9. Everything has changed

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Fawza's POV

It has been two days since the drama at the fun park. I was having a day off from school and I decided to stay in for the whole day even though my friends were going out to the Campus. The past few days had been very busy for both of me and Suleiman, preparing for the Annual Universities Events. There is only a month left and our final exams were in three weeks time, but I have to relieve some of all the stress on me to be fully ready for what is coming up. I heard my phone ring beside the pillow, it was Sulaiman calling.
"Assalam" he greeted.
"Wassalam" I answered but he blurted into laugher at the other end.
"What? I said What" I added curious to what was going on, although I would love it if he continued laughing.
"Please don't tell me that you are just waking up" He did not answer my question but I understood the reason for his laugher.
I then looked at the clock and it was already three in the evening to my surprise. Spending all these hours in bed, I guess that was the reason I have been feeling so hungry.
"Just have to rest a little, now that I have a day off" I answered.
"Let me come join you in the bed" he teased still laughing.
"I am getting off bed dear, have to put something in my stomach" We continued talking over the phone for a while before he asked where I would be going that night. To my delight, he was planning to take me out to help him select a new football boot at Jifatu stores. He was so happy when I told him that I and the girls were going to get some supplies from the same store.

Later that night, Suleiman showed up at our apartment to pick us all up. I pulled Laila with me and meet him smiling while standing by his Car in front of our apartment.
"Ready?" I shouted to Ruky who was still in her room finalizing her make up.
"Just a Minute!" She answered and I looked up to Suleiman's face to see his reaction.
He was busy looking at me while I was shouting and the butterflies come up in my stomach once we locked eyes. We were smiling without a word when Layla cleared her throat notifying that she was still at the spot.
We both burst into laugher looking at her.
"We are not going to make out dear" The confused face she gave made me clarify things. Sulaiman made an annoyed face and I smacked his chest.
Ruky appeared after about fifteen minutes all flashy. To be honest, I hated the heavy make up on her face. I am the kind that doesn't fancy such stuff. All I apply is a light powder, eyeliner and a lip gloss.
"Wow....! You look so amazing Dear" I was the first to complement the make up but something gave me out.
"Don't lie, you don't mean it" She replied turning to Layla.
"How do I look?" She started making faces trying to look more beautiful than she already was.
"Sadik is not here, let's not waste more of our time." I interrupted pulling Ruky into the car before Layla said a thing. From the look of things, she too was tired of waiting.


There were just too many boots to choose from the shelf. Green, Orange, Lemon, White and many other colours. The most notable brands were Nike and Adidas.
"How about this?" Suleiman asked us but were all taken aback. How on earth can someone fancy a black boot, when there are too many other beautiful colours.
"No way!" Ruky said before adding "You cant be picking this thing" His face looked disappointed.
"This is the latest Umbro launch girls!" He said looking back at the shoe.
"But it's not beautiful" Ruky replied and I gave her a face.
"Babe, this is beautiful if you like it" I said.
"Do you like it?" He asked me.
"If you do. Girls like colours you know" I added and he smiled at me.
He picked a similar boot which was purple in colour and all of us approved of it this time around.
"Its all about the fitting, quality, and brand to us boys". He giggled and I took the boots off his hand.
The Night went by so fast, we got so many supplies for the month, went and had dinner over at Flavours.

"You sure?" Sulaiman asked through the phone.
"Okay" He added before hanging off and starting the car for us to go home.
Some Afro music was all over the speakers as we were driving back home. My Man was driving so fast but I can manage to fall asleep. That was what I call him now, "my Man" wink.
The sound of tires screeching from the break woke me up.
"What?" I asked but no one answered and everyone ran out of the car the moment it stopped.
I opened my door and ran after them, it looked like we've hit something.
My heart stopped at the sight in front of my eyes. I was dizzy and feel like all the air has left my lungs. Unconscious, injured, blood over his face. Laying there on the spot was Hayim.

Hayim's POV

I woke up to a very bright light. It was blinding my eyes painfully but not half as painful as my left shoulder and ribs. My head was also heavy from some bandages and everything was smelling hospital. Oh, I then realised that I was in a hospital, which was confirmed after my eyes adjusted to the lights and I could see a Nurse, drip stand and some people all standing over me.
"Easy, don't move" Someone said to me the moment I tried to raise my head from the pillow.
"It will be fine, I've got you" Another voice said to me. This time I recognised the person speaking, the voice, the melody it usually carries, I have missed that so much.
It was Fawza sitting on the other side of the bed. I tilted my head a little to her side and faced her.
"I....." I started but a lump in my throat forced me to stop. It was so painful just opening my mouth to speak. I guess my neck is also injured or something like that. "I've missed you" I forced myself to force through the pain and finally say.
"Don't stress yourself, you have to rest". She said to me with a smile and I just stared blankly into her eyes. My heart was searching for something but it was too deep in my brain to know what it is. I just missed her face. I could spend a whole eternity looking at that face of hers.
"If you can excuse us please" The Nurse said and they all started to leave the room.
I motioned to call for Fawza to wait behind but she just smiled and shut the door behind her.
"Who's that girl?" The Nurse seemed to be curious. I smiled off his question. He brought some pills from the bedside locker, gave me some to take and injected something into the drip.
"You'll get some more rest now" he said while he wrote something into a file before adding. "You will need it".

*******  ***********

I can't say how long I have slept when I woke up to some noise. My mother was in the room, My Dad, Miss Sumayya, her Dad, Fawza, Sageer, and all my friends were also there.
"He's awake" Fawza, who was sitting at my bed side said, directing her words to the rest of the people in the room. My father was all smiles but I was still angry at him. Mom and him came over, wished me well and told me how happy they were that I did not sustain any serious injury. The major injury was a bruised rib which could heal up in a week or two.
My friends also wished me well, some bringing some stuff. I picked Fawza's hand, craving for it's warmth and she squeezed mine a little. I noticed her eyes going off me to another guy who was also there to check up on my health.
"Oh, I know this guy" I thought to myself. He was from the football team. Suleiman, that was his name. Even though we were not that close, but I respect him as a man and a footballer, he was really good at football.
His face showed a little disapproval and I felt Fawza withdrew her hand from mine the moment I started caressing it. Looking at her, I knew something was wrong. She avoided locking eyes with me and just walked out of the room.
"What is going on?" I directed it to her but Sageer came over to me shushing me. "Don't shout, it will put stress on your ribs".
"Now you tell me" I said to him
"Tell me what is going on?"
He just smiled and told me everything was fine. Looking at all their faces, something was afoot, they were hiding things.
My Family, Miss Sumayya, her family, the girls all left in the evening. Later that night, I pleaded with the boys to tell me what was wrong with Fawza. Why was she looking at Suleiman like that. They all hesitated until I finally gave up.
"You can't just disappear like that, come back and find things the way you left them" Khalil said as they were about to leave the hospital that night. "Everything has changed" he added.

Hi Famous Dudes, this is the 9th chapter. I am really sorry it took a while. I hope you enjoyed reading it. After his heroic acts in the previous chapter, Hayim is now about to hit Rock Bottom, health, Family, Friends and Fawza...

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