4. Changes

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4. Changes

*Hayim's POV*

The sight of Fawza's name on my phone's screen after it rang was the most welcoming sight since my somewhat adventurous departure from home. I have called her like a hundred times everyday but never got answered even once.
"Hey Zee, you don't know how much I have missed you. You didn't reply any of my Facebook messages neither pick any of my calls, I was starting to get......" My voice filled with concern and lust but she cut me off mid statement without allowing me to finish.
"Not time for that" She muted over the other end. I can sense her rolling her eyes at me but before she can add a thing.
"Come on babe, I've missed you like shit, a whole..." She cut me off once again.
"I said, not that" She said again, sounding commanding this time and I know better to let her speak this time. She never sound that way around me except when there is something worth it.
"What?" I asked and get ready to listen.
"We met your mum last week and it looked like she didn't know about your adventure." She started and I feel my heart racing, no one dare tell that shit to my Mom. She hate it when am away even from the state, so I know she can't cope with knowing am out of the nation, the continent as a whole.
"So....?" I prompted when she paused, anxious about what she has to say.
"So, we don't know if it's a good Idea to tell them or not"
"Don't you guys even think about it. Where is Sagir? I've told him not to" I tried to reason with her.
"You told him that they didn't know and not me? Babe...!" She questioned, more of a guilt appeal. She's trying to start the priority shit with me. I love her so much and I cant put something so indecisive in her head.
"It's not like that babe, just try not to let my parents know. I'll explain...." I started but before I get to where I want to stop.
"Too late, Sadik will talk to them" She cut me off with a sarcastic voice before hanging off.
"I love you" I hissed into the now off call. My heart was busy telling me to call her back, but my brain knew better not to.
"Hey there" I heard miss Sumayya's voice calling as she entered into the sitting room. The television was on but I was lost in the thoughts of my parents' reaction to me trying to mess with my school life. Talking about school, how was my reputation now? Were we still the kings of the campus after I was gone? Those questions will only be answered after my trials here.
"Hey Sumy, just woke up?" She seemed surprised at my question and moved closer, looking at my face.
"Missing someone?" I knew she was teasing and referring to Fawza.
"You know, I have not called my mom for a while" I can see her mood dropping after that simple sentence and she moved to seat next to me after I moved to offer her a space.
"You know, some try well to hide sorrow"
"What does that mean?" I asked but she smiled without answering.
"Well, the toast is ready" she gently slapped my tight and stood, sprinting towards the kitchen.
"Are you coming to my trials tonight...?" I questioned as I followed her into the kitchen.
Later that night, we drove to the Famalicão FC training ground with some Bruno Mars music playing. But I was as surprised as I was excited and had a lot of unanswered questions in my head. What team carry out trials at night? Will there be the manager and other scouts? Am I going to impress them?
After parking at the parking lot, we entered into some ruined stadium dressing room filled with a lot of rough looking men covered in tattoos. I turned around to talk with miss Sumayya but she was gone.

*Fawza's POV*

The way he talked, his voice and words sounded just like old times. I think I am going to be stuck with his thoughts if I didn't get someone new to help me get over him as Layla said.
After my final lecture of the day, I set out to join my group of friends at the usual college top crew's fun park. We have been at the head table since before Hayim was appointed the football team captain and have been bossing the park ever since. His election as the Social director only made us stronger not to mention that Ruky was Miss University for that same year and nothing can be better than that in your Final year. We were the group and, I with Hayim were the College's IT couple.
As I entered the park, I saw Sagir and Khalil exchanging words with some guys from the football team.
"It's about our table, that guy's the new captain and his guys wanna dethrone us." Layla whispered to me and looking at the guy, I remembered watching the games and he's definitely fit to be captain.
"So, that coward of a guy run away and you think you can stand up to me?" The guy questioned pointing a finger at Khalil
"You afraid of him, so better shut the f**k up." Sagir replied and I can see the other guy's face heating up with anger.
"You guys are just...." Khalil started but I interrupted before he finished.
"Hey, why not welcome the school Queen?" I asked sarcastically and they all turned to face me.
"Y.. Yo... You...? Hahaha" Another guy asked through a hard and wicked laughter.
"No, her" I replied pointing at Ruky.
"Winning some some shit gift doesn't make you any better" One girl chipped in with her voice sounding like a sick hungry cat.
"Watch your mouth when talking to my friends" Abdoul now talked after a while of silence with a smile on his face.
"These bitches are..." One of the new captain's friend started but Khalil punched his jaw mid sentence and chaos broke. Girls on girls and boys on boys until we were broken apart by other students in a short while and they left the park. I can hear the sounds of student's booing like they wanted them in our place or something like that.
The next day was a Friday and lectures ended up pretty early so I get to the Library to continue with my project work. After I was done and rushing out to catch a bus for weekend at home now that Hayim is not around, and all my friends left for home earlier, I bumped into a guy and all my papers and books fell on the ground. He helped me with them but as I looked up and saw the so called new captain, my sorry and thanks all paused in my mouth.
"Hey, I am sorry about yesterday" He said into the silence and noticing that I wasn't going to respond. He added.
"I am Sulaiman, I wasn't there to fight"
"Its alright" I answered and moved to pass but he gently blocked my path.
"And what's the name of this Beauty?" He asked grinning.
"Fawza" I replied on reflex. May be his smile is what got me to talk before thinking. But before he added anything, I rushed away and he shouted: "See you around Fawza"

Sam Smith : I am not the only one

*Hey dudes, I love you so much. This is the Fourth chapter, comment what you think about the story so far and what you with for the characters to do, Thanks. Don't Forget to Vote... Love*

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