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"Tae Tae?" Jimin asked innocently as he poked his head through the boy's door.

"Hi Jimin." Taehyung yawned as he laid in his bed on his phone. He put it down as the latter climbed onto the bed. "What's up?"

"There's something wrong with dada." Jimin replied nervously, Taehyung furrowed his brows.

"What's wrong?"

"He was walking funny."

"Maybe his back hurts?" Tae thought aloud logically before Jimin nodded in agreement.

"I have to get ready for school." Taehyung sighed as Jimin continued to sit in his bed as the boy began to get himself ready.

Jimin also needed to get ready because his tutor was coming at 11.

It was 7:43.

"How come you leave so early?" Jimin asked as Taehyung stuffed his papers into his backpack.

"Because my school starts at 8:30." He stated before slinging one of the bag's straps over his shoulder. "Come on."

Jimin quickly followed the boy out of the room, seeing Jin lean against the counter by the elbows with his head down.

"Everything alright dad?" Taehyung asked as Jin nodded silently, still looking down.

"Your lunch is in the fridge, have a good day." He stated briskly before getting up and slowly entering his and Namjoon's room.

"Go get your son up, they're gonna be late." Jin ordered, considering Namjoon was definitely scared of his husband when in pain he quickly did as told and entered Jungkook's room.

"Jimin, could you do dada a favour?" Jin asked as he took a seat on a chair in the dining room.

Jimin nodded happily.

"Could you get ready by yourself today? Dada isn't feeling that great." He proposed, the boy smiled before nodding his head quickly.

"I'm a big boy."

"That's right." Jin mumbled as his head laid in his arms, he listened to Jimin patter off before the sound of his bedroom door closing.

'I'll fix what I need to..' he thought before sighing.


"Good morning," The lady said as she entered the home, Jin's tylonel kicked in so he wasn't in so much pain. "I'm your teacher; Ms. Wendy."

"Hi!" Jimin exclaimed as he waved. "I'm Jimin!"

"Hi Jimin." Wendy replied before grabbed her hand and pulled her further into the house.

"Can we colour?" The boy asked, Wendy chuckled breathily before the latter took a seat at the table in front of his Anpanman colouring book.

The kid was obsessed.

"How about we do some work first?" Wendy asked taking a seat next to the boy. He nodded as she pulled out a booklet with animals on it.

"It's a lion!" He squealed.

"Do you know how to spell your name?" She asked as she placed out a box of crayons and a small pencil.

Jimin shook his head slowly.

"Okay well let's learn."


"Will you come back tomorrow?" Jimin asked as Wendy nodded.

"I'll come back."

"Good." He replied before she chuckled. "Bye Ms. Wendy!"

"Bye Jimin." She returned in a light chuckle before he ran off to play.

"Thank you for coming." Jin stated as she smiled.

"I mean, he's really really smart Mr. Kim." She started, "I feel like we'll be up to curriculum in less than the 9 month spam for sure."

Jin smiled.

"We might even be able to go further than the freshman curriculum." She added.

"Either way, I just don't want him to feel different or left out."

Wendy nodded silently before feeling a buzz in her pocket, she lifted up her phone before gasping.

"I have another student to get to." She said with a sheepish smile before Jin chuckled.



"And Ms. Wendy showed me how to count a-and spell my name too!" Jimin exclaimed as Namjoon was the receiver of the conversation. He wanted his daddy to know everything that he learned while the man was at work.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Namjoon asked as he mixed the contents of the bowl.

"He doesn't know." Jin chuckled as he took the bowl, replacing it with a cheese grater and a block of cheese. "Shred please."

Namjoon shook his head and smiled as he placed the grater down on a plate before beginning to shred the cheese on it. "So you like school?"

Jimin nodded quickly before Jin chuckled. "Ms. Wendy said he was really smart too."

"I can tell where he gets it's from." Namjoon replied winking at Jin. "I knew my IQ of 148 would be good for something. Maybe not passing it down but you know; the kid has taken some good genes."



Sorry this chapter was kinda boring, I got writers block but I needed to have the introduction of Wendy to go with the plot so yeah 😅


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