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"Hello there, I'm officer Nam." The officer said as Namjoon and Jin sat in his office, Taehyung and Jungkook on their laps.

"So I'm going to be the main the investigative officer on your sons case." He paused, "If you have any questions regarding the process or any concerns you can ask me and let me know." He paused once more before opening a file folder infront of the parents. "So this morning we went to the mothers home, she wasn't there but the boyfriend was so we searched the home top to bottom but unfortunately there wasn't a trace of him." Officer Nam concluded making Jin and Namjoon sigh incoherently.

"So what happens now?" Jin asked, he looked at the officers name tag. He wondered what the E stood for.

"We just sent out an amber alert in hopes that someone has seen the mother or Jimin." He stated. "If we get nothing from this we can check the cameras of the preschool and ask the teachers."

Both the men nodded before standing.

"Your best bet is to lay low. If the press tries to contact you don't respond because we want his abductor to think we don't care that he's gone. If we show that we're worried that means they're winning." He added. "If you hear of anything let me know, here's my number."

He handed Jin a card off the desk.

Then the four left, leaving the officer to do his research.

He paged his intern officer into the room. She opened the door slowly as the officer motioned for her to take a seat.

"I have a case for you Chungha."


"I miss Jiminie." Taehyung cried as Jin tried to rock him.

He hadn't taken his nap and it was taking its toll on the boy.

"Shh." Jin hushed as Taehyung continued to wail.

"I want Jiminie!" He screamed while Namjoon got an idea.

"Here, I'll be back in twenty minutes." He stated as he took the screaming boy from Jin's arms. He carried the boy outside to the car before buckling him into his carseat and getting into the drivers seat.

"D-Daddy, I want Jiminie!" He sobbed as Namjoon began to drive.

"I know sweetheart me too."

Out of everyone; Taehyung was having it the hardest; first because of his lack of sleep and second because Jimin was his first real bond with someone besides Jin."

They were so close.

It hurt Namjoon to see his boy cry like that.

The boy continued to wail loudly, stopping for minutes at a time because he tired himself out. He would then continue after regaining his breath.

Soon after he was reduced to hiccups and sniffles before silence.

Namjoon looked in the rear view mirror and smiled.

His plan had worked.

He drove home and parked the car, getting out and unbuckling the sleepy boy.

"J-Jiminie.." Taehyung mumbled as Namjoon carried him into the house.

He laid him down in his bed before covering him with the covers and exiting the room silently.

"Did you drug him?" Jin asked, Namjoon put a hand on his chest, being over dramatic as always.

"I would never." He stated before smiling sheepishly. "I just let him cry."

"Alright, dad of the year award goes to Kim Namjoon for Smart Parenting Techniques." Jin mocked before going into Jimin's room.

He took the comforter and began making the boy's bed. Namjoon watched in silence as the man picked up the scattered toy cars and put them in their bin, fixed the stuffed animals on his shelf and placed the boy's dog plushie in the middle of his pillows of the freshly made bed.

He then blew the dust off the book shelf and straightened the picture books before straightening out the rug of the roads for his toy cars too.

Jin turned to Namjoon and smiled sadly before the two exited the room, Jin shutting the door.

Leaving it ready for Jimin if he ever came home.



This made me sad :(

Also, I posted a fourth chapter because I'm a bad bitch


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