A Song

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Marie's PoV

Since Clara and Diego had gone out to walk Vicente i thought i'd play the piano which was downstairs, i used to learn in Primary School and was quite good but i lost all my focus and gave it up, i then started to sing, it was a song that was written by myself and my old best friend. I couldn't believe i could still remember how it goes, i also didn't consider myself as a good singer i hated my voice but everyone else loved it. I was still singing when i heard a bang, i jumped up and saw Clara and Diego stood there. There jaws were baisically touching the floor. Before i knew it they were both clapping and smiling.

D- Where the hell did you learn to sing like that?

M- Erm...I'm not sure, i've always sang i guess...

D- Really? You're voice is beautiful, you should sing more often!

M- Do you actually mean that? 

D- Why would i lie to you Marie? Your voice is beyond perfection.

C- It really is, you should take up singing as a career choice!

M- Woah really? 

Clara and Diego nodded

M- But where would i start? I'm not confident at all!

Before Clara could give some motherly advice, Diego jumped in

D- Clara?


D- Do you remember that song we are supposed to record later this year? 

C- The 'Dielari' song?

D- Yes!

C- Of course i do, why?

D- Marie could sing with us? Couldn't she?

C- Yes! Yes! Just yes!

M- Guys are you sure? 

C&D- Yes! 

D- We love you, why would we ever lie to you?

M- 1. i have no idea haha! and 2. I love you more than anything!

C- So that's settled then?

M- Yes!

Clara then pulled us into a hug, my life just gets better and better!

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