Inhabituelle Morning

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Both of their alarms begun beeping. They groaned as both turn off their alarms and checked the time. Eyes widen and rushed out of bed; Marrinete slide down the stairs while Adrien made up his bed. Both sat on their Chairs; Adrien was typing fast, writing the conclusion of his essay since the other day, Chat Noir was patrolling late at night again and Marrinete was drawing the last details of Jacket's new outfit since she couldn't concentrate the day before. Finished at the same second, they formed big smiles on their faces as they were pleased with their work. They relaxed on the back of the chairs and gazed the time on their phones; they were five minutes back on time. Adrien started coughing as he gulped back his drink as for Marrinete she got up with a croissant on her mouth but her leg knocked on the chair as a result to Crush onto the floor. Both dressed, washed themselves, putting their things in their bags. Tikki got into the purse while plagg was about to take a the whole bite from his delicious Camembert when Adrien grabbed him. Ready for school and one minute before the bell was about to ring, they walked away, leaving their lucky charms behind on their desks. Adrien had left the room but then he groaned as he remembered his Lacky Charm. He leaned his head backwards and went to his room to get it, along with plagg's next meal. On the other hand Marrinete had aready grabbed her charm and headed down the stairs..
In the kitchen dinner, Sabine smiled at her lovely daughter, teasing her for getting up so early. Both laghted. Marrinete took her lunch and gave her mother a sweet kiss on her cheek. Sabine was about to tell her duties but Marrinete got her by Suprise...
"To buy flour and milk, not to forget Jacket's stone design, father needs new tools to make those macarouns for tomorrow's competition and It's my turn to throw the rubbish! I know, i will do everything after school, thank you mom, love you! Bye!"
Marrinete closed the door and went down to the bakery, leaving Sabine, speakless. Tom was in the kitchen preparing the today's goods...
-"Good morning cupcake!"
-"Cupcake? Someone is a good mood today!"
Tom smiled as he couldn't hide his excitement about the competition, live on tv tomorrow, Plus he had an amazing evening his the love of his life the day before, why wouldn't he be in a good mood?! Tom also remind her daughter her duties but Marrinete interacted him, saying that she would definitely not forget. Tom made a joke out of awkwardness and Marrinete kissed his cheek in return. After that She was on the bakery's door when Tom shouted loud for her to hear...
-"And don't forget about Jacket Stone and those tools for the competition, i need them!"
-"Ok papa, i won't! Bye!"
Marrinete left and got into the School. She was at the courtyard when Tikki popped her head out of the small bag.
-"What was that!? You seem more organise!"
-"I know right!? I feel weird since last night..."
Marrinete said gazing at the Kwami in her purse. She was feeling strange, no, bizarre. What ever it was, it make her anxious with her mind alarmed, sharp. It was like she was custing a self defence to prepared herself for anything, including the danger of no excited but why!?*
Tikki norrow her eyes as she gaze the chaos infrond of them..
-"Speaking of weird! What's going up there!"
-"I don't know Tikki!"
Marrinete answered after looking where the Kwami was pointing at. She climbed up the stairs in a rush to the huge room. the Library was crowned with students. She could see nothing else than some people's backs...
After a minute, she heard a familiar voice coming from the crowd. Marrinete was trying to stand on her toes and have a better sight but no avail. The only thing she managed to see was that someone was pushing the students to the side so they could pass through...
-"Excuse me, sorry, Marrinete! Please give me some space, Jeez! Sorry, Best friend coming through! "
Marrinete whispered with a wonder in her words. Àlya after all the shouting and trouble she almost got herself into, finaly reached her shy friend. She was trying to caught her breathe when Marrinete, who was a little shaken in shock, was about to ask the reddish-brown ombre hair girl what was going on. Before she even do so, Alya grabbed the young Lady from her arm and pulled her into the crowd to the frond line. Àlya let go of her, making Marrinete almost tripped on her foot and then took out her phone ,out of the pocket, to record the whole scene as it was her responsibility as she was the head of the school blog. Nino was also in the front line beside Àlya and his expression was pale like he had seen a ghost or something far more concussive. Marrinete was about to question both of them but as soon as she turned her head to look ahead, her sentence was left unfinished...

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