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It was Clear to Marrinete's Mind, That the Person behind the Shadows and Black Leather was the New Superheroine and more Likely a Theif...

Marrinete in panic but also Fury, shouted the Magic Words..

A Cold Night and Yet Ladybug Could feel the heat as her blood was boiling in Ire. She was Chasing after a Cat-Thief, all over the City. Without any rest or a place to hide, Èmma was cursing the Universe and her bad luck as the fog had "dissolved"(Of course it was a positive thing since Èmma could see where she was going. It was also, a disadvantage for her as Ladybug was able, not to let the Thief  get lost by her sight). A few miles Later Èmma dropped the White Jacket, knowing that her strength will "betrayed" her. Ladybug's tantrum make her almost Blind and so she didn't notice the Jacket. Ladybug was catching up and Èmma was slowing down cause of her Exhaustion.
Adrien was still trying to Calm his nerves by reading poetry. Plagg was sleeping on the bed. Adrien slammed and closed the book on his hand, making Plagg to be shaked by his sweet sleep (he didn't complain  though, he just turned around, giving Adrien an advice to go to sleep as well). The young blonde Teenager sighed and looked outside his widow. He was sitting on his Couch, gazing the dark blue and clear sky. It was almost morning (a few hours more and it was back to Shcool). Suddenly Adrien's attentions was catch by a shadow with pointy ears and black tail. He right away stand up and pressed his hands on the window( windows..?).
Before he even question himself "what was that?", Adrien saw Ladybug passing by his house, trying to catch whatever that Thing was..
-"What's Going On!?... Plagg ClAWS OUT!!!"
Èmma was able to get away from Ladybug. She hide behind a chimney, gagging for air. She sticked her head only to see if Ladybug was still there. Èmma let out a Breath of realive and made a step to leave..
-"It is Not Nice to Leave without Permission!"
Èmma bumped her head on Someone's chest, making her to lost balance and fell. Chat Noir was gazing at her with the charming smile of his. When Èmma opened her eyes, she saw nothing else than Ladybug's furious Face ("she was dead and yet she had audacity")....
-"I Quest the Cat is Out of The Bag!!! Hah!.."
Both Chat Noir and Èmma could Hear Ladybug's breath. She was breathing heavily and just like a beast she grabbed Èmma from the Hoodie's collar and hit her back on the chimney's wall with force. Èmma felt pain as she thought that her spine moved from it's position. Ladybug was shivering as she had dark squinted eyes. Chat was Surprised and Shocked by Ladybug's aggravation (Not even him, could drive her so mad and full of Dander)...
Èmma remained silent as fear was taking over all of her body. Chat Noir hesitated but he tried to calm down Ladybug..
-"My Lady..
-"SHUT UP!! CHAT!!!"
Ladybug shouted at him, turning her face only to give a few seconds glare. Chat with popping eyes, he felt also in pain as his heart cracked. He looked away, tightening his eyes closed and raised his hand on his Chest. Ladybug was pressing with her hands. Ladybug pressed Èmma's harder on the wall, making her breathing faster and heavier..
-"Now.. Who Are You and Why Did You Stole This.."
Ladybug was trying to find the word 'Dairy', but she couldn't think straight and so she shouted..
Èmma was gazing in her eyes, she thought that a demonic being was possessing the young heroine and Marrinete didn't even exist under the Mask(Did I overdone it?)...
-"What..about...Letting Me..down First?"
It was then, When Ladybug came back to her senses. She was literally lifting Èmma up and moreover she was (kinda) struggling the Thief with her hands. Ladybug stepped back and let down Èmma to breathe. She  couldn't believe that she let range take over her mind. She gave a glare at Chat and a tear rolled down her cheek...
-"Chat I.."
-"Don't Worry my Lady! You were Upset.."
Ladybug felt awfull. She was disgusting herself. She was hanging her head low and her lips were (i little bit) trembling. Chat breathed in and asked, curious of..
-"Ok, What's going on!?...What's your Name and what is all about a Book?"
Èmma took a big breath, thinking that there wasn't any use of keeping the truth and run away from them. She decided to answer their questions without giving much information of who she really is..
-"My Name is Chattè and it is not a Book! It's a DAIRY!"
It took him by Surprise. Chat Noir was comfused and addressed to his Lady..
-"Did She Stole your Dairy!? I didn't expect YOU writing a Dairy!!!"
Chat said with emphasis! Ladybug blushed (Thank to the mask, Chat Noir  couldn't see her cheeks turning red). She responded by Yelling at him..
Ladybug point at Èmma who had the mysterious notebook tied up on her belt. Chat was more Confused as the day was full of surprises..
-"Wait! You Know Marrinete!?"
Ladybug raised her hands into the air and so a fight started between our two beloved Heroes. The battle  was over the Dairy, Marrinete, the Thief, 'To What was more important at the moment" and Adrien's stubbornness. Both had forgotten that someone else was there as well, wachting them and trying to find some points in their arguments. Èmma seemed thoughtfulness and her eyes narrowed in suspicion. After a few minutes, she made a dazzling and cunning smile on her face. Èmma jumped upon the chimney. Ladybug's and Chat Noir's attention was now on the girl in black suit...
-"Thank you very much your help! It was delightful..."
Chattè bowed. She throw the Dairy at Ladybug to catch it(who she Did!), saying that she didn't need it anymore and with narrowly and Charming gaze, she dedicated to the Lady in red with black spots ("I just want to avoid repetition")..
-"I Have the Information that I Needed!.. Isn't that Right..Ladybug.!"
Ladybug looked at the Thief in astonishment and widely eyes as she perceived What on earth, have she done...
Èmma let her body fell backwards and run off. Ladybug clenched her teeth and was about to follow her but Chat Noir stopped her by grabbing her from the wrist...
-"Ladybug Calm down!"
Ladybug tried to "break" her arm free and with an aggressive look on her face, she said..
-"Chat! Let Go Of Me!..
He instantly refused. Ladybug was trying to "escape", shouting at him to let go. Chat Noir pulled her by her wrist into his arms and hug her tight. Ladybug was pushing him back but when Chat "Embraced" her tighter,  she started crying on his shoulder.
Meanwhile Èmma was on her own "wonderland". She was jumping and running on roof to roof, talking to herself in petulance..
-"Ladybug Knows that Chat Noir is ADRIEN!! (*inside scream*) and Father told me that it Wasn't Long after their Revealing to each other, they came face to face with the Source of Evil. HAWK MOTH'S DEAFEAT IS COMING SOON! IT'S GONNA BE CATASTROPHIC!"
-"Are you Always make so much noise?"
A voice was heard from nowhere, Èmma stopped to look her surroundings but Nobody was there. After a minute, She felt something moving upon her head. Èmma low down (or took off..) her hoodie. The cat tear was still upon her head just like Chat's. She felt the cold air as it was blowing her blonde curls. Èmma couldn't see the Creature on her head but she absolutely cetain that it was...
He robbed his Eyes and Yawrned. Plagg half-sleeping, he asked Èmma what was such a Catastrophy that she couldn't stop "yelling" about. Chattè knew she couldn't say anything to Plagg for the Final Battle. He already acquainted to much for the Future soo she decided to find an excuse and go with it (i don't recognize what I'm writing)...
-"My JACKET! It will be Catastrophic if I Don't Find it!"
Plagg turned around and closed his eyes to fall asleep again. Èmma wear her hoodie again, cavering Plagg and giving him the warmth he needed. It was nipping as Èmma felt her body in exhaustion. Less than a few Hours were left before the Sun to rises for the morning. Èmma decided to find her Jacket as soon as possible before going to school.
Alongside at the other part of the city, Chat Noir was comforting Ladybug who was finally in serenity and equanimity. She had her head low as she didn't want to speak. Ladybug was decrying herself. On the other hand, Chat wanted to talk, to make his Lady feel better. He was sad to see her like this but he was also confused by the Whole situation. Chat took a big breath, sighed and with his gentle voice, he took Ladybug's hands on his...
-"My Lady..please tell me what's wrong?"
-"Nothing wrong Chat.."
Ladybug said, talking her left hand to wipe out her tears. Chat had butterflies in his stomach..
-"Please Ladybug, i want to make you feel better"
She sighed and agreed to talk. The first thing that Chat asked, it was For the Dairy which she was so upset about and what connection, Did she had with Marrinete. Ladybug took a big breath and..
-" Marrinete is a good friend of mine. She is Kind, full of passion and generous.."
-"Don't forget Funny, Creative, an amazing person and brave! PLUS She is clever just like you!"
Chat said in admiration, laying back on his hands looking the sky with a bright smile on his face. The smiled fadded as he saw Ladybug turning around her face. She was blushing at first but the she started feeling guilty when her heart was pumping faster..
-"No.. She is TOoo Clever..!
Chat was gazing at his Lady with widely eyes, waiting for an answer. Ladybug sighed as she was ready to "drop bombs"..
-"Marrinete indeed she is an gentle citizen with an amazing personality, she always put others feelings before her's. She is always there to help us and she had never shown negative emotions that could attract an akuma. She is the only one in her class that hasn't akumatized yet!"
-"Isn't that a Good thing!?"
Chat's anguish was getting higher and higher. He was starting to freak out from the inside when Ladybug turned her head once again and bite the bottom of her lips. She was feeling worst than ever..
-"That's what scares me most.."
-"What!?.. I..is She... Does this Dairy has a role in all this?"
Chat was making a questionnaire in his mind but he didn't want to make her feel worst so he remained calm. Ladybug fold her arms...
-"Yes.. You see, Marrinete might look pure but even the Kindness hearts can cast shadows ("i read that in a fan made comic, i don't remember the title of it") and This DAIRY can exposed her at any minute!.. She has been in almost every single Akuma attack.. you Know!?"
Chat was speakless. He couldn't believe it "Marrinete was always caught up during an Akuma attack!" Indeed He had seen her and saved her a punch of times but being in all them!! The thought was "burning" his mind....
-"You haven't Noticed her, have You!?"
Ladybug knew the answer as she saw Chat's hesitation. She took a big breath to continue...
-"During the attacks, Marrinete have seen things that nobody should ever even HAD and knows a lot of things about the supernatural staffs as well! I mean She was the one who figure out our Secret IDENTITIES!!"
-"NO! She thought it would have been Better for us to find out each other's identities ourselves..."
Chat let out a sight of realive. He gazed his Lady with patience and concussion to find more about his friend who suddenly, he didn't know anything about her. Chat realised something..
-"That's Why you were so Upset with Marrinete's Dairy?! You don't want it to get in the wrong hands, not only to Protect just her!.. But to Protect Us, As Well!!"
By raising his shoulders, Chat asked with curiosity and more confusion, Why Ladybug was anxious of Marrinete being akumatized. She wrapped her arms around herself..
-"Hawk Moth Can Use her To make a Powerful Enemy which we won't be able to Defeat,. Moreover if Hawk moth give her the ability of mastering  her skills..
-"He Won't be Able to Control her, either!!.."
Ladybug nobbed. Chat felt his heart in pain, thinking of his sweet princess's laughter. Ladybug noticed Chat Noir to started panicking and freaking out as his eyes were popping out. She tried to take hold of herself as well, not to collapse into weeping as she was feeling the need and quilts to confess..
-"There another reason though, why i got mad anout this"
Ladybug said pointed out at the notebook in her hand. Chat felt spotcheck by that phase..
-"There is More About This DAIRY!!"
-"In a kind off...Yes! I admire Marrinete for all the great and generous things she does for others and the City but.."
Ladybug hesitated. Chat Noir was overwhelmed by this conversation. He wanted this "story" to end just like in fairy tales with a good end but that wasn't the reality..
-"I'm Also terrified by her... It is My Worst nightmare after losing my powers, to face the evil side off hers. I would not even bare it..."
-"Is it Because you must defeat your friend or cause of the Citizens of Paris and Hawk moth, being in danger!?"
Chat was looking at her with his "full of worries" glare, getting ready to comfort and embrace his Lady's fears with a hug and a positive speach. He didn't expect..
-"No.. because I might lose you.."
Both blushed but the difference was that Chat turned red! He cleaned his throat making sure that he could still talk and smiled with his eyes and mouth open. he looked his Lady, maintain eye contact with her and expressed himself from his gentle, golden heart...
-"I understand now why you are so Worried about her, i'm certain that Marrinete will never let her negative emotions to take control of her. She is the most positive person I know and besides If Marrinete gets akumatized... "
Chat raised his hand on Ladybug's shoulder, giving her a close lip smile...
-"Me and You will be there to help her and if we don't succeed we would try again! After all, her friends will be there too to help us! they will do anything in the strength to save her! We won't be alone.. Rena Rouge, Carapace and Queen Bee will also be there when that happenes. The Citizens of Paris don't have to worry!"
Ladybug tried to avoid eye contact but Chat Noir raised his hand on her chin and turned her head to look in the beautiful blue eyes of hers. Chat wiped the tear which was rolling down his Lady's cheek and with compassion, he said...
-"You don't have to Worry either..."
They were gazing each other in the eyes for at least fourteen minutes. Chat's heart was beating faster as we was getting closer to his Lady. Ladybug was completely lost as her love of her life was "bowling" to kiss her but before their lips meet, her heart pumped, making her nervous and pulled back. It was spontaneously for both of them..
-"Thanks Chat I really needed that!.. Anyways, i have to get going, before someone notice i'm gone"
Ladybug stand up and took the magic yo-yo on her palm..
-"You Should go home Too, Chat!"
-"I will My Lady.."
Ladybug nobbed and smiled. She throw her yo-yo to wrap on something and pulled the string. She left with a goodbye wave to Chat Noir and the Dairy. Chat looked at the sky with sad eyes and crossed his arms...
-"I will my princess.. i will..."
("He doesn't know Ladybug's identity but he was hoping for Marrinete that she could hear him right now")

At a street Èmma was searching in the garbage for her Jacket where she noticed she had dropped earlier..
Èmma was excited to see her Jacket but was also ready to puke on it. The smell was worst than a thousand years old mummy. She was relieved that Plagg was no longer with her, she was betting that he would loved the disgusting and 'paw'-full smell.  Èmma was trying to keep her eyes open but they were droopy red and started getting heavier and heavier. She was on a rooftop, not far away from the Eiffel Tower..
-"Maybe i could take a cat-nap for a little while. Probably one or two hours the most, Yeah.."
Èmma Yawrned, stretching her arms. She sat down and lay her back against a wall or chimney. She didn't care where or on what she was on, she just wanted to rest and so her Exhaustion took her in a deep and internally sleep upon the cold and hard cement..

( I'm gonna ruin your imagination now with one of my incorrect works)

Episode 2 part 4
Thanks for reading. Sorry for delaying and the background of these image, i found it on internet but it was blurry so i fixed it. I draw with a mouse and the character doesn't exactly represent the description of Èmma. Sorry...
                             ..by Larendia 🐾

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