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This part doesn't follow the story's facts. I was inspired and i thought sharing with you, my ideas. I don't know who exactly made this pictures but who ever is! I want to give me thanks!.
Warning just because is a bonus part doesn't mean it is short. It Is HUGE!

A Nive day in Paris. It was Saturday Morning and as usual, Marrinete was drawing on her sketchbook, beautiful and unique outfits based on Ladybug and Chat Noir Heroic Costume. Marrinete was so occupied with her designs that she didn't heard Èmma coming from the behind..
Marrinete screamed. Her chair fell backwards and so Marrinete fell with it as well..
Èmma gaved Marrinete a hand to get up and off the floor. Èmma apologised one more time.Marrinete shaked her head..
-"Don't worry, is not the first time i fall off the chair!. So how Was your Sleepover!?"
Èmma smiled and with enthusiasm, she said..
-"It Was Great! Alya is such an Amazing Girl, You're So Lucky to Have her As your Best Friend!.."
Marrinete smiling, agreed. Èmma was explaining to her, the fun things she and Àlya's sisters have done and how they manage to pissed Àlya. In the end of the day Àlya admitted that she also had a great Time even if they "tortured" her. Marrinete continued her sketchings. After half an hour Èmma got bored wondering around the room and playing with her phone, So she went to see Marrinete's designs again!
-"Are You Going To Make these!"
Marrinete turn her head toward Èmma..
-"The Outfits, are you going to "bring them in Life"!?"
-"I DON'T Think So!"
Èmma made a puppy face..
-"Ooh! WHY!??"
Marrinete giggled with Èmma expression..
Marrinete tuned her chair toward Èmma..
-"First of All, I don't think it is a good idea, i mean who would like to wear them plus i need different measurements for every single outfit, I don't have models or something to work with and You Can't stay Still for a Second!"
Marrinete said. She knew that Èmma was about to Volunteer. Èmma was speakless. She thought it and..
-"Yeach.. You're Right"
Marrinete continued..
-"And Even if I Had the Measurements, i wouldn't be able to make them either! The materials I require are too Expensive!"
Èmma was thinking..
-"SOoo..If I Understood Correctly! You Are telling Me that if you had Volunteers and Leathers You Could Start making them? But WHAT about Time!? Could you make All the outfits in two Weeks!?
Marrinete thought it for one minute..
-"If i Had the right matirials and the People were Cooperating enough! I could make them in less than Two weeks.."
As soon as Èmma heard that she "jump" from enthusiasm and started looking around the room for her shcool bag. After she found it she turned it upside down and so All of her books fallen onto the floor. Èmma grabbed a "professional" notebook she had, sticky notes and a pen. During all that! She was saying..
-"Really!? That's WONDERFUL! I HAVE AN IDEA!! WAIT HERE, I'LL BE BACK!-where is it- GREAT!
Èmma was at the hatch(door) after grabbing her phone, she also said with excitement..
Marrinete didn't realise what just happened. She turned her chair around and continued her sketchings.
The other day, Marrinete was sleeping on her desk cause she was working on an outfit all night. Suddenly Tikki was trying to wake her up! Marrinete half-sleeping, she groaned..
-"What is it Tikki.."
-"Marrinete, you must wake up!"
-"Is Monday already?.."
-"No but.."
Tikki seemed to be upset..
-"Is Paris in Danger?"
Marrinete cavered her face with the blanket, saying..
-"Then let me sleep.."
Good thing Tikki was the most patient person on earth or else..
Marrinete got up..
-"It about Èmma..
As soon as she heard that, she jump off bed, dressed and washed her teeth. On the other hand Tikki was trying to Calm her down by (trying) to answer her "question of panic" like..
Tikki took a big breath..
-"No, Marrinete, Èmma is fine"
-"Then What Wrong??"
Marrinete got really curious, especially when Tikki said to her to Go Outside.
Marrinete normally would look from her balcony but Tikki adviced her that it was better to eat breakfast and leave from the front door. Of course she followed her Kwami advice abd headed to the kitchen. On the refrigerator she found a note from her Parents.
They wrote to inform her that they won't be back home before afternoon (probably to avoid Marrinete's screaming crises). Tikki and Marrinete ate and went outside from the front door as Tikki said...
Marrinete as soon as she closed the door behind her, she heard a familiar voice coming from the other side of the road..
Èmma was selling thing to raise enough money for the materials and Leather. Marrinete was deeply touched..
-"Èmma is trying to get me the staff i require for the outfits! She really wants me to bring them to life!"
-"Yeach but that's not the problem!"
-"Then What is it Tikki?"
Before Tikki was able to answer, Marrinete heard Èmma shouting..
Marrinete mind shattered...
-"That's What i was Telling you About!"
Marrinete passed the road and headed towards Èmma. A small girl with her Mother approach her table. The girl was a little shy..
-"Do you Only Sell Adrien's staff"
Her mother took her from her hand..
-"Now darling we don't want to bother her from her work now, Do we?"
Èmma Imidiatly responded..
-"No, No it's Ok!"
Èmma got infrond of the table and kneel..
-"Hello little one! What's your Name?"
The Girl told her, her Name..
-"Hi Daphne, My Name is Emorgàna Mistèv Maria the first, but you can Call me Èmma for short!"
Èmma said gently and bowled..
-"I'm a Wandering knight, well i was one"
Daphne's eyes sparkled..
-"Really what Happened?"
-"Oh it is a long story!"
Marrinete and the Mother were smiling, while watching the "Trauma" as Èmma was telling to the little girl, all of her amazing adventures and how she end up selling "picture and comics" of a "beautiful Prince" who was forever locked up in his "castle"..
-"What happened Next!?
-"UNFORTUNATELY, it is another story which i CANNOT Tell! I Swered to My King that i will never reveal his Son Existence"..
Èmma was playing very well the role but it came by surprise to Marrinete the last part of her act. Èmma felt on her knees and with an Tragic face, she said..
-"Oh! I just Did! I don't want to end up in prison! Please princess don't say anything to that BAD King!
Daphne promised not to and Èmma thank her and stand up again. Marrinete heart was melting. Daphne noticed a doll of Adrien..
-"Mom! Mom look"
The girl Pointed out and of course Mother looked..
-"Can i Have Prince Adrien!?"
The Mother was speakless. Èmma Imidiatly understood the hard position she put her in. Èmma as a "Knight and a servant" did what she had to do..
-"Of Course you Can have it! Here!"
Èmma gently gave her the doll..
-"Can I have It, Really!?"
-"Yes! As long of course you will keep your promise You can take the doll.. if you Tell the KING! I will send the Gomblems to take Prince away from You!"
Daphne responded, turning around her body and hold the doll tighter..
Èmma smiled. She messed up the girl's hair, saying..
-"I'm just messing around with you kid!"
The Mother and the child left with huge smiles on their faces. Marrinete stepped forward..
-"Wow! You're good with Children, however, where did you find that doll and all off these!"
Èmma was on her own world but she answered...
-"These things!? I Found Them in Your Room!
Marrinete was shocked, "so these is what Tikki was talking about!" She thought!..
-"I had Permission from Your Parents of course!"
"That's why they left! Traaaiiitoors!"
-"You had SOo many in your Room, i mean you even hide them under your bed! Don't worry i kept some pictures of him."
Marrinete was speakless and could't move, especially when she sold the exclusive magazine, "it was one of a kind". Èmma pulled a box full of photos. Marrinete screamed..
Èmma was shocked, Marrinete literally took not only the box from her hands but also her breathe as well. Èmma sighed..
-"Marrinete you don't need these photos!"
-"Yeah? And why is That!"
Èmma was trying to keep her nerves down..
-"First off all! We need The Money for the Photoshoot, the Leathers and The Print shop!"
-"What Are You Even Talking about!?"
-"Let me Finished! Sencond of all, stop acting like a FAN- GLAB girl!
Marrinete was offended and looked away. Èmma took a big breath..
-"Lisen Adrien's life is complicated and you know that Already. He doesn't know what love really Is!
If you want him though to at least notice your feelings, you have to show Who you truly Are! Nowdays People look and admire the image not The person behind it. Are You one of Those People that Look Adrien Agreste and say "He is Rich! He is a Model! I Want to Marry him cause he Hot and Famous?!"
-"Then PROVE IT! DON'T BE AFRAID, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE AND THESE PICTURES..these pictures are the first step to show to everyone that the image doesn't matter! The personality does!"
Marrinete was silent, both were sitting on the Shcool's stairs..
-"Do you Know What's different about you and Adrien from all the Others citizens in Paris! You Always sick for the heart! Not even the Personality! JUST the heart.."
Marrinete thinking about it..
Èmma was gazing her with sympathy..
-"I'm so Sorry!"
-"For What?"
Èmma smiled at her Cunningly...
-"I sold all The Pictures and Magazines!"
-"wait... WHAT?!!!"
Marrinete started shouting again, making millions of question..
Marrinete was out of breathe. Èmma finally could speak..
-" NO! I meant it! By the way, we have more money that we needed!"
Marrinete groaned..
One Week had passed and Marrinete was almost over with the outfits.. "Weard thing happened lately. First Èmma sells all of my photos and Magazines. Second all of my classmates are visiting me often, including Adrien and Èmma Beggs me to take their measurements. Last and Not least, now Èmma spents a lot of time out! Àlya text me that she slept at Chloe's Hotel Last night, Why her! At least my Parents didn't disturb me because if They dare to.."
Marrinete groaned out of "MADNESS", when a knock was heard.Marrinete tuned around her chair, she thought it was Èmma or Àlya, but she thought wrong. It Was Adrien!
Marrinete panicked but she didn't screamed. Adrien waved and asked her if she could come in. Marrinete, Of Course let him. It was awkward as both were silent until Adrien broke the ice..
-"SOoo.. I just heard that It was your idea to sell all the Magazines and photos to raise money! It was a great idea!"
Marrinete nervously laughed, giving Adrien a wide smile..
-"If it wasn't for your fame and beautiful face, we wouldn't had succeeded!"
Adrien blushed. Normally he was used to people that always comment about how AMAZING he is or how his face was gorgeous and all. Hearing from Marrinete Was Not Normal and made him blush red. Not as red as Marrinete of course. She was like a tomato, staggering her words, unable to think straight. Adrien's laughings, calm Marrinete's "self a steams"..
Adrien asked something. Marrinete answered and somehow the end up looking at pictures that Marrinete still had with him and talk over Adrien's real smiles and memories in which both had a very grateful time and fun.

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