Confession & The End?

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Guys I forgot to publish it..
This is the last part of Episode Two. In the end of this short story , It is going to be YOU who will have to decide what shall I Do. You'll have Only one week before I recommend the End of the series. I will give extra time to you dear fellow readers to decide, with the bonus parts. More information to the end of this part. Please commend....

-"Everything is fine now, Èmma.."
The girl opened her eyes. She was feeling a little dizzy and she seemed really confused. The Young woman grazed at the Lady in red and black spots with one eyebrow raised..

-"Who..Who is Èmma?"

Short description: An ambulance had arrived. It has been a little while since the "Hawk moth's defeat" and Èmma was being given a special treatment while Ladybag and Chat Noir were talking to the doctor who was ,temporary , responsible for her health and safety. Chat couldn't think straight. The whole "my Lady almost die" thing was flashing through his mind but he kept himself calm while Ladybug was talking to the doctor...
-"So let me put it a Order.. You are telling us that She won't be able to remember anything cause her head had a kind of medical head injury during the attack?"
-"Well, specifically yes, but don't worry it's temporary. Akumatized people forget what they were doing cause of the influence of the magical Energy but in this case the patient was being depressed or had stress which made her to pay less attention or focus. I believe that's why Hawk moth could take completely control over the patient..."
Both were carefully lisening while Èmma who was also hearing the convention of the Three unknown people infrond of her, was shocked when he heard his Name. She was gazing the ground with popping eyes as her body started shivering. Breathe fast, in panic. Ladybug and Chat Noir looked each other a little shaken before Ladybug cleaned her throat and gaze back to the doctor..
-"SOoo.. When you are overwhelmed or distracted, the ability to remember can be suffer like an emotional trauma or something? "
-"Exactly but that doesn't explain why she had a heart attack after the attack.
-"WHAT!?..What do you mean heart attack!"
Ladybug shouted with her concerned face of hers. Chat was taken by Suprise by his Lady's reaction. The Doctor though seemed to be used to such sadden movements..
-"During the attack the Girl seemed to be tense like she was fighting  something bewong the Akuma during her Unconsciousness. We believe that something else had effect her memory like sleep deprivation or Nutritional deficiency, perhaps a head injury!? You Heroes were with her all the Time, Am I Right!?"
Chat Noir with his charming look on his face, answered the question with a pun. Both Ladybug and The doctor sighed. A thought crossed the Lady's in red Mind: Ròsetiev had a huge crash during the Attack and then Èmma showed up with her head bleeding. Ladybug said that fact to the Doctor and He agreed that it was possible that such injury could also defy memory loss....
Suddenly Ladybug's earrings started flashing. She made a few steps back saying that she had to go before she transforms back. She dedicated to Chat Noir, saying ..
-"Can You Please, Take her home Chat?"
-"Sure Thing, Baguboo!!"
Ladybug gave them a close lip and Left by throwing her yo-yo to wrap on something. The Doctor seemed to be a little overprotective when he said, with a furious look on his face ..
-"You Can't just jumped on roof to rooftop with the Patient in such condition. She needs rest and medical care! A Stable place to Stay."
-"Ah. Excuse me.."
A voice was heard from behind their backs. Both Turn only to see a Young Teenager with a nervous look on his Face, approaching them. Ithan with hesitation but also with determination said...
-"Sorry to interrupt like this but my house has a guesthouse, maybe I could hospitality her for a little while?! Until her parents come and pick her up, of course"
The doctor agreed it was a great idea but Chat Noir insisted, saying there was no need and..
-"You done enough being a superhero today... Anyways, ready to go miss Em-Where is she!?"
Both the Doctor and Ithan were Shocked as Chat Noir started to panic, shouting her Name thinking his princess and his Lady will kill him..
Ladybug was almost out of time. She had found a perfect place to de-transformation but when she was about to say the magic words, a shadow passed above her head. Ladybug raised an eyebrow in curiosity..
-"What On Earth?"
She jumped on the roof only to see a black figure disappearing among the buildings. She run and Follow it, across the other side of the city, eager to found out what was that creature. Was It Chat Noir!? Was It another Akuma!? Impossible Could Hawk moth akumatized another citizens so soon!?. A lot other questions where crossed her mind as she was caughting up with the figure. Ladybug Landed on a really dark street between two buildings. Nobody was there. She was swearing that she saw the figure coming that way ("She might took a long turn Perhaps"). Ladybug was ready to leave before she heard cries. She immediately turned around and went deeper in the Street. The cries were more like soft snobbings and suprisily to her, they were familiar."No impossible!" Ladybug thought. When she reached the end and without knowing who was the person crying beside a Garbage bin, she call..
A girl in cat tale and ears responded to The Name. Chattè had her back against the brick wall and her body wrapped like a fur ball. Ladybug was shaken in thoughts as she realised that the girl in the mask who was now gazing at her with her blue, crystal eyes, was her roommate. Èmma's face broke and frowned as her eyes started filled with tears, making her face really messy. It tooked Ladybug by Suprise when Chattè jumped and hag her tight. Èmma was crying the hell out of her..
-"It's Ok, it's ok..."
Èmma started collapsing and both were now on their knees. Ladybug "pet" her head as Èmma was crying upon her legs. She tried to calm her down with a gentle close-lip smile..
-"Everything is going to be fine now, please don't cry Èmma.."
-"No Is Not! He Will Destroy all The City of PARIS!!"
Ladybug's mind was spinning like a wild ocean. She didn't knew what To think anymore as more question where bumping in her head. After a few seconds which seemed like ages, Ladybug asked her..
-"Who Is He!? Hawk moth? Don't worry me and Chat Noir will Protect the..."
Èmma interacted her with her aggressively voice. Ladybug was more confused than before. Èmma raised her hand and wiped away her tears..
-"Hauk moth will use the Miraculous to destroy the not only the City but also Time and Space! The balance shake is already unstable but He won't stop until he acheve his goal and The Thing is.. I AM HELPING HIM!"
Once again Tears started filled Èmma's eyes. Ladybug was speakless. Èmma continue with heavy breath..
-"I made A Deal with him to bring him your Secret Identities! I am so Sorry, he Didn't let me much of a choice..."
Èmma started crying again upon Marrinete's legs as her Transformation wear off. She didn't knew what else she could do except than comforting her. Marrinete took her of her legs and hang her, placing Èmma's head upon her shoulder. Marrinete wanted to make everything  back to Nomal but She knew this only the Begging..

Episode 2 last part
The End, now you have to decide what do you want: A new Book with episode 3 and 4 or should I continue in the same Work? Thanks for reading and good bye for now..

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