5. Cream of Wheat

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I heard my door open and I looked up and a nurse in teal scrubs had come in with a clipboard. Once she saw that I was awake she told me to go get breakfast before it was cold. I nodded. Then she left. I looked over at Galilee and she was still sound asleep. So I simply threw a pillow at her. She responded with the middle finger. Then I sat up and went to the bathroom. The door was a flap so I could almost garentee that Galilee could here me peeing. Anyways, I then brushed my teeth and put my hair up. I didnt change into my clothes that I wore yesterday. Mainly because I didnt want to wear jeans unless I had to. I slid on my black and white Vans. I then opened the door and went down the hallway till I got to the big, main room. When I got there all the chairs were different and there was a lot less people. Probably because they were sleeping still. The kid that yelled at me was sitting in a corner next to a girl with red hair. The had trays with food on them. Everybody was in a group. It was just like school in the lunchroom. I went up the the front desk where all the nurses were. I then asked them if I could get some food. One of them who looked like she was about to strangle me pointed at a big box thing with slots. So I went over there and examined it. In almost every spot there was a tray with a receipt that had a name and a date on it. I then grabbed the one with my name on it and went to go sit alone at an empty table. On my tray was 3 little cups of apple juice, a very small blueberry muffin, a 2% milk, and a little container of Cheerios. Then I looked around me and I drank a little bit of a Apple juice. Then the kid who yelled at my got up from his spot and sat across from me. The girl he was sitting with followed and sat next to him. "Hey, you didnt awnser my question last night. Whats your name?" The boy said with a smile. I looked up from my tray and said quietly "Whats Yours?" He then said "Julio, so now will you tell me what your name is without the suspense?!" I replied "Ally" He then started to clap. This lasted for about 5 seconds. He then looked me in the eye and said "Why are you here? You don't seem crazy to me. I mean you don't have to tell me, but it would be cool if you did." I then replied "I didn't sign the safety contract. I don't really want to talk about the rest." He then smiled and asked if I was going to drink my Apple juices. I shook my head and gave then to him. Then I looked down the hallway and Galilee was finally coming. She looked like she had just rolled out of bed and walked out here which was probably the case. Then a nurse came up to me and asked if I was done eating. I nodded and he took my tray. Then another nurse came up to me and asked if she could take my vitals. I nodded and followed her towards the hallway. We stopped before we reached any rooms and there was a chair that had a blood pressure machine next to it. I sat on the chair and she took my blood pressure, my tempiture, and drew my blood. Then she gave me my pills. Then I got up and walked away. When I walked into the big room again there was a lot more people. I went over to where I was sitting before and Galilee was sitting next to Julio, and there was another girl between Galilee and I. She had dark skin and dyed orange hair that was up in a hair tie. She was wearing an avavodo t-shirt and black sweat pants. She was mixing a white paste in a styrofoam bowl. It was the constancy of milk. Then she started mumbling to herself. Then she said "My cream of wheat is not supposed to be liquid!" Then she went up to the front desk and mixed the cream of wheat on front if the nurses and asked if they would eat it. They all shook their heads. Then she yelled "Then why the hell are you giving it to us! Whatever. It doesn't matter, I just won't eat. And when you put that down on my chart make sure you mention that the cream of wheat was liquid." Then most of the patients started cheering. Then female nurse who took my vitals yelled "That's enough! Get to your groups!" Then most of the patients went over to a board across from the front desk. So I went over there to see what it was. And my name was under the "C" colum. Julio was in column "D" with Galilee. Tami was in "A" Well I'm screwed.

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