Wedding Outfits

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Clara's PoV

Marie, Diego and I were eating breakfast when there was a knock at the door, Marie got up and ran too the door. I heard brief whispers before Marie ran into the living room with several long bags, i knew what they were! My wedding dress, the bridesmades dresses and Marie's dress! She ran up to me and screamed, jumping up and down she dragged me up the stairs. We told Diego not to come up but to show Cande, Lodo and Alba where to come when they arrived.

-Time skip, Cande, Lodo and Alba have arrived-

Ca(Cande)- Just try it on Clara! If you try it on we will all try ours on!

L(Lodo)- We will!

A(Alba) & M- We promise

C- Okay fine!

I heard talking and screaming whilst i was getting changed into my dress, the wedding wasn't for another what? 9 days but i really wanted to see my best friends and daughter in their dresses.  I walked out of my walk in wardrobe and watched as they all stood their gobsmacked

C- What? Do you not like it?


I just laughed

C- Well thankyou Marie haha!

Ca-I think i agree with Marie! I just omg have no words, you're truly beautiful inside and out

C- Cande! Don't you'll make me cry!

A- Clara you look perfect, Diego will fall in love with you all over again

I smiled and hugged her, those words made me blush

L- I remember watching you on Tv and becoming best friends with you, and now look at you! My best friend's getting married! You look perfect Clara

C- I love you all so much, do you know that? But now time for your dresses!

They all went into separate rooms, one by one they all came back. Their dresses were beautiful. Cande, Lodo and Alba all had the same dress- It was baby pink and cut of just above the knee, they also had cream high heals to match. Then Marie, she also had a baby pink dress on but a different style, again it was cut off just above the knee but it had no sleeves, she looked perfect. Tears formed into my eyes as they all stood next to each other.

C- Guys! You all look beautiful! 

Ca, A, L & M- Thankyouu! I love you Clara!

C- I love you all too!

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