Bonus: The Excuse

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After an uncomfortable conversation with Adrien, Marrinete was outside the Shcool as the day was finally over..
Èmma come running toward Marrinete. She was trying to catch her breathe while Àlya was holding her hand, not letting her to pass out. Marrinete was worried but mostly curious..
-"Èmmily where have you been!? You Missed a Whole Day of School!!"
Èmma was forcing herself to answer but she could only huff while trying. Àlya, still holding her, she turned her head towards Marrinete and with a cunning smile ..
-"She is not The ONLY one who missed an entirely day of School!!"
Marrinete shouted, offended. Àlya giggled as her best friend's logic did not make sense. After a While, Èmma could finally able to speak..
-"Yesterday, I read some modern books in the Library about Paris and all it's sights! I was realy interested in the Louvre Museum. I thought Maybe wachting the exhibition could help me regaine my memory or at least learn more about The History of Paris. Anyway, while I was looking the Egyptian expedition, A huge earthquake suddenly Began! It was  frightening!"

Àlya and Marrinete look each other. Marrinete clenched her teeth as Àlya pick her phone from her school back. Èmma was clueless of the facts that were about to follow. Of course she had planned that excuse on the way back at school but she didn't know how the others would react, so she was tense.
Àlya put the phone infrond of Èmma's face to see the latest video of the famous Ladyblog. Èmma was amassed  but not from the video, she was amassed by Àlya's bolts to film such a perfect view of the superheroes...
-"Is that?.."
Èmma was one of the greater actors that Timeline had right now. She was even better than Lila...
"SO, that Ladybug you all guys were talking about?! Nathaniel describe her perfectly! Wow! They Are amazing!!.. who is That?"
"That Guy? Is the Vilain who caused the earthquake"
Àlya and Èmma started talking about the fight before that day. Marrinete was lisening carefully to every single word they were saying until a flash crossed her mind! She shouted.
"What it is Marrinete!?"
Àlya asked. Marrinete's face frowned in suspicion as she gave a rather scary glare to Èmma. In reality Marrinete was really upset..
"Wasn't there an Akuma alert. Since everyone knew that the Vilain had targeted the museum didn't the police inform the citizens, shouldn't you evacuated the building like the rest of the people did?  Did you even noticed  that they were leaving?What!? Were you listening to music or something that make you pay less attention to your environment!?"
" I don't know.. or rather don't remember how to use this technology and yes there was an alert but.. How was I suppose to follow the others when something heavy felt on my head?!"
Both hadn't the slightest idea of what the blonde Teenager just said. Àlya was the one who broke the silence.
-"What do you mean 'something heavy felt on your head?"
-"Well you see a few seconds before the alert, the earth started shaking for less than ten seconds. Everyone thought it was their fantasy but then there was another shake. It was like...."
Àlya field the gap in Èmma's sentence.
She agreed with a big smile on her face.
-"I had no idea what the alarm was about but i decided to follow the others until.. The ground once moved but this time was more stronger and made the whole museum to staggered. I almost lost balance!"
-"That must have been the time when Minotaur just arrived infrond of the museum. The police were suprice to see the villain, they weren't accepted him to come soo fast!"
Àlya said. Indeed People were still evacuating the building when Minotaur arrived. Everything made sense to Marrinete now..well almost everything.
-"It must have been those big feet!"
-"Anyways, as i was saying, Minotaur or What ever his name is! Made the ground shaking as a result, a lot of the exhibits were ready to fall. Then was the time when i saw a Cat statue ready to fall and break. I imidietely took action by jumping into the air and caught it but then i did not realise that when i jumped a make another object to fall from it's case and-"
Àlya once again field the gap in Èmma's sentence but this time, she had her arms crossed and a smirk on her face...
-"Let me guess -'It felt on your head?"
-"Yep and whatever it was, it was too weavy, i  passed out!"
Both girl's expression turned from anxienty to shock. Marrinete seemed to getting sick..
-"What! Didn't the security Guards saw you!? I mean they double check if there still people in the Museum during the Attack! Did they help you?"
-"They did! ...eventually"
The two teenagers looked each other and once again, Alya asked. Èmma was so tired of soo many questions; not even Hugo was making so many questions. "BUT THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR MESSING AROUND WITH THE POWERS OF THE UNIVERSE" Èmma shouted in her mind..
-"What do you mean eventually?"
-"When the discovered i was still in the Museum, they were too late the building had automatically made a completely locked down! I was trapped when i wake-up from my unconsciousness."
Marrinete raised an eyebrow.
-"Ok but that doesn't explain why you did not showed up last night or today at shcool!"
-"Be Patient, i am getting there.."
Marrinete looked at Àlya and she raided her shoulders. That conversation was getting so awkward and ridiculous with a minute that was passing..
-"Well after everything was over and they opened the Museum again, my way out of the Egyptian exhibition was still locked. The Guard who was at the moment there, said to me that they had a technical problem with that door in the past and that the person who was only capable of fixing was out of town.  The engineer came back from his trip the next morning. I was set free during the School hours.  I started running but the museum is so far away from School that all the running was worthless!"
-"Wait what did you do during the Night!"
Marrinete was on the edge. She was trying so hard to dish out everything from her even the last detail. Èmma like the slyness cat she was, she had planned to aswer even that question.
-"The logical thing to do.. i went to bed!"
-"WHERE !??"
Both said at the same time. Èmma if she was Chattè Noir now, would probably had jumped into the air from the Girl's sudden reaction but Èmmily Agreste was really calm.
-"In A Caution, of Course! (*silence*) the Guard of the museum gave me a pillow and slept like a mummy in wooden Caution..
-"well Mummies don't have a pillow to rest their heads"
Marrinete and Àlya started laughing with Mari's setence. Èmma felt her cheeks to heat up as the conversation became so awkwardly humiliated but after a minute she joined in without any logical reason. Nothing made sense anymore but the three of them started laughing hard, laughing with their hearts...

Èmma and Àlya went on a little stroll to talk about the new heroine. Marrinete did not followed as many thoughts were spinning in her head. Tikki adviced her to let it go but there was something in Èmma's story that was off. Marrinete couldn't let this slide, she had to investigate. She transformed into Ladybug and went to the Museum. She de-transformed so she wouldn't gain more attention to herself and found one of the security guards. Marrinete found out the truth; there was never a girl trapped in the museum during the attack and never in all history had been a technical problem. Marrinete simple smiled, thanking the men and left. As soon as she was ouside of the museum's doors Marrinete stormed off, furious!
On her way back home, the Superheroine was thinking how was it possible after all she had and yet, to offer to Èmma she lied to her and her best friend. IT WASN'T FAIR! She was in such big trouble..

Èmma just returned to the bakery with a big smile on her face. Sabine and Tom welcome her again as the had already heard her "museum adventure" from Àlya. She went upstairs. It was at the moment when Èmma sat on the chair, she realised Marrinete was in the room with her.
-"Let's Get to the Bottom of this!"
Èmma turned her head towards Marrinete with an eyebrow raised. As soon as she saw Marrinete's eyes on fire, probably from tender, her heart started pointing and choked back the question that she was about to ask. Marrinete had her arms crossed.
-"Tell me the truth and this time don't try to lie to me!"
-"How do You know that i was lying!?
Marrinete frozed. She was so angry that she had forgotten the consequences of her own actions. She was thinking that now her new roommate would probably hated her for not having any trust on her. She felt sick in her stomach again. How the young Teenager infrond of her would react. She was now sweaty. Luckily for her, Èmma had a back up plan, she looked like her mother, and with a drooping expression, head low and hands hold, she bited the bottom of her lips, saying..
-"It doesn't matter, you deserve to learn the truth after all you offered me a home and yet you have soo many things offer that i will never be able to repay you. It is only fair to be honest with each other...
Èmma's words echoed in Marrinete's mind as all her doughts, questionnaires and anger had lifted with only that small speach. Èmma though was already feeling guilty but she decided to continue her game. After all who would have blame her; "Hey yeah i am your daughter from the future, i have the powers of Timetraveling but not anymore because i broke the balance of the Universe! Plus i don't remember what excacly happened!" Defenatly not going to tell the truth...
Èmma got up and whispered into Marrinete's left ear and as soon as she said "the second lie of day", she stepped back, leaving a frozen Marrinete starring at her with her eyes and mouth wide open..
-"I didn't want to tell the truth because i was afraid of your reations. I wanted to protect you from.. i don't know anything I quess!"
-"Oh my good! Are you ok!? Did they!?.."
Èmma shaked her head. Marrinete was relieved, exhaling air from her lungs. Marrinete sat down on her chair while Èmma was on her way to her bed then something else crossed our heroine's mind.
-"Èmma, why your jacket smells like garbage?"
-"well I had to hide somewhere!"
Marrinete crinkled her nose in disguise as for Èmma she burst into laughters as soon as see saw her roomate's expression. It was extremely hilarious at the moment...

It is confusing i know but i wanted to give a different way of the facts in the story, plus it help me to learn a few thing about how to write. My advice change the story if you don't like the facts by using your imagination and make chapter like this for fun and learn more from your mistakes....
          ..... Thank you all by Larendia 

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