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Jimin smiled excitedly as Chungha grabbed his hand. "It's coming out today how do you feel?" She asked as he sighed.


She chuckled before nodding to the doctor who placed a gas mask over his nose and mouth.

He continued to look at her before his eyes closed and his hand became dead weight.

She turned and exited the room before going into the office where Namjoon and Jin were.

"He just went under." Chungha stated, taking a seat next to Eric.

"I can't believe it's already over." Jin replied bewildered as Chungha laughed lightly.

"He did very well, one of our best participants at that." Eric added making the two parents smile.

"Wendy said that her and Jimin were able to get above curriculum so he should be all caught up on his school work. Dr. Choi has one more meeting with him and Dr. Lee also has another meeting to discuss Jimin's diet."

Both parents nodded before the door opened. Dr. Lee entered the room with a file folder before taking a seat next to the desk.

"Good morning." He greeted with a smile. "Today's an exciting day! So I have a diet for Jimin, and I would like him to get interested in some sort of extra curricular exercise. For example, your other sons are on soccer and track teams so I would like Jimin to find something he's interested in."

"Other than that this is for you." He said handing the folder over. "It is a comprehensive meal plan for Jimin so that when mixed with his exercise of choice, it will turn the fat he's gained into muscle."

The door opened as Jimin entered the office with a bandage behind his ear, Dr. Choi entered in behind him.

"He's all ready to go." The doctor announced before Jimin nodded contently.


"So I have to go to school after spring break?" Jimin asked on the car ride home. Both Namjoon and Jin nodded.

"You'll be going to school with Taehyung." Jin added making Jimin smile. "And we can take you shopping for school supplies. It'll be fun."

"Okay." Jimin replied simply as Namjoon pulled into the garage.

Jimin quickly got out and ran inside, going straight into Taehyung's room.

"Oh hey! How'd the thing go?" He asked, mentioning the—now out—microchip.

"Pretty good, I get to go to school after spring break! When is that?" Jimin asked as Taehyung chuckled.

"In two weeks. That's pretty cool you know?" He replied making the latter nod proudly. "Have you decided on any sports teams yet?"

Jimin shook his head before sitting next to the boy. "I'm nervous."

"Why?" Taehyung asked bewildered, "you'll make so many friends Jimin. I promise you it's going to be fun because I'll be there. I'm the funnest." He boasted.

Jimin rolled his eyes.

"I guess." He replied before smirking, Taehyung over-dramatically grabbed his heart—really the fabric over it—with his hand before fake crying.

"Is this relationship just fake love?" He asked making Jimin laugh and nod.

Taehyung gasped again.


Jungkook knocked on the door.

The familiar face smiled as he held the door open for the boy so he could enter the room.

"What is my favourite student doing here so late?" Mr. Kwon asked as he led Jungkook to his desk in the corner of the room.

He took a seat and turned to log on to his computer.

Jungkook looked at the guitars on the wall before turning to look at the man.

"I have a question." He replied nervously.

Jungkook was never nervous.

Mr. Kwon turned his full body to the boy; turning away from his lists of emails.

"What is it?" He asked softly, genuinely curious.

"Well um," he started. "I don't know if you know but, I have a brother."

"Yes, Taehyung-"

"Not Taehyung." He cut in, the teacher cocked his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows. "I have another brother named Jimin."

The teacher hummed.

"He's going to be enrolling here after spring break. He hasn't ever been to a real school because there was an incident when he was little." Jungkook paused, "I would tell you but I feel like that's his own thing and he should talk about it only if he wants to."

Mr. Kwon nodded.

"Sorry," he paused. "Anyway, my point is he's a bit nervous and he needs something to do that's extra curricular. So I want to get him into music."

"You do have musical blood." Mr. Kwon stated, Jungkook smiled widely.

"Exactly! So I was hoping he could join the group."

Mr. Kwon smiled.

"I'm even surprised you asked me. Usually you'd just bring a whole bus load. Yes that's fine, and I can't wait to meet him."



Awe Jimin's starting school sooooon :)


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