3. Starting Again

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3. Starting
*Hayim's POV*
I woke up in a very strange room that I have never seen its like before. It was very dark even though the wall clock reads 10:42 in the morning. I guess I overslept because of our somewhat tiring duty settling in yesterday. We didn't carry any of the bags or whatever, but arranging the room after the flight was demanding, I have to admit. After landing safely, some men all dressed in black suits came over and had some words with Miss Sumayya before carrying our bags and gave us a ride to the creepy house I have just woke up in. They are all black, as in black skinned to my surprise. I was actually expecting some white men as we were said to be in portugal. I have had a few video calls with a man whose name I have forgotten, who was said to be a coaching staff at Famalicão FC. Miss Sumayya used to connect us on her account and she told me that there was a trial in place that I should attend.
I turned my head to the side to see her looking at me, lost in some thoughts God knows, but a smile formed on her face. I cant tell what it was actually for, so I smiled back at her.
"Good Morning Miss Sumayya" I was first to greet her and she just gave out a little chuckle.
"Come here" she said afterwards, while kneeling in front of me. "You can call me Sumy" My eyes narrowed to her lips and I gave her a peck, pulling back immediately.
"Sumy, My Sumy" I said and echoed myself in one breathe. This is all she wanted after all and I have to pay her back after all the good she has done for me, even though my heart only beats for Fawza. Her eyes widen a little when I pulled back and she egded closer to me, taking my hand in hers.
"She's still in your head, isnt she?" It was a question she already know the answer to, even though I have tried my best to play along, but the face is always a mirror for the heart.
"We will go out tonight and you'll get to meet Pablo" she added when I didn't say a word. Well, that really got into my head and filled me with excitement.
"You mean Pablo Di Niro? The Coach" I exclaimed and all she did was nod at me before our lips meet again, this time deeper with a little hunger. Snuggle, chuckle and blankets cover.

*Fawza's POV*
My week came to pass in a flash with the overload of lectures and meetings with Prof. Binta, my project supervisor. Final year was really the most demanding you can come across in a college life. I wanted to get over him but I still wish he's around to help me cool off a bit when things got too much. May be am just selfish, may be I shouldn't be mad at him for following his dream, but that whore, that dirty scumbag is the reason I hate it all. Well, he's with another woman already and may be I have to play someone to get over it as well.
"Hey, Fawza". i heard someone call my name. "Thinking thinking, what's wrong with you?". Ohh, its Sagir that pulled me out my thoughts.
I asked them out to talk about the college's best baller leaving without his parents knowing. So, here I am with Laila, Ruky, Abdul and Sagir on a saturday evenning, in the sports complex and everyone save Ruky, is waiting to hear what I have to say.
"Just too much stuff this semester you know." I played it off and I can see the smirk on Ruky's face, she knew well I have other things to think about.
"I wasn't expecting to see you guys around now that Mr. Love is gone." Abdul tried to joke into the conversation and the Sagir asked what the urgent meeting is all about.
Ruky started telling them about meeting Hayims parent the other day and how it appeared that they weren't aware of his adventure overseas.
"Hey' am late, sorry." We all raise to see Khalil with some random girl I believe to be his new girlfriend. The boy wear them girls like shirts.
"Sit boy, we're just getting started." Sagir said before telling him what we're talking about.
"Holla, I see you got a new ride." Abdul said and smiled at Khalil referring to the girl that just left. I rolled my eyes before noticing Laila sending some angry glares at them.
"Sorry Ma'am" They said in unison which was a little amazing before raising both hands in surrender, but I hate these two for how much of players they are. One of the thing I love most about Hayim is that, even though he's the Most popular guy in the college, the social director and football team captain, he never play girls. They rush on him and everything but it seems he never notice, its only fun for the time, that half smile and a thank you.
Ruky continued and told them that we sat there to decide if to tell his parents.
"Well, its not our own mess to clean" Laila said before adding. "Why does it even matter?" She hates that he left me and always encourage me to explore life and move on. She's so independent and I believe that she's right whe she said boys dont know what they want.
"Hey, what is with you and him? Shut up." Khalil barked out glaring at Layla but Sagir speak up before she get to answer him.
"Am tired of saving this boy, I've told him that I will play no role in whatever he do there" he said looking at us all. He has warned him to tell his parents but he didnt, and I can relate to that.
"But he's our friend and we need to do what is right." Ruky tried to reason with us all but before I or Abdul say anything.
"I will tell Alhaji Yakubu if you guys can't" Sadik's voice, he's sure here for Ruky after their phone call. Being a close cousin to Hayim, he surely has every right to tell his parent what's wrong and protect his family...

*Hey dudes, I love you so much. This is the third chapter, comment what you think about the story so far below, Thanks xxxxxx*

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