Episode 2 part 5

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I didn't know how to name it and i thought i would have been really lame if i just added "School" or something short..

Èmma Yawrned stretching her arms. She sat down and lay her back against a wall or chimney. She didn't care where or on what she was on, she just wanted to rest and so her Exhaustion took her in a deep and internally sleep upon the cold and hard cement..

Morning, what an awful thing after a long night of stress, Both Marrinete and Adrien hadn't slept at all since the last time the met as superheroes. When Marrinete got in class(early), she saw Adrien sleeping on his desk and Nino was trying to wake him up. Instead of waking him, Nino make it worst: Adrien was now snoring..
When the bell rung, Nino managed to prevent the snorings but without waking him up. Àlya looked at Adrien's bag and found all of the subject's homeworks (Plagg wasn't in his bag since he was too Lazy to move a muscle and Adrien completely forgotten about him at home cause he was too tired even to think straight. that's why he putted all of his shcool's books inside his bag). Imidiatly she gave them to miss Bustier to ckeck on them. It seemed that Adrien had finished all of his homework until the next Week's. He even have done The Project for next Friday. Àlya and Nino saved Adrien from detention and a report to his father with the justification that Adrien was working all night to do his Homework. Miss Bustier found the excuse PARANOID but she accepted and started the lesson. Nino and Àlya raised their hands for a high five. Marrinete smiled as she was thinking that she couldn't have better friends than Àlya and Nino...
During the Lesson, Marrinete felt her eyes heavy and leaned her hands on her head. She was trying to keep her eyes open and she let out a few quite yawns while doing it. A few minutes had left before the bell would rung for a time out-break. Marrinete's vision became Blurry and everything started becoming black as Marrinete let her eyes to Close slowly...
It Was Lunch time and Nino with Àlya wanted to make a Prank for revenge by taking Adrien and Marrinete a picture of them sleeping together. Àlya placed Marrinete at Nino's seat. Nino put Adrien's head on Marrinete's head as Àlya placed her Head on Adrien's left shoulder and for final touch Nino put Adrien's arm on the Desk and Àlya took Marrinete's and placed into Adrien's hand...
-"They are ADORABLE!
Instantly Nino Cavered Àlya's mouth and silence her, whispering..
-"Àlya! You are going to wake them Up!"
-"I doubt that!.."
Àlya started searching for her phone and After she found it, she groaned. The Phone had to do an Update to the Camera so Àlya had to wait. Nino wasn't certain about taking the picture. Àlya by starring at her phone answered him that they have nothing to worry about. After a minute, Nino frozed..
-"Not Now Nino!!"
Nino become more anxious, nervous, starting being "sweaty"..
-"I'm nearly there.."
The Phone had finally finished the update and Àlya programmed the Countdown to the Camera. She gazed at her phone trying to find the perfect angle only to see that Marrinete is missing..
Àlya jumped into the air and into Nino's arms as Marrinete shouted at them aggressively. The phone had slipped from Àlya's hands into the air. A flash of light come from the phone as it took a picture. All three were shocked as the phone was falling. Marrinete took Imidiatly action and caught the phone, crashing on to the ground making the desk beside her to move, Shaking Adrien from sleep. Marrinete was "screaming" in pain. Àlya raised her hands cavering her mouth and after Nino let her Down, both help Marrinete to get up and sit on the Teacher's Desk and Àlya started check on her body for any broken bones or possible wounds..
-"I'm SOo SORRY Marrinete!!"
-"Don't Worry Àlya...Here your Phone.."
Àlya gasped and hagged her tight. Marrinete felt pain but she was used to fall cause of her Clumsiness, so it wasn't a big deal ("especially when she was also a superhero = Exra pain.."). Meanwhile Adrien was rubbing his eyes, still trying to wake himself Up. Nino ask Àlya for that Flash of light, her phone made during it's "extinguish". Àlya taped her phone to open only for all of them to see an Amazing picture of Nino holding Àlya like a bride, looking at her charmingly and Àlya winking and smooching to the camera. Nino and Àlya were speakless. Marrinete wanted to say 'Wow The Magic' or 'Power of the Photography' but the only thing that came out of her mouth was..
-"What The.."
Àlya once again jumped into Nino's arms as this time Adrien was the one who scared them. Nino fell, with him Àlya. The phone was in the air again, taking another picture and Marrinete was trying to catch it (again). The phone was slipping from the one hand to other when finally Marrinete was able to catch it above Àlya's and Nino's heads. Automatically, another picture was taken...
Marrinete blushed with the results and Advises Àlya too take a look at them, properly at home. After a uncomfortable conversation with Adrien, Marrinete was outside the Shcool as day was finally over..
Èmma come running toward Marrinete. She was trying to catch her breathe, as Àlya was holding her hand not to faint away on to the ground. Of course Marrinete was worried but also curious..
-"Èmmily where have you been!? You Missed a Whole Day of School!!"
Èmma couldn't answer cause she was still trying to breathe. Àlya cunningly smiled at Marrinete..
-"She is not The ONLY one who missed an entirely day of School!!"
Marrinete shouted, offended. Àlya giggled. After a minute Èmma was finally able to talk and So she Started explaining why she didn't showed up that day ( "I gonna write a bonus part called 'the Excuse' for this, in the End because it going to take long and I don't want to get tired, soo..)
-"Yeah, but Mummies don't have a pillow to rest their heads while sleeping!"
Àlya said and all Three of them Started Laughing realy Loudly. Suddenly Marrinete's phone started ringing from inside her small bag. She Made a few steps forward cause Àlya and Èmmily couldn't stop laughing and answered the Phone...
-"Hello Miss Chamackh.. What Now!? I Can't Todey I Hav-...Ok..Wait!!"
The woman in the speaker had ended the phone call. Marrinete groaned. Àlya raised her hand around Marrinete's shoulders and with a close lip smile, she said to her best friend...
-"Let me Guess! Mrs.Nadia Chamackh had asked you to babysit after her Little angel and You did not get to say 'No' for an answer!!"
Marrinete raised her arms pulled her hair. She was freaking out with frustration. Àlya putted her shoulder, saying that she couldn't help her either cause she would have been busy and Marrinete in desperation said..
Èmma was offended but when she thought what happened the night before and todey's morning, she agreed with Marrinete (that She couldn't even take care of herself!)..
Adrien who had Heard the whole conversation, he raised his hand on Marrinete's shoulders...
-"Don't Worry Marrinete, I'll take care of Èmmily!"
Marrinete glare at him with her "beautiful" blue eyes. Adrien pulled back his hand in embarrassment and started apologising for his sudden actions and hearing their conversation. He was Red as radishe. On the other hand Marrinete's cheeks were blushing a lightly pink. She giggled with Adrien's awkwardness...
-"What About Your Father!? Would be Okey with That!?"
Àlya asked already to avoid another 'loving' scene (she too tired wachting them like this again). Nino "come in" and dedicated to Adrien..
-"Àlya has a Point! I Don't Think that Mr.Agreste will approve this, bro!"
-"He won't mind after all he would have done the exactly same thing if I was missing!"
Èmma doubted that. In her Timeline Gabriel Agreste was knows for Abundanting his son when he discovered that he was Chat Noir. Marrinete felt guilty as she knew the miserable life of Adrien's and it was risky cause he us a top-secret superhero but then she thought that it would have been the only chance for Adrien to have a great and amusing time while being in his cold and lonely House. She would agreed if only Èmmily was fine with the decision. Everyone turned around their heads, gazing at Èmma to answer...
-"Well if Marrinete and Àlya are busy, Adrien doesn't mind and Since Everyone thinks that it is a good idea.. Yeah why Not?!"
Everyone except Adrien let a sight of realive cailuse they were "full with anguish". Adrien got really Excited and left with Nino, saying..
-"I'm Gonna Pick you up At five o'clock, see you Later!"
The girls were completely frozen because they thought that Adrien winked at them. Èmma turned her head just like a puppy with norrow eyes..
-"What just happened?"
-"Girl You Just have been Invited to Adrien's House by ADRIEN!!"
Àlya was shuddering Èmma's body like a toy, making her dizzy. After a minute Àlya with a cunning look on her face, she punch friendly, Marrinete's arm with her fist...
-"Someone seems a little jealous, Though.."
Before Marrinete could even say anything, Èmma instantly responded with an aggressive tone in her voice..
-"Why Marrinete have to be Jealous!! Of WHAT!? An ACQUAINTANCE!? Marrinete has the most Precious Relationship and I know for Sure That BOTH ARE MADE FOR EACH OTHER after ALL BOTH HAVE A BEEN IN LOVE SINCE THE FIRST TIME THEY MET!!.. or was it they second one.."
Àlya and Marrinete were starring at her with the jaws wide open. Èmma couldn't remember and she was actually thinking about it but Then...She realised the Damn thing, she said..
-"I MEAN... Isn't it Obvious!. Heh,heh!"
In that moment(in that excacly moment), Èmma knew: she made it worst. After a few minutes of silence, Marrinete was able to "come back to earth and bring Àlya with her"..
-"First of all I'm Jealous. Adrien wanted to hospital Èmmily because of his kindness to help people and Second... Adrien is in love with someone else.."
Marrinete low her head to hide her blushing as she Knew who was Adrien's crush: it was her, well Ladybug but it was still her. Marrinete felt weard, she looked up only to see her friends in shock, gazing at her. Èmma wasn't in such jar as Àlya cause she also knew that Marrinete was dedicated to Ladybug but then she thought: "What If Adrien Had a Girlfriend before Marrinete! Mother Never Mentioned Adrien hang out with Another Girl! WAIT! WHAT IF SHE ACTUALLY TOLD ME AND I DON'T REMEMBER!!". She was freaking out from the inside. Marrinete was also freaking out in her own way. She had turned Red! Àlya finally responded by shouting..
-"WAIT! You know he has a CRUSH on someone else and YOU STILL LOVE HIM!"
-"Look at the Time it is half past tree already, come on Èmmily we don't want to be late when Adrien arrives.."
Marrinete said nervously and starting pushing Èmma toward the bakery. She really wanted to avoid the following conversation. Marrinete was dragging Èmma's feet on the ground as her body was frozen. Èmma was clueless of what was happening..
-"No But! Come On! Let Go!!"
Marrinete grabbed and pulled Èmmily from her wrist. Àlya sat on the stairs of the school and started calculating everything she couldn't progress..
At Marrinete's room, the two girls were preparing Èmma's bag to take with her at the sleepover with Adrien. After they finished Marrinete sat on her chair and Èmma let her body to fall on her bed. Both sighed at the same time. Èmma smirked and get up..
"SOoo..What Was All that about Adrien!?"
Èmma moaned playfully and flicked her eyebrows just like Chat Noir when he's flertting. Marrinete frozed as her cheeks turned red...
-"What are you Even Taking about?!
-"Oh, Please..I have seen the way you look at him and how you blushed earlier.. plus i don't think i have to point out the picture you have with him on your desk behind you"
Marrinete tuned her face around to look at Adrien's photos. She cursed herself because she forgot to hide with the rest of Adrien's pictures and magazines. Èmma couched, waiting for an answer. Marrinete tried to find an excuse but Èmma gave her a glare like 'really Girl!?'. Marrinete sighed as her face turned sad..
-"I Love Adrien but he likes someone else better than me.."
-"Let me Guess Ladybug!?"
As soon as Marrinete heard the Name, she turned her head around, gazing Èmmily with widely eyes as it took her by Surprise. Èmma standed up and made a few steps towards Marrinete. She took her hands into her's and kneeled. It was awkwardly weard for both of them but Èmma thought her mother doing all the time when she was upset or sad. So she decided to do the exactly same thing. Èmma smiled and with compassion in her heart, she said..
-"Marrinete, You are an amazing and super talented girl. You're brave, resourceful and creative. You're kind with a golden heart- i mean you offered your hospitality to Me! You didn't know who i was or if i was telling the truth and yet without any hesitation or sencond thought you accepted me! Marrinete, with or without the Mask you still a confident and beautiful girl and Adrien and everyone can see that! So never, Never! Dought yourself.."
-"Do you really mean that..."
Èmma nobbed with a gently smile. Marrinete was happy. Èmma's words had touched her soul. She couldn't do anything else excpect than thinking her speech and her heart started pumping. After a while, Marrinete's smile had been replaced with norrow eyes and confusion. Both realised that there was something wrong in the last sentence. Marrinete was about to ask but then a car's corn. Her ride to Adrien's House had arrived. Èmma instantly took her bag and waved goodbye to Marrinete, leaving her alone in her room. Èmma was thanking the Time cause it saved her from revealing her identity.
Èmma pushed the front door to open and leaves Marrinete's home by waving at her "grandparents". She saw a woman in a suit with black and red hair (or is it dark,really dark blue, dunno and i can't understand from her pictures in the internet)..
Èmma turned her head once again like a puppy. She was confused to see her("In her Timeline Nathalie..Well like she had never existed.. Èmma's father mentioned her a few times but she had vanished a few years ago before the final battle. Nobody knew where or even if she was alive on earth"). Nathalie opens the backdoor of the car and with her cold and usual voice says formally..
-"Good evening Miss, Ròsetiev, please come in!"
-"Thank you Nathalie.. but you don't have to be so Fornal wirh Me!"
Èmma said and walked toward the black car. Nathalie was gazing at her..
-"Unconfirmed, Mr.Agreste had strictly request to show respect with you miss since you will be his quest of honour "
Èmma without another word, she just got in the car and Nathalie closed the door and got in the car as well. Èmma sighed, she has feeling overwhelmed by this. Suddenly a voice was heard from beside her...
-"Hi, Èmmily!"
Èmma screamed. Adrien panicked as he saw Èmma "gather her body like a buck"...
Adrien wanted to chill her out but Èmma literally hissed at him not even to dare to come any closer...
-"Seriously! You have to stop that"
Adrien raised his hand and scratched the back of his head. Èmma still keeping her distance she said to Adrien that she was expecting to see him at his House and asked him why he request Nathalie to be so formal with her. Adrien was Surprised, especially for the last part..
-"I'm not Mr.Agreste, You must confused me with my Father!"
-"Your Father!?"
Èmma had complete forgotten about the Famous, living and reigning, Designer Gabriel Agreste! Èmma panicked when Adrien said..
-"We're Here!.."

The titles said it all
I'm dead. Oh well at least i finished this part. Thanks for reading and being Asweame!..
..by Larendia🐾

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