1. Parting Ways

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1. Parting Ways
"Fawza!" Hayim was now raising his voice above his usual level as he was so desperate for her to turn around and hear him out. But all in vain, she paid no heed to his existence, talk less of his shouts. He started jogging and reached her in a matter of seconds, trying to hold her hand with the kind of gentle touch they shared when all was fine.
"What..?" She moved away from his touch turning around to face him. "You have nothing to tell, just go away. All..."
"I, I can explain." He gathered the strength to counter her before adding. "It's just that I have to take the chance. What if it's my only chance of going out there?" His head was down with his last statement more of an excuse than a question.
This was when Fawza realised that his explanation will never be what she expected and he is not thinking of changing his mind. "I see" she spat the words out. Her heart heavy and eyes dark, every other girl would have cried over this, but Fawza was the kind of the strongest personalities one can ever meet. No matter what the situation is, she'll either have a smiley or straight face, nothing has ever broke her down as she believe that humans are stronger and tougher than anything, be it physical or emotional. Hayim has only seen her cry once throughout the two years they have been together, which was at the time of her father's death.
He was motionless and just stood at his spot staring as she turned and walked over to a nearby taxi. She is the one thing he can sacrifice everything in this world and beyond to have. But the only thing he can now do was to wonder why he's letting her slip through his fingers.
After the events of first university year, he gave it his all to be with her and has never pulled back from that time, she was his paradise and warzone, through dark and light, tears and laugher. They had each other's back and were always there for each other. But the one thing that has always tried to come between them was Miss Sumayya and it finally looked like that was set to happen. After all the sacrifice, sweat and tears, sickness and pain, just for staying true to their heart desires, how can she understand something so crazy like this. He's throwing everything away just because of some football promise that might not even be true.
After what seem to be an eternity just standing to watch her leave. He set back for house to take a shower, dress up, and carry his luggage. After all, he has made up his mind to leave his family, and the University studies, which was his final year, just to pursue a footballing career. He cant let anything stop him, not even the thought of living without Fawza or the sleepless nights he has spent thinking about letting her go. The plan is to be over there, get a team and come back for her as soon as possible.
"Already there" by westlife started on his phone and he picked it up to see Miss Sumayya calling. "Hi, am ready, where are you please?" He questioned into the phone. "Right in front of your house, darling". Her reply sounding so sweet to his ears, may be he'll not feel so lonely after all.
They drove to the airport, pass all the formalities and flew. "Everything for football" he whispered to himself, but still got a smirk from Miss Summayya, who turned her head away with a wicked smile.

That's It "Famous"... The Fame Returns and this is the first chapter. Let me know how you guys feel about it in the comments below.

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