8. Why? Just Why?

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8. Why? Just Why?

Fawza's POV
I hate alarms, especially those I did not set.
"Girl just stop this alarm for goodness sake if you can't wake up" I said to Layla who was still busy sleeping as if the alarm was never ringing. Do this girl even have ears? The way she sleeps like a stone is just out this world. I reached for her bed side clock to stop the alarm but the time got me. We have over slept, it was already nine in the morning and we have to attend some lecture at that exact time. I just ran to the bathroom after pulling off her blanket, had a quick shower, entered my room and ready myself in a flash. The lock on Ruky's room door tells that she had left for school alone already. After what seems like an eternity waiting for Layla to finish getting ready, she appeared in front of me, posed, and asked; "How do I look?"
I just pulled her with me and headed for the door without saying a thing, and off we went to lectures.

Layla dialed Ruky's number a few times but she wasn't picking her phone. It was after almost an hour that she called and told us that she was with Sadik, who happened to be looking for me. We meet up at Ramat Hostel Car Park and my girl was all smiles when she saw us, same goes with her man. I was still angry that he told Hayim's parents, because they would respect me less if they found out that I knew about his adventure.
"Assalam girls" he greeted us once we reached hearing distance. He was classy as always and I have to admit, life after school can make one look really better.
"Wassalam Sadik" we greeted back.
"Its nice meeting you girls, I hope you have some free time to spend"
I answered him yes while avoiding eye contact.
"Shall we go grab lunch?" Ruky asked. That was when I remembered that she left her car back at home.
"So, you picked her in the morning?" I didn't know why I asked, just curious.
"Yeah, I'm treating you to a meal if you dont mind" Sadik said with a smile while holding hand with Ruky, who was just looking at every movement of his mouth. Shit, this girl is thirsty.

Later at Mama's Kitchen, Sadik told us that he has not told Alhaji Yakubu about his son, which I was glad to hear.
"But there is a little problem" He added. "Hayim's phone has been off for almost a week, and I am afraid that something might have gone wrong".
I then realised that I have not been getting missed calls from him, but my assumption was that he has moved on. Now that no one can reach him, it must be a bigger problem.
"We should visit his parents" I suggested.
"But when?" Layla asked.
His dad was very disappointed and had to hide it from his mom to protect her from breaking down. We left after Sadik tried his best to calm him down, telling him that it will be fine.
Suleiman has been practicing most of the time that I was worried if he's studying enough. He called me after one of his morning sessions and asked if I have some minutes. Happy, I told him that I was free for the day and asked him to meet at our Fun Park.
"Hey handsome, welcome." I heard a girl saying and raising my head up from the phone, I could see that she was welcoming my captain who hugged her and she kissed the side of his cheek. Some few more girls followed suit. Being the jealous type I was, my mood instantly changed but I was able to contain myself.
"Assalam Beautiful" he rushed to where I was sitting, smiling with his face so bright.
"Sweet to see you Boo" I replied with a fake smile, but he noticed something.
"Are you alright" he asked while pulling me for a hug.
"Am fine, just that you looked tired" i covered it up and he told me he'll be fine with a smile.
We started talking about their Football Competition and my Music practice, but it was not long before I asked.
"Who are those girls...?"
"Ohh, never mind, they are just side chicks" He replied as I it was nothing important.
"New girl, you think you any better than us?" The girl that first welcomed him chimed in and I just kept wondering how did this bitch heard what we were talking about. Did she mean what she said that am not any better than them to him? Am i going to be just another side chick? The feeling hurt, and I was filled with rage, ready to spit fire on them all, and the moment I opened my mouth to talk...
"You better shut the fuck up bitch. No one is like Fawza, am ready to open up my heart to her and no one dare mess that up" It was Suleiman talking to her, and I stood there staring. She opened her mouth to talk again, but his shout, like a lions roar was enough to keep her shut. I was amazed. Smiling, I just hugged my boo from behind so happy that he was ready to stand up for me.

Hayim's POV
After a very exhausting flight, we landed at Aminu Kano Airport a few minutes shy of three o'clock in the afternoon. We were fortunately successful in hiding Mr. Isma'il every now and then in the plane to avoid any unwanted attention. I hated that we have to pass through the security checks.
"Hey, what's in there?" An officer asked and I just pushed the two bags we had in front of him. He zipped the bigger one open and started searching it. I then remembered the drugs in Sumy's duffel bag and motioned to pick it up.
"What are you trying to do?" Oh my God! The officer faced me with a stern look. What do I tell him? Words, words, words. No word came, he was only few feet away and getting closer. Come on, I have to say something, I've only got seconds.
"He's taking my phone out sir" Miss Sumy said as he picked the bag. He opened, dipped his hand inside and brought the phone out.
"Okay, all clear" The officer said and I could feel a breeze of fresh air taking over my already sweaty body.
We took a taxi to Miss Sumayya's house and her father asked me to stay behind for some days.
"I want to get better, so I will call your father and tell him all that happen" he said.
"It's fine sir, may be I should go see some friends at school" I suggested. But he urged me to stay in and get better before I do anything, and I agreed.
The next day, I and miss Sumayya went out to get some supplies and I used the opportunity to get a welcome back SIM card and a phone. I lost my phone the moment I defied Pablo de Niro, then took the dust. I asked about it later when I woke up, but they have told me to forget about it.
The first thing I did was called Fawza's phone, but couldn't get answered and so I gave up after the millionth try. May be I'll have to wait until am back at school, may be I'll have to see her in person.

"You know, I thought you were in love with me" I started while we were preparing dinner that day.
"Really?" Sumy sounded awkward in her response.
"Sure, you spending money for me, taking me out and stuff" I continued and she just kept smiling like I am some little kid.
"What I need you for is greater than love. Am sorry I used you"
"It's alright Sumy, you have a big heart." I assured her that it was okay.
"You know, I've started to like you. You have a girl" She said still smiling.
"What if I don't?"
My new phone started to ring before she could answer my question. It was Sadik calling and the way he was talking, his questions got me emotional and I just started crying.
"Am at miss Sumayya's" was the only thing I was able to say and she cupped my face in her hands.
"We are home Hayim, we are fine. So stop crying please, I've got you" She was one of the best at calming me down, chasing away my fears and making me feel free again.

Before our dinner, My Father showed up at the house, Sadik has told him I guess. But they didn't know what happened over there. I have to hide it.
"My father cant know about what happened there" I said without knowing who I was specifically directing the words to.
"Its okay, just calm down" Mr Ismael, Sumy's father said to me.
My dad rushed and tightly hugged me the moment the door was opened, it was as tight as his grips when he was teaching me some fight moves as a kid. He took longer than usual to let go of me and I can feel someone join in the hug. It was Mr. Ismael.
"Dad, I..... " He smiled, telling me that he was proud of me and went to a respectable distance to talk with Mr. Ismael.
I went back to Sumy to let them talk.
"Is he going to tell my Dad" I asked her.
"Your dad knew it all, it was all planed" She replied and I felt like all the air inside of me got soaked out. How on earth can he plan something like this? What if I got killed? I felt betrayed, used, untrusted. Didn't he trust me enough to tell me what was going on. With the questions in my head, I overheard him saying that he knew I can do it.
"Why? Dad why?" I shouted at him and just sprinted through the door, out into the darkness of the night, and off I went.

Fawza and Suleiman are just getting closer, but where is Hayim going to in the night?
I love this Part 8 so much and it was emotionally hard writing some of the paragraphs (wink), I hope you guys liked it as well. Comment your thoughts and let me know what you feel. Love You All

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