6. The Test

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Hayim's POV

I woke up in the house I was used to, which was dark as always. But I can only tell that it's mid day after looking through the window, which was confirmed by the clock in an instant. The pain of hunger tearing through my stomach hit me and the memories of the night out came back to me. This was worse than all the times I have ever been hungry. How long have I been unconscious? Have I been waking up occasionally as the time passed by? I have none of those answers so I just have to think of where food will come from. I stood up and paced to the door, but can't open it because it was locked. After trying my best to break it, which was all in vain, I gave up hitting the floor with a thud. The movement of something, no someone in the corner of the room got my attention. It was miss Sumayya waking up from a slumber due to the noise I was making trying to open the door.
"Hey" she rushed to me with a concerned look on her face. "What have they done to you?" She added as she came to hold me up.
I was so angry and trying to shout at her, but didn't have the energy to even talk. My mouth was open but only short breaths were coming out.
"It has been four days, I was sick worried you are just going to die like that" She wiped a tear from her face before reaching for a bottle of water to let me take a sip. She told me the keys were with Pablo's men and they only brought food at nights. But I didn't care about the food anymore, I just wanted to be back at home, no matter what the deal is.

It was three days after I woke up from the black out, and Pablo was showing up to finalize our deal. We heard keys chuckling at our door before it revealed the Devil after opening.
"Hey Woman, a business turned into love" he started with the usual smirk on his face. "It's obvious this boy mean something to you. You should have taken another path, but choose to stick here and be a nurse, haha. I bet you look like one" The way she's looking at him, I can tell that the laughter pierce through her heart, making her hate the situation at hand with every inch of her soul. But it's her fault no acting will erase that.
"So" I started and all the attention turned to me, I can see her relieved posture through the side of my eyes. "What's wrong with you? Will you talk business or keep making meaningless noise like an old broken radio receiver?" I added trying my best to sound commanding. I got the hint from Miss Sumayya that acting tough around him will give us the best chance we can have.
"You took the dust and here you are trying to act Stone Cold, it was a test"
"Did I pass?" I asked
"No sane person will take that at deal points. If anything, it proved to her that I was right when I said you are not ready yet, but I like it that you are ready to take risks".
"To hell with the risks. When am I taking my stuff home" It was not mine in the literal sense, but I feel like I need to act like I was all in.
"Keep those passports in place, you are leaving tomorrow. Just make sure you did not disappoint." And with that, he turned to leave. But before he's at the door, Miss Sumayya jogged to his side, whispered some words and the two of them walked out leaving me with his body guards, may be goons in the room.
After some few minutes, she returned and all the guys left with Pablo, the so called Devil.
"Hey, what's up? We are leaving tomorrow" I told her as I noticed the shift in her mood. But before she utter any word, she broke down into sobs, and eventually tears. I held her shoulders trying to calm her down, and with the end of my sleeve, I wiped the tears that have already formed a fast flowing river on her cheeks.
After taking some time comforting her, she began. "I never wanted to brought you into this, but they have my father, and will only let go of him if they have you"
"But why me? Do you mean me specifically?" I have never been as confused in my life. Drugs are the things I hated the most, how can I be wanted by any drug dealer. This made sense only in a world where fishes drown from being suffocated by water.
"Fifteen years ago, Pablo was the worst and most dangerous drug dealer in Nigeria, sponsored by many politicians and protected by them. But your father, working in the police department, made a plan with my Father, Mr. Isma'il to bring Pablo down. So, my father worked as an undercover agent, infiltrated them and destroyed them from within. While your father handled all the cases and blocked any political interference, hence sending Pablo to jail.
But after a year, he was released and attacked my father, framing his death while he kidnapped him all the way here. He want to have you, and extract his revenge on your father." She choked from the sobs forming in her throat and all I can see is the person I have believed to be nothing but a demon for the past few days becoming nothing short of an angel.
"Hey, it's gonna be fine" I tried to hold her with assurance of what I said but she pushed me away.
"I will never let you come back here, and he'll only let My father go if you return for your delivery and second deal"
I can feel all the hope in my heart dissipate because I can never go back to that place. But I still want to save her, I want to make sure all is well with her.
"Did you know where your Father is?" I asked
"We'll only leave this country with him"

Fawza's POV
Everyone was talking about The College Talent Competition the next day at school but all I want to do is rehearse for my songs. After spending the weekend at home, I have surely missed some much needed practicing time and I had to made up for it. But meeting Abdul, Ruky, and the rest right after my session made my day from exhausting to boring. It was so funny how all of them are trying to slice my throat open for hanging around Sulaiman too much. I do liked him, and as Layla, the only one in support said, he seemed to like me as well even if we were not a couple. But it is just a start and I always feel happy around him.
"That's the one I've been looking for" It was Layla's voice and they came to join me in the hallway. Seeing all the boys with her, I know there will be a little drama. So, I sight, smiled and cheerfully welcomed them.
"Hey guys, how's your weekend here at school?"
"Never nice with you away" Khaleel said.
"Haha, you don't mean that, do you?" I countered. Khalil of all people love to have fun, especially with Abdul around. All they need is to find some lower class girls and fill them with boastful stories about how we always ruled the campus.
"Had to admit that your friend is nice" Sageer chimed in, and winked at me when I looked at him.
"He mean Sulaiman" Layla answered before Sageer can open his mouth to talk. "I've told you guys, he's a nice guy" She added now looking  at anyone not named Fawza, and then continued. "He asked about you at the movies last night and then invited us to a game tonight. I promised that you will be there" She finished off sarcastically stressing the 'there'.
"I don't understand you two going to the movies without inviting us." I turned to see Khalil suspiciously glaring holes through Sageer's face.
"Me either." Ruky's words seemed to annoy Layla more who was waiting for me to answer if I will go the game or not.
"Finally, it's been over a year in the making. I hereby announce the latest couples to you, Layla and Sageer" Who will say this words other than Abdul. Everyone turned to them in search of answers. The way they were so close for the past few months, you can suspect something is going on between those two.
"I am hurt, why don't you guys tell us?" I asked trying to sound disappointed.
"Is it true? Oh My God, am so happy for you guys" Ruky sounded so excited. After Layla's last break up from second year, Ruky was the one always pushing for her to open up and enjoy herself more.
"We just keep it low key so that we can work on ourselves" Layla finally confirmed it before turning to smile at Sageer, who kissed the tip of her nose. Awn, this is so sweet to see. I have to be at the game, I want to see Sulaiman so that we can make a progress.
"And Your friend can really talk, he's so nice" Sageer repeated before adding. "Are you going to the game?"
"Oh Yeah!"

That's it for the sixth chapter Famous, don't forget to comment, like and vote. Love you all.

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