4. Hi, whats your name!

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The nurse unlocked the door and let me out. Then she asked me if I wanted a tour of the unit. I nodded in response. I followed her down the hallway and she unlocked the double doors that went into a big room where a ton of people were sitting. There was about 20 to 30 kids and about 7 nurses who were sitting behind the front desk. The kids were wearing clothes that you would normally wear to a sleepover. There were boys and girls who looked between 13-18. Then a boy who was sitting on the ledge near the window looked at me, cocked his head, smiled, and yelled "Hey, whats your name!?" I just looked down at my feet and curled my toes. Then I looked back up and grinned a small bit. Then the nurse asked me to follow her and we went in this hallway that was connected to the big room. In this hallway there was rooms upon rooms. She pointed out the shower and the laundry room. Then we came up to this room. The room number was 1321. She walked me in and Galilee was on the far side sitting on a bed. Across the room about a meter and a half was another bed. At the foot of the bed there was a window and on the other side there was a desk with a huge green chair. The other side was symmetrical. Then there was a floppy green door that was magnetized to the wall. I pulled it open which felt weird. It was a bathroom, it looked like the the ones at the Y. I walked out and carefully closed the flap. The nurse was still in the room. On my desk there was a paper bag. Like the ones at County Market but without the print on it. I opened the bag and there was the pair of jeans that I wore today. My belt was gone. My shirt that I wore today, a pair of sweat pants, and a shirt that I got at the restaurant "Grandma's" in Duluth. A toothbrush, my hair brush, face wash, and toothpaste. I put all of that in the slots on the side of my desk and then I gave the bag to the nurse. She then told me it was about 10:30 and curfew was normally at 10:00 and because I got here tonight she would let me take a shower. Then she left the room and shut the door behind her. Surprisingly she didnt lock the door. I then got the sweat pants and grandma's shirt out of the slot, and grabbed my face wash, toothbrush, and toothpaste. I then went into the shower room and on a ledge in the corner of the room there was a towel with a sticky note on top that had a smiley face on it. I turned on the shower and let it run while I let my hair down and undressed. I climbed in the shower and stood there for about ten minutes without doing anything. Then I washed my hair and my body. I then brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then I sat down on the ground and hugged my knees and cryed. This went on for about 20 minutes. I stood up turned off the shower and dried my body off with the towel that was extremely small and thin. Then I put on my shirt and pants and went back to my room.
When I got there I put my stuff back in the slots and climbed into bed. Galilee was already sleeping. It took me forever to fall asleep. In the middle of the night I went up to the front desk and asked for another pillow. Because the one I had was paper thin. Once one of the nurses got me a pillow I went back in my room and went to bed and was out cold until the morning.

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