10. Another Chance

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Fawza's POV
His eyes, his hands, his deep voice, that little smile of his were something of a fantasy. Or may be am just reminiscing over things we had in the past. Seeing him got hit by our car almost ran me crazy, after all, he's still our friend, my friend. More than that, he's still my boyfriend in his head. It felt unfair to not tell him that we were done as partners when he used to call. But I too was not sure if I and Suleiman were dating then. The moment we started dating, we were not having phonecalls at all, he has stopped calling completely because he had Sumayya. Does that sound like he still cared? No. How does it feel visiting him in the Hospital? Got me confused. I don't know how he was feeling, but I pitied him so much.
The sound of my phone pulled me out of my thoughts to see Rukayya's name on the screen.
"Assalam". I greeted through the phone.
"Wassalam. How are you?"
"Alright. You?"
"I am fine. Are you ready for school" Her question got me confused, it was 8:00 in the morning, and our first class for the day starts by 11:00 o'clock.
"Serious student! When has the new development started?" I sarcastically asked.
"So, you've forgotten the plans, right?"
That was when I remembered our plan to visit him in the hospital before heading to school. God! I don't want to be there again. I can't handle the emotional hurdles. One moment I'm sure am done with him, the next I want to be with him, take care of him, make him feel better. But I know Hayim well, the more he saw me, the crazier he became. So, I opted to stay away.
"No, just that I can't make it" I said.
"Why is that?" She asked and I found myself searching inside my head for some reasonable excuses.
"Music" I came up with it. To my surprise, Rukayya bought it easily.
"Okay, we meet later at school then"
"Thank you dear, pass my regards please" I requested of her, which she assured me that she'd do.

I spent the next few days trying to avoid the hospital and his calls as much as I can. His first call was all him stressing that I have to tell him about our relationship status. I wanted him to focus on his health and I too don't want any distractions from Suleiman, he was more matured, serious and someone I can plan my future with. The small rush of feelings in my mind were what kept forcing me to ignore Hayim's calls again and again because I don't want any complications. I have more important things to focus on.

Almost a week passed since the accident and I was able to get back to my Music plans. Mrs. Peace, the Music Coach has been of a great help. I wrote the needed lines to finish up my second verse. She played the beat for me and I sang not less than fifteen times before we agreed on the key, tone and rhymes. We said our goodbyes and I rushed to the football training ground to meet Suleiman.

Looking at him from the stands, he seemed a little upset from something the Trainer told him. He jogged to me with a smile the moment they were dismissed.
"How is your practice today?" He asked me as we started walking away from their training ground
"It was so great, we are done with the second verse". I was excited to let him know, so eager to sing it for him, before I added. "How is your's? What is with your Trainer?"
"He's comparing me with some incompetent kid" He sounded so bitter but instantly go back with the smiley face he always wears around me. "Let me hear your brain". God knew his words made me blush.
"Our brains, worked with the coach"
He laughed at the mention of our music coach. "Forget about Mrs. Peace, that woman is confused" It sounds so true. She can edit a line many times, and shout that it need to be changed when you go back to her again.
"Can you guess how many times we have to rewrite that verse?" I asked to continue with the banter on my coach.
"Seven?" He answered, unsure though.
"Ten!" I shouted and we both bursted into laughter. We continued talking about the upcoming Inter Universities Annual Events on the way to his car. He drove me home and left right away, telling me he was so tired from training.

Later in the evening, Rukayya called my phone saying she was at my doorsteps. I opened to find her standing with Sadik.
"We need to talk" Sadik said the moment I opened the door.
I guided them inside, offered them a drink and got ready for what they have to say.
"What is with you and Hayim please?" Sadik asked as we get inside. He was so protective of Hayim. His worried look told me that there is something wrong with Hayim.
"Nothing" I tried to play it off, but Rukayya was buying nothing of it.
"Is that why you have been avoiding him?" She asked staring into my eyes. But I avoided locking eyes with her. I can't, whatever is in my mind will escape through those eyes.
"Just busy with school"
"Too busy that a friend's health doesn't matter?" She asked again. This smart mouth of hers is going to kill me.
"See, Hayim need space. I know what I see there. The more I visit him, the sooner he understand that I have broken up with him. It is not going to be good for his health". I opened up about what I decided.
"You think that is going to help him? You think he is getting any better?" Sadik's questions got me confused.
"What do you mean?"
"When was the last time you checked up on him to know the progress? You may think your staying away is going to help, but it is actually doing more harm than good." He informed me and added that although he's physically getting better, the mental trauma is delaying his recovery.
"What do you want me to do now?" I was still confused, but ready to help whenever I was needed.
"You need to check up on him. Miss Sumayya was always there, but nothing is changing. He refused to talk and avoid some doses. He always looks stressed. So, knowing him well, we feel that your presence will help him." Their words sounded like something that can help, so I agreed to visit the next morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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