled his cheeks.

It was already dawn, but it seemed brighter inside the boat than the sun in the horizon.

"Let me go!" I giggled along as his arms found his way around my back, enveloping me into his warmth. I would hate to admit it, but I felt comfortable; it felt so familiar, but unfamiliar...

"Say that again." A small glint kindled in his orbs and his voice went higher, like he was genuinely happy.

"Let me go!" I twisted my face, trying to withdraw myself from him, pushing his chest away, "Let me go!"

Then he released his grasp on me, causing me to flop heavily on the other side of the bed. I let out a gasp of surprise and lightly hit his forearm, to which he responded by returning it back.

"I never thought you'll actually let go!" I crossed my arms, giving my best pout, but somehow his expression changed.

He looked more serious and emotional. His eyes were brimming with tears as a pale red pervaded their way through. His lips were still quirked into a smile, a bittersweet smile.

I was puzzled by the sudden change, so I immediately hugged him back. Head buried into his neck, I stroked his hair and rocked ourselves along with the rhythm of the boat. Within a few seconds, he began to caress my hair up and down gently with the exact same tempo. A breathy cough was heard when I smiled against his neck, as he was probably ticklish to my small movement.

"I missed you."


Did I hear that right?

I widened my eyes in bewilderment, lifting my head up to face him. He tried to hide his tears, wiping them hastily with his already damp sleeve, but they continued to sluice out. Light hiccups were emitted every now and then as he jerked in my arms, sometimes startling me.

"What do you mean?" I grinned consolingly, once again encasing myself into his neck, giving him nimble pecks to calm him down. He juddered in his place, now guffawing in his loudest and smiling in his brightest.

"St-stop!" He sounded out of breath whilst his legs stomped the bed bouncily, making the blankets creased and knotted, "I'll tell you!"

"Go on then." I let go of him and he respired longly as I gazed dreamily, waiting for him.

"I just missed your voice, I haven't heard it in such a long time. I haven't noticed how attractive it is-"

"You're so corny." I playfully slapped his thigh before he smacked my leg harder, causing me to squeal, "Fiddlesticks!"

"There she is! Y/N, where have you been?" A pillow was already placed in front of him as he anticipated another outburst.

"She's. Not. Here. Right. Now." I found the nearest cushion before thrashing his head forcibly at each word. 

Defending himself, Hoseok used his own pillow and aimed towards my head. I shrieked everytime he managed to hit me roughly, but his shrieks would've been louder whenever I did it back. The blankets were now a morose pile at the end of the bed as we both endlessly pranced around, the remaining pillows finding their way to the floor.

Piping screams and soft thumps were the only sounds in the boat, maybe even loud enough for the birds outside to hear.

The aftermath was a mess.

I didn't know that the cushions were stuffed with feathers. The cabin was now a fluffy cloud as feathers invaded every part of the room, a bothersome clean-up for us afterwards.

Hoseok was beside me, collecting the ones already on the bed before sloppily flinging them inside the pillowcase. His face contorted in indignation whenever he saw me idling and marvelling at the seascape from the window.

"Can you help me?" He said through gritted teeth, a hint of playful contempt in his voice, "You've been lazing about for the past ten minutes."

I turned my head to the left, witnessing Hoseok snatching the few feathers under the bed and tossing them into the case, not noticing some falling onto the ground again. As I chortled mutedly, he tilted his head in confusion, but I tried to remain silent, glancing back to his pillow. My laughter exacerbated when I realized that the open end was facing the floor, the feathers plummeting down without Hoseok's awareness.

"What is it?" He asked me and I pointed at the increasing stack of feathers below him, "Oh shit! Help me!"

I rolled my eyes at him and jumped off the bed, producing a vibration on the ground unintentionally. Consequently, some of the feathers from the pile scattered around the place, eliciting Hoseok to bellow at my mishap.



Kneeling down in front of the chaos, I fetched some in my palm before setting them down on the bed, whereas Hoseok speedily stuffed them inside the case. I looked at it, furrowing my eyebrows in slight distaste at the obvious bumps and clumps poking out.

"What is it?" He eventually noticed me gawking weirdly at the pillow, "What's wrong with it?"

"Oh, it's nothing."

"You're so confusing sometimes." He shook his head, chucking more feathers and enlarging the lumps with no care, "Hey, I'm glad that you're finally talking to me, I thought I would never hear you speak again."

"You know how I am." I gave a small smile as he reciprocated the action, "I kind of missed you too..."

"And I've been wondering, do you want to see Vi again? You know, to get some food and snacks?"

"Um...not really..." I frowned once Hoseok sulked at my answer, "I just want to get home as soon as possible, you know how Father is like."

"Yeah, you're right. Hopefully, there won't be any thunderstorms in our way..."

A/N: Foreshadowing?

Only three more chapters till the end 😬 I would like to know what you guys think too!

Thank you so much for reading and have a good day ❤❤

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