Akuma Attack Part 2-"Exposed"

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..He was about to attack but Suddenly a voice was heard from behind him, calling his Villain's Name..
The Villain turned around only to see Chat Noir standing a few feets away from him..
-"For a bull you sure Know how to give up easily, no wonder the bullfighter had no interest going after you!"
(Warning : I'm not the best Pun-teller so you can also imagine your own words for this part.Ok?)
The Akuma starting running toward him, making the earth to shake with every single step he was making and just like a bull, he pointed his thorns out and striked. Chat Noir avoid it, just like a bullfighter and so the battle continued..
Αcross the museum, on a rooftop on a "classy" building(i don't know if there's one but this is how i imagine it soo..), Èmma just "dropped in", trying to catch her breathe..
-"Well.. this Ti.. TIME wasn't so.. hard to climb!.."
-"You look tired, you should probably work out more often!"
-"Easy for you to say you don't h-"
Plagg knocked her out of the way. he pushed Èmma behind a wall(or something big enough for caver)...
-"Why did you that FOR?!"
Plagg shut Èmma's mouth with his hand. Èmma and Plagg sticked their heads out their hiding place. Èmma's eyes "sparkled"! She could not Believe in her soul what she was experiencing in that moment. Èmma with wide eyes and mouth was starring at the Red-dressed Lady infrond of her with enthusiasm. Ladybug was standing on the enge of the building looking down at the Fight. From Èmma perception Ladybug was stunning!..
Èmma as soon as she saw Ladybug turning her head around she hide again, raising her hands on her mouth to keep herself from making any sound.
Ladybug was looking her surroundings, she wanted to ckeck if someone was there but she had no time to do So! Chat Noir required her help. He was getting (kinda) tired occupying the Akuma. Ladybug jumped from the edge of the building, rushing toward the Battle!
Èmma got out of her hiding place in excitement..
Èmma was almost crying out of joy. She was thrilled and couldn't control her fanatic side of hers! Plagg rolled his eyes..
-"Yeah,yeah, Big deal! She is ok.."
Èmma was almost offended..
-"Right, I'm just saying she is not as AMAZING as Camembert!"
Èmma uncomfortably yelled at him..
Plagg giggled and crossed his arms..
-"You and your Father are Same!.. by the Way who is Adrien's Mistress!?"
Plagg was gazing at Èmma with a cunning look. On the other hand Èmma turned her head, once again, like a puppy...
-"Pardon, Excusez moi?"
Plagg sighed, raising his hand on his face..
-"If you claim that Adrien Agreste is your Father then.. Who is The Lucky Lady?"
Plagg lifted his eyebrows and smirked. Èmma rolled her eyes and show a hint of smile on her face, she turned her face and raised her head high. she had crossed her arms and closed her eyes growing up Plagg's anxienty. In the end she was with playful tone on her voice..
-"And Why Should I Tell You!? After all  I Don't See The Big Deal! It not Like Camembert! IT is not as INGRETABLE or as AMAZING as The old sticky Cheese, You're SO in Love With!!"
-"Oh! COME ON! not even A Cheesy Little Information!!?"
Plagg said "making" his eyeballs bigger and his face Cute but he could't pursuit Èmma..
Plagg grounded. Èmma raised her hand to her chest's pocket..
-"But a Can Give you A Cheesy little piece of Camembert that i Have in My Pocket! It.."
Plagg didn't heard the rest and he didn't care! As soon as he saw the sticky Cheese, he rushed with the waves on the Camembert. Flirting with it, smelling it, biting it, drooling all over it. Èmma found Plagg disgustingly appetite, amusing..

At the Frond side of the measume,Ladybug and Chat Noir was trying really Rough not to get hit by the Minotaur's heavy attacks. Our beloved heroes had a hard time to keep the Akuma as far away from the Measume but it was also harder not to have an awful, total knock out (K.O).
Chat was sweaty, trying to keep his focus on the fight..
Chat got hit. Ladybug as well. Both were just a feet away from the Pyramid.
-"We Mustn't Let him Get Any closer to the Museum!"
Chat smiled as usual..
-"It is Time for a little Luck then!"
Ladybug said the magic worlds and a red-black spotted blanket appeared through her Lucky Charm. Chat slammed his face..
-"If you Want me to win a gold mental for bullfighting, trust me there isn't one(dunno)!"
Ladybug looked around for ideas..
-"No but i will give you a hot one for digging!! I will distract Him! DO YOUR THING CHAT NOIR! under his feet!"
-"Just like GORILLA!"
Ladybug stepped forward the danger and just like Chat did, she was "a master-bullfighter on flames" with a red blanket( Adrien's perception).
Chat said the magic words..
Ladybug started shouting his Name and hurry up! Chat Noir tried again..
CHAT NOIR was freaking out! Ladybug couldn't fight for much longer, so she was repeatedly Calling his Name. Chat started staggering..
On the building, Èmma and Plagg were watching the WHOLE THING!!.
-"Plagg What's GOING ON!?"
Ladybug avoided Minotaur's strike. Èmma with anguish placed her hands on the "duvarium" of the building (similar to barriers that prevent people from falling from high! Yeah that! Warning: this information is for me, i'm don't want to offend anyone but i want to make sure that you understand what i'm i writing.), looking down at our heroe's situation.
Ladybug avoided another strike..
-"CHAT !!!"
-"I'M TRYING!!!"
Both Èmma and Chat Noir were shocked. Suddenly the walls of the building started Cracking..
Plagg shouted as the ground underneath Èmma's feets were sinking.
Plagg was able to pulled her away..
Chat was lost, he felt helpless, unable to do anithing to assist his Lady! He was standing there frozen almost out of breath. Ladybug was still trying to bring him back to his sences by shouting, calling his Name! No reply. Ladybug's attention was Imidiatly captured by the "falling apart" building, across. The building was tuning into pieces like an iceberg when it breaks. Minotaur took advantage of Ladybug's distraction and -BOOM- Ladybug got a really harmful hit, extinguished her into air and on the museum's Pyramid, causing the class to Crack (thank goodness it didn't broke or else..).
Ladybug was now on the ground unable to stand up. Chat couldn't do anything else excpect to run and caught his Lady, trying to help her. Minotaur was above their head. Chat was with hatred and furry in his eyes, not only because Minotaur hurt his Lady but also for himself as well. Chat by taking his mental stick on his hands, he secured his guards and ready to face another impossible Duo..
Plagg was trying to calm Èmma's nerves down a bit, so she won't pass away and fall off the cliff on her own..
-"Plagg What is Happening!?"
Èmma was gazing at her hands. A black magical aura was "coming out" of her palms, it was Cataclysm. Èmma was freaking out!..
-"Calm down... it seems like our theories are certainly true! You and Adrien are sharing the same powers. No Wonder why you don't need me!"
Chat Noir voice was heard shouting..
Èmma turned around only to see Ladybug being "extinguished" by the Akuma. Now she was wachting Ladybug in pain. Plagg sat on Èmma's head (hood)..
-"What are you waiting for? Go out There and help them!"
-"So WHAT?! You knew this Will happen soonest or later! But Chat Noir and Ladybug won't be there to Help you then!"..
Èmma was thinking that Plagg was right again..
-"Ok I'll do it but I Never had used Cataclysm before, how i'm suppose to help them without destroying another building?"
Plagg was surprised..
Èmma was offended. Plagg sighed..
-"Just find a Weak spot and then use his power aingenst him"
Èmma nobbed and jumped off the edge. Plagg with a sarcastic look on his face he said..
-"She is Doomed!... Oh, Well At Least I'm having a Nice Vacation".
Chat Noir was trying to stop Minotaur from crashing them both with his palm. The Villain could easily knick Chat out of the way and crash Ladybug  who had passed away but Minotaur was enjoying the moment, seeing Chat Noir falling apart, kneeling as his strength was seeping away, it was satisfying, not only for him but also for Hawk moth as well.
Saddenly the Akuma was distracted by a young female's voice...
Minotaur turned his head around.
Chat without another thought, he tackled the Villain, without any result but it gave him a few seconds to take his Lady and himself out off the Akuma's sight and hide temporary somewhere near and safe until Ladybug wakes up..
A Young woman with a black mask and cut ears, was standing on the top of a car. Minotaur and Hawk moth thought they had to deal with a fan-creep costume girl who wanted to literally play the superhero. Minotaur started laughing..
-"And What are you suppose to be, another pushy Cat!"
-"Come on here and Find Out! Sticky head!"
The Akuma stopped laughing and walk towards her. Minotaur's steps, like before, were snaking the earth. Èmma hesitated but her andretralin and Confidents were too high: "No Time for Droughts now" she thought. Minotaur seemed serious..
-"Now girl! We don't want someone to get Hurt! Do We!?"
Èmma smiled cunningly..
-"That's Funny I was about to say the same thing!"
The Villain's eyes turned red. He raised his hands and like "Halk from Marvel (sorry, i couldn't resist)", he crashed the car aiming for the notty Teenager. Èmma Imidiatly took action by avoiding not only the Akuma's uncontrollable furry but also the flying car that Minotaur throwed at her!..
-"Wow! You Suck at Aiming!"
The Villain went Mad and so the fights continues..
Ladybug finally Woke Up! She was a little dizzy but no bones or memory loss were broken (Wait, What?)...
-"Chat What happened? "
-"You passed out"
Chat was relieved that she woke up. Seeing her in that conditions was like 24 minutes of torture. He was thanking god. Ladybug groaned and Chat raised his hand on her forehead..
-"Are you OK?"
-"I'm FINE! Now stop flertting and help me get up!"
(He didn't Flert, he was just concerned).
-"ALRIGHT, you are Not OK !"
Chat Noir started laughing and helped his Lady to stand on her feet.
-"What happened with the Akuma!? Did he reached The Measume!"
Ladybug was ready to leave and return to battle but Chat grabbed her from her wrist. His eyes were filled with worry and fear..
-"Ladybug! You can't fight in your condition like this"
-"But The Akuma..?"
Ladybug was interrupted by Chat Noir..
-"Don't Worry about it! The Villain is being occupied by someone!"
-"By WHO!?
Ladybug asked and without any warning she went to check who was responsible from their sakes. Chat of course followed her, Calling her Name. Meanwhile Èmma thought that it was a good strategy to piss off the Akuma..
-"Good Thing That You're a Bad Boxer, You're a Better Loser!"
Minotaur was bewong mad (someone could actually make eggs on him). He striked agein and failed. Èmma was too quick for him. He started getting exhausted..
-"Is That The Best You Can Do! Hah! Even.."
Ladybug and Chat Noir just showed up and Èmma's attention shifted to them, as a result..
Both Chat and Ladybug said when Èmma got hit by the Akuma. Minotaur eviously smiled, coming closer to her. Ladybug react but Chat Noir stopped her. He was looking at the Battle like a fool. Both with widely eyes were gazing at the young girl. Èmma groaned in pain. She realised that she had landed on something, it was Ladybug's blanket! Èmma looked around and whispered to herself..
-"Find a weak spot, find a weak spot.."
Minotaur was just one step away from her, his shadow (just like before with Ladybug and Chat Noir) was "cavering" her. Èmma saw that the Villain was wearing something on his neck: dark colour, gold medal with a bull carved on it -"Bingo"- Èmma had an idea!
-"What Are You Gonna Do Now, Kitty-Cat!"
A blur memory crossed Èmma's mind: a little blonde girl and a blury-faced Adult comforting her. A white kitten suddenly showed up and the Word Kitty-Cat echoed to her head! Èmma's eyes turned from pure blue to lightly Purple and her eyeballs were like a real Cat. Ladybug noticed the change and joined Chat Noir to the "Freezing zone",Both couldn't move a muscle..
Èmma got up slowly and stand on her feet. Minotaur's smile faded. He attacked. Èmma avoid it and took the blanket with her. Ladybug had a "flash"..
-"Chat! use Cataclysm.."
-"My Lady i told you before, it doesn't work!"
Èmma avoided another attack..
-"I know but i want you to Say the Word"
Minotaur felt by stepping on his foot..
Slow motion: The Minotaur is getting up from the ground.Èmma started running toward him and Chat Noir is Raising his arm Up on the Air. Èmma knees and the forse of speed makes her slide on the floor, scratching the earth hith her right hand. Ladybug started running toward the Akuma.Minotaur was almost on his feet and Chat Noir..
-"CATACLYSM!!"(the end of slow motion).
Èmma's hand is charge with distracted energy. She slides underneath Minotaur's feet. Cataclysm caused the ground to sink underneath the Akuma's feet. Èmma while still sliding on the floor, she gave Ladybug the blanket. Ladybug jumped above him and thrown the blanket on Minotaur's face, making him blindfolded. Èmma ripped off the "collar"on the Akuma's neck causing the mental to fall...
-"Don't Call me Kitty-Cat.."
Ladybug picked the gold mental up and..
Chat cought it with his right hand and turned the mental into black dust. His ability to destroy anything he touched, was back. He had Cataclysm again. Ladybug purified the akuma. After that, both Chat and Ladybug went to help and check if the man who was akumitized was alright.
Èmma's eyes turned back to normal. She shaked her head, unknowlede of what happened, she could remember few thing but as soon as she realised that the Battle was over she..
Ladybug greeted the man and turned around..
-"Thanks for The ... Help?"
Chat Noir was also surprised..
-"Where Did She Go!?"

Both looked each others eyes, clueless of who she was or rather WHAT she was..

Episode 2 part 2
I hope i haven't overdone it. Anyways, thanks for reading and pls comment!
                   ...by Larendia🐾

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