1. Emergency

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Tears, they are running down my cheeks. My father is looking at me in disappointment. The paramedic is taking my blood pressure. I feel numb.
All I am thinking about is what is to come. I am scared.
We finally pull up to the building and they take me out of the ambulance on the stretcher. My dad is following us as we go into the elevator. When we step in, it shakes. My dad put his hand on my leg then the elevator rings and we make our way into this room. The room had a phone by a door that looked really heavy and strong. One of the paramedics picked up the phone and said "Allyson Farber and her father are here." He put the phone back as he said, "We are going to wait for this door to open then your dad will be checked to see if he has any weapons. Then they will take you into a room to check you in, okay?" I nodded my head so he knew I was listening. Then a lady in Navy blue scrubs opened the door and said "Hey Allyson, my name is Jenn. Can I take you with me to go see your docter?" I shook my head yes. She helped me off the stretcher and onto a wheelchair even though I could walk. She pushed me down the hallway into a room that looked almost like the Minute Clinic's examination room, we sat for about 5 minutes before a tall guy in a white lab coat walked in. He was very intimidating. He sat down on the chair across from me, looked me in the eye and said "Hello"

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