Chapter 4.

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Edited-After just a week, Serenity was able to get all of the other kids to tolerate her

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After just a week, Serenity was able to get all of the other kids to tolerate her. In a month, they all became friends with her. In a year, they had learned how to trust the girl.

Hargeeves chose not to begin harshly training until she was eight. He thought first she needed to be integrated into his formal lifestyle. In the end, he turned out to be correct. Serenity had adjusted to the change quickly and was ready for what Mr.Hargeeves had planned.

"Number Zero, can you please follow me?" Mr.Hargreeves asked then began leading the girl outside into the back yard along with Grace. As they walked, she could see the pity in the eyes of the other children. They saw what Mr.Hargreeves had planned for her, and they knew it would be hard for Serenity. Their looks made Serenity increasingly nervous until she got outside. She and the others had already eaten dinner, so she was full, but felt like the food was slowly rising because of her anxiousness.

Once out of the house, Mr.Hargreeves opened an umbrella to protect himself from the rain that was pouring down around them. The first thing she noticed was a small dog cage with many locks that were ready to latch the door shut. Serenity looked up at Mr.Hargreeves who merely looked down at her expectantly.

"What is the cage for, Mr.Hargreeves?" Serenity asked even though she knew what he wanted her to do.

"Get in the cage, Number Zero," Mr.Hargreeves demanded, ignoring the disappointed look Grace had been sending him the entire time they were outside.

"Please don't make me-"

"Now, Number Zero," Mr.Hargreeves said in a dark voice. He did not like that she was acting disobedient. Tears sprung in Serenity's eyes as she slowly walked to the small cage. The rain beat against her face and exposed legs. She was already shivering, and it had only been, minutes of being in the wind and precipitation. What Hargreeves was forcing her to do was physically challenging and humiliating at the same time.

Serenity crawled into the cage that was just barely big enough for her. Once inside, Mr.Hargreeves nodded at Grace, who then proceeded to lock the cage with the numerous locks on the door of it.

"Grace, please no. I don't know what I did wrong, but I will be better, I promise."  Serenity cried, trying to pry the door of the cage open, but it was useless as all of the locks were already in place.

"We will see you in the morning, Number Zero," Mr.Hargreeves stated, walking into the house along with Grace who was looking back at Serenity with a sad look in her eyes.

Even when she was alone, Serenity continued to plead as rain continued to beat against her already soaking boy. The harsh wind hit her whole self which made her even colder. Serenity looked up at the house as she sobbed, and noticed that all of the kids were looking at her from their room windows.

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