Somewhere in the foothills

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Somewhere in the foothills of the Claws of the Clouds mountains, where the mountains met the hot sand desert, a family of MudWings and Skywings lived. Scorch would never understand why her parents had insisted on all her aunts and uncles (or at least, the ones who hadn't gone missing into the depths of Pyrrhia six years earlier.) living with them. It was so much harder to avoid killing anyone when there were so many dragons around all the time!!! Her Uncle Reed had several permanent burn scars from when she had gotten overexcited as a dragonet and tried to hug someone, and Reed had intervened. So, definitely he's not my biggest fan. I certainly don't like the lectures that come with touching, well anything really. Scorch shifted her talons awkwardly on her rock, trying to get the sand off her talons before- too late, it had already melted. She hated the stupid desert. She hated her stupid brother, for needing to live there. Stupid "cold blooded" condition, where the only place warm enough for him to even live was the stupid Kingdom of Sand. They weren't even allowed to live here. Princess Sunny had ordered Clay and Peril's permanent banishment after some fiasco that neither of them would talk about. Apparently some dragon died who wasn't supposed to in a battle. That was all Scorch had been able to figure out. That's why they were living in the foothills of the Claws of the Clouds mountains. Although, Scorch was thankful that they couldn't live too far into the Sand Kingdom, and were technically living a mile from where the Kingdom officially started, but there was still sand EVERYWHERE! Scorch hated sand. She hated it with a passion as strong as her fire. It had nearly killed her once. The first day they came to the Kingdom of Sand, Scorch had fallen asleep in a sand dune. She had awoken over an hour later, drowning in melted glass. She had managed to get her snout out of the surface enough to yell for help. She would definitely be dead by now if she wasn't half Mudwing. She did have the giant Mudwing lungs, as did Chill, since both SkyWings and MudWings had large lungs. MudWings for hiding in the mud, and SkyWings for flying higher than the level any other tribes could breathe at. Her mother had to pull her out, with a bit of reluctant help from Chill, as they were the only dragons who could touch her without at least extreme pain. Ash had mildly fireproof scales, she wouldn't be scarred by fire, but the burns took a few days to heal, at least when Scorch touched her. With regular fire, the burns only took a few minutes. Ash couldn't get a limb twisted or scorched from fire, but she could get burns, red marks that hurt when touched. Suddenly, Scorch felt a sticky creeping feeling on her wingtips. Oh no, not again! Ugh this is disgusting. Revoltingly, purely, nothing but disgusting. Scorch's wingtips were dripping with sticky, disgusting, melted  glass. She had trailed her wingtips in the sand again. This always happened whenever she was at home, but she had been grounded, banned from flying to the mountains since she set an entire forest alight. All I did was flick my wing to shoo a fly away! It's not my fault that a branch was there. Or that the fire spread so fast. Or that there just happened to be dragons in there. It's not fair. Chill gets his entire stupid sandy desert, Ash gets... well, Ash doesn't really have a favourite place, but she gets her own room so... And that means it's perfectly fair for me to have some low key places in the Sky Kingdom to hang out. I mean, we are allowed to be there, and we do technically live within the border of the Sky Kingdom.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid sand! I hate this!" Scorch growled out loud, trying to get the incredibly sticky melted glass off of her wings. In the distance, she noticed Chill wandering into the desert yet again. Stupid punishment! Stupid Chill and his stupid desert. I hate them all.

In case you hadn't noticed, I'm kinda trying to make Scorch sound like an angsty teenager. So that's why she said "stupid" about three dozen times, because it fits with her personality and world view. Pretty much, she's only really happy in the Sky Kingdom, and has good reason to hate everywhere else she has ever been. (So far at least.... Mwahahahahahaha.... I have big plans for all these characters. Tbh it might not all fit in once book.)

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