9. Bad day

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The nurse knocked on my door and let herself in. She sat on the end of my bed and said "Having a bad day?" I replied with a shrug. She then said its lunch time. And I was in awe because it felt that just a few minutes ago I was eating breakfast. She then smiled and walked out. I sat up and made my bed. Running my hand along the scratchy, thin, uncomfortable blanket. Then I rearranged my pillowcase on the pillow. I went to the bathroom. It was nice that no one was in the room. I changed my pajamas into a pair of maroonish scrub pants. They were weird looking so I rolled them up on my waste and ancles. I then put on a black shirt that said "love" and tied it in a thot-knot. I then ran my hands through my hair and quickly French braided it. I then slipped on my Vans, and walked out of my room. I walked down the hallway and made my way into the lunchroom. When I walked in, there looked to be a few new people. I grabbed my lunch and looked for a place to sit. Galilee waved me down and said "Look who's back from the dead!" I flashed a quick smile. And she patted her hand on the seat next to her. I sat down. At the table was Tami, Julio, Galilee, and I. I quickly ate most of my food and put my tray away. I went back in my room and put on the headphones that I got from the front desk. I closed my eyes and sat on the heater. I started thinking about how I missed my normal life. How I wasnt going to catch up in school. How I was going to miss the first showchoir competition. How at my showchoirs preshow I let down Haellie, because I told her I was going to sing a solo and I ended up not doing it. All of this and more was racing in my mind. I looked out the window and started to cry. I felt numb. I went into the bathroom and stuck my index and middle fingers down my throat and threw up. I was so tired. I just wanted to go home, sleep in my own bed. I wanted to smell the fresh air. I didn't want to get behind in school. I've done that before and it's so difficult to climb back out of the hole. The rest of the day I kept to myself in my room. Later, a new nurse came in, I'm guessing that a new shift started. She asked me if I would like to go watch the movie. I nodded, grabbed my awfully uncomfortable linen sheet blanket, wrapped myself up in it, slipped on my vans, and followed her out into the main room. Everyone is already there, the chairs were all lined up in "theater style". I sat on the uncomfortable chair, squirming around annoyingly to try to find a decent position. Everybody else sat with a group of people, of course I was alone. We watch the movie How to Eat Fried Worms or whatever, it was an incredibly dumb movie. I guess I would say it was a waste of time. When it was over I grabbed a few snacks off of the counter, I was hungry since I hadn't eaten dinner. I walked back into my room, ate the snacks, and snuggled up in bed drifting off to sleep quickly.

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