11. goodnight

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Liam. Memories flood my vision. My empty shell, staring into nothingness as the intercom announces that Liam took his own life last night. I loose feeling in all of my limbs. Pain shoots up my chest. I look around to witness the reactions to this tragity. I clutch my stomach as I rush to the garbage can. I throw up. My natural reaction to pain. Sobs shutter and shriek out of my body as I collapse onto the ground. It was supposed to be me. I run out of the classroom. Goodnight Liam, sleep well. I love you.

Goodbye dad. I will miss you. Well, I will miss the old you. I have already cried enough. Now its time for me to grow up, and figure out what is best for me. I love you. I hope you realize why I left.

I found the guy who molested me when I was little. He is dead now. I didn't press charges because I never wanted to see him again. I feel as though I am a horrible person for being happy that he is dead. He had a family. But he is dead now and that chapter of my life is over. Now it's time to move on. Maybe I will have solace. Maybe he's in a better place.


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