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Jimin's Third Birthday

"Dada?" Jungkook asked as Jin tucked him in. "Will Jiminie come home next year?"

"I hope so."

"Me too."

Jimin's Fourth Birthday

"Daddy my wish didn't come true!" Taehyung cried as Namjoon hugged him.

"What was your wish?"

"I wanted Jiminie to come home for his birthday this year!"

"I'm sorry sweetheart."

"I miss him daddy!"

Jimin's Fifth Birthday

Jungkook threw himself against the door.

"Hey, that's enough." Namjoon growled.

The boy had been having a tantrum because Jimin hadn't come home for his birthday again.

"I want Jimin!" He screamed as Namjoon picked him up.

He thrashed and kicked in the man's arms as he was carried to his own room.

"Daddy bring me to Jimin right now!" The boy fumed before Namjoon placed him on his bed.

"Do not act this way Jungkook!" He yelled back, Jungkook stared at him with a red face before Namjoon yelled again. "What do you think Jimin would say if he saw you talking to me like this?"

Jungkook didn't say anything but continued to look at his daddy before he began to cry. "Daddy! Jiminie is mad at me!"

Namjoon sighed before picking his son up. "No he's not, but you can't act like that to dada and daddy okay?"

"I'm sorry~"

Jimin's Sixth Birthday

"Look what I made today!" Jungkook exclaimed, running up to Hoseok who was picking him up from preschool.

He gasped. "Wow! Who's that for?!" Hoseok asked enthusiastically.

"Jimin! Is he home yet? Is that why daddy isn't picking me up?" Jungkook asked excitedly.

In reality, Namjoon was working late in his studio.

Jimin's Seventh Birthday

Taehyung sat up against Jimin's bedroom door crying.

"Sweetheart it's 4 am, what are you doing?" Jin asked as he crouched next to the boy.

"I'm waiting for-" he stopped to hiccup. "Jimin to come home."

Jimin's Eighth Birthday

"It's been five years!" Jungkook yelled angrily as he banged on Jimin's door with his fists.

"Stop it Jungkook." Jin scolded, Jungkook turned and said something that stunned Jin enough to begin raging.

"Fuck you."

"Excuse me?" Namjoon asked as he entered the situation, he looked at Jungkook before also being stunned.

"Fuck you too."

Namjoon picked up Jungkook and brought him to his room before shutting the door, behind the two.

"You need to stop."

"You need to give me my brother back!" He yelled angrily before having a full on tantrum. "Where did you take him?!"

"I didn't-"


Jimin's Ninth Birthday

Jin looked at the last picture he had of Jimin, a photo frame that sat on the dresser in his and Namjoon's room.

"Happy Birthday my sweet baby boy." He cooed before wiping a tear. "I bet you've grown so much."

Jimin's Tenth Birthday

"I still don't understand it." Officer Nam mumbled as he replayed the footage for the sixth time in the last five minutes.

It was the same footage that he had been playing for the last seven years.

"Maybe an updated sketch could help?" He thought aloud, they had tried it a few years back, with no results obviously.

"Screw It." He mumbled before emailing his sketch artist.

Jimin's Eleventh Birthday

"I want you both to consider the options." Officer Nam stated as he asked Chungha to watch Jungkook and Taehyung outside the office.

"There is a very slim chance Jimin is alive." He said slowly in a soft tone making Namjoon look down.


"Eric." Officer Nam corrected, he figured they were close enough.

"Eric," Jin repeated, "because we're assuming he has um.. passed.. are you throwing away his case?"

Jimin's Twelfth Birthday

"Taehyung come out of the room." Jin ordered as he asked for the millionth time.

Taehyung hadn't left his room in three days.

"Maybe I'll die and be with Jimin again!" He yelled through his sobs.

Jimin's Thirteenth Birthday

"10 years ago I ruined our lives." Namjoon mumbled to himself as he laid in the bedroom alone; Jin was putting the boy's to bed.

Jin entered the room and noticed Namjoon's sad demeanour. "It's alright, we might still find him-"

"It's been 10 years Jin. I doubt he's alive."

Jimin's Fourteenth Birthday

Chungha raced down the hall and up the stairs.

"Sir!" She sputtered, entering Eric's office which Namjoon and Jin were sitting in.

Eric looked at her with the 'What the hell are you doing?' Look. He was consulting them about closing Jimin's case for good.

"I have a lead."





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