Chapter 1

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Tsuna bit his lip as he gingerly presses the gauze-covered pad over the short, shallow gash on his lower arm. He quickly sticks the sticky edges on to the skin that wasn't broken, dropping his hand with a heavy sigh. Taking a small peek in mirror, Tsuna could see a drop of water fall on to his face, drooping down to his chin. Any dirt, grime, or part of the ground that once stained his pale skin couldn't be seen as he had washed it away. He had taken a shower and now was taking care of any of the cuts and gashes the three pricks had made with a s witch blade they had on them. It was pretty hard to keep his grunts quiet but he was able to keep them from getting the enjoyment of hearing him in pain.

Tsuna rubs the droplet away with his fist, also rubbing his tired eyes none too gently. He pulls the sleeve of his shirt down, noticing that the fabric made his bruises itch slightly, and stands up, wincing at the minor ache. He shoves the bandages, gauze pads, and other medical items back into their original places, throwing the trash into the bin by the sink. He flips the light-switch, turning the knob of the door slowly as to not make any sound. He pulls the door open, keeping the knob in his hand as he switches from his right to his left as he slips through to the hallway, keeping the knob turned. He closes the door and slowly turns the knob back, hearing a small click.

Tsuna turns, ready to sneak back to his room, but stiffens with widened eyes.


"A fall wouldn't cause you to need that amount of bandages, Dame-Tsuna," the former Arcobaleno stares with dark, unwavering eyes, a small frown laced on to his face.

The curse has been lifted, though the Arcobaleno still kept into their infant form. Currently, Verde was centralizing his attention and stressed on getting back into their adult bodies, but until then, they could only stay looking like a baby.

Tsuna flinches and averts his eyes, a unreadable expression on his face. He bites his bottom lip, making it turn white with the pressure before turning pink a few seconds after, and stays quiet. Reborn's onyx eyes bore into his petite figure but he doesn't say another word. Tsuna, deciding that the baby wasn't going to say another word, turns and starts to walk to the closed door where his room was placed behind. He shuffles all the way to the said piece of wood, silence cramming into the room, before Reborn starts to utter a few words.

"Just know you aren't alone," Reborn's voice softens, "Tsuna."

Tsuna closes his eyes and opens the door to his room.

"I know. It... just doesn't feel it though," he mutters and goes into his room, allowing the door to shut with a soft click.

Reborn stares at the door that kept him from seeing his student, lips pressed together in a straight line. He closes his huge, dark eyes with a soft sigh through his nose. Leon crawls from his fedora on to his shoulder, tenderly flicking his tongue across his cheek. Reborn grunts and opens his eyes, allowing a slight glance to his green companion. With another gentle flick of his tongue, Leon crawls back up to Reborn's fedora, curling up but not closing his eyes. Reborn continues to stares at the door.

'I need to do something about this.'

He turns and walks away, turning along the corner of the hall and going down the stairs.

POV Change

Tsuna flops down on to his bed, rolling on to his right side and setting his sight on the moonlight that streamed through the transparent panes of glass in a gray and white radiance, the blue curtains hanging limply on the sides. He feels his eyes strain to keep open with the heaviness of exhaustion from the day's events and actions and words he had to force out or keep down; the lies especially drained him. He blinks, eyes keeping closed a few seconds longer than usual, and pushes himself up. He allows himself a pause, yawning, and gets up off his bed.

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