On set

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Marie's PoV

Today Clara and Diego have to film Violetta 3, so i'm going to watch. I doubt i'll understand anything but still i'd love to meet the cast and see all the 'bloopers'!

We all got into the car, the ride there was silent, not an awkward silent but a peaceful silence. Once we where there i saw Lodo stood outside, i guess she was waiting for Clara as they're like best friends.

L(lodo)- Clara!

C- Lodo!

L- how are you? How was England? You look tanned, was England nice?

C- I'm good, it was beautiful, and yeah lovely weather haha! How are you?

I stood next to Diego, clearly Lodo hadn't noticed me or Diego stood here as she and Clara were having a big catch up.

L- I'm goo- Diego!

They both hugged

And who are you?

M- I'm Marie!

L- Nice to meet you Marie, but what are you doing here?

M- I'm here with Diego and Clara as they kinda well they did adopt me!

She smiled at me

L- Well Clara, you always told me before you had a baby of your own you'd adopt! And Marie is perfect! She looks just like you in fetus pictures! You're like a younger twin Marie!

C- It's funny everyone says that haha!

L- We should go in, you're on set first Clara!

As we walked inside i saw all the dressing rooms, one by one they all said 'hi' and time after time i explained who i was. Clara took me into her dressing room, inside was Florencia- who plays Jade and another Florencia-who plays Priscila.

Once Clara had, had her makeup done she grabbed my hand and ran down to a set, which looked a lot like the Castillo household- she explained what was going on in the scene! It was a Germangie scene! I couldn't wait to see this, but what was going on was a suprise.

I watched as Clara well Angie walked through a door, there German was waiting for her, she ran and jumped into his arms- German kissed her cheek. I sqealed at this, i guessed they where together! I then watched as German slowly got down on one knee, he said a lot of words i didn't understand but then Angie said 'si' and jumped onto him which i guessed meant they where getting married- i couldn't stop screaming!

This was one of the best days ever, i couldn't wait to see what tommorow brings!

Adopted By Dielari?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin