Chapter 25.

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Once he and The Handler arrived at the Time Agency, Five wasted no time telling the blonde he walked with the circumstances he would need to be under to work for her. He tried to avoid telling her his exact plans, but it was necessary to tell her at least a little bit of what he wanted to do.

"I need to borrow a briefcase and use two trips into the past with it. It is regarding the lives of my family." Five stated simply. The Handler thought over what he said and nodded.

"That shouldn't be a problem, but I will need to have someone accompany you in case your plans have anything to do with the apocalypse." She stated nonchalantly, not too interested in what he wanted to do as long as it wouldn't prevent what needed to happen.

"Just make sure they don't interfere with what I need to do." Five said, walking with his hands shoved inside of his pockets. While he was not thrilled to be back, he was glad that he would be able to help his family.

"When can I get the briefcase?" Five asked hastily, looking up at the woman beside him who had a blank expression on her face.

"I'll have someone see to getting it for you after I show you your desk. You should be excited about this brand new environment." The Handler stated, looking down at Five with an expectant look on her face. Five then showed her the same wide smile he had flashed at the old woman in the doughnut shop, earning a nod of approval from the woman he so despised.


Five had decided before he even walked into the commission that he needed to keep on his Academy uniform. He thought that it might end up being relevant to what he needed to do.

"Number Five, this is Steve; he will be the one to escort you with the briefcase." The Handler said, gesturing toward a tall black man with a friendly expression on his face.

"He is new but very loyal." The blonde remarked with a strange undertone in her voice, probably trying to warn Five that Steve would not help him. Steve waved lightly at Five who just nodded his head in return.

"Well, Steve, we should probably get on our merry way." Five smiled at the man who towered over him in height.

"Where to?" Steve asked Five, who continued to study Steve's manner. 

"Airforce site thirty-two in upstate New York, June tenth, two thousand two." Five stated, remembering everything Vanya told him about this date. It was important to him that everything went right, and that he was able to do what he wanted to.

Steve set in the coordinates, then nodded at Five who walked up to Steve and grabbed onto the suitcase handle as best as he could with Steve's large hand in the way.

"Remember, nothing to do with the apocalypse." The Handler stated, then Five clicked open the briefcase, avoiding any more interaction with her than he needed.

A flash of blue light surrounded Five and the man assigned to accompany him. Five was still not pleased with the fact that he couldn't do what he had planned alone, but he didn't care as much as he would have if the people in the commission were smart enough to figure out his plan. Steve also didn't seem like too bad of a guy anyway so that it wouldn't affect him too much.

Within mere seconds, both Five and the commission worker were standing outside of a large building with planes surrounding them. Five looked around, trying to see if he was able to see any of his siblings or Serenity.

"What is this place?" The man next to Five asked, blinking harshly in an attempt to stop the dizziness he had from the time travel.

"Its an abandoned air force base." Five mumbled in response, just repeating what has already been stated. Five was forced to squint because of the bright sun that was shining above him. Unfortunately, Vanya never told him specifics about the details from this day, just the location, date, and what happened.

"What happens here that is so important?" The man asked, gripping the suitcase in his hand like it was the most critical thing in the world. The questions annoyed Five slightly, but he kept his cool so that Steve was on his side if need be.

"You'll see when we stop it from happening." Five said grumpily, shoving his hands into his pockets.  The man with Five sighed heavily, looking around a bit more, before noticing a group of teens running toward the building a couple of yards away.

"Five, heads up." He said, attempting to remove himself from the line of vision of the kids by rounding the corner that was next to him.

Five peeked from behind the corner, looking to see everyone he had expected.

"Serenity, you have to go in alone this time. If any of us need help, we will phone you through our earpieces." Luther stated, even though he said the same thing before every mission. What surprised Five was the look of absence on Serenity's face. She looked like she was in deep thought, but at the same time not thinking at all.

"Alright." Serenity mumbled, looking up at the large building in front of her with a frown on her face. Five recognized her expression as the one she always held when she felt something terrible was going to happen. The look she had before he teleported into the future forty-five years ago for him, only a few months ago for her.

It angered Five that Luther was making Serenity be the one to go in alone when she was not stable enough to even think properly. He couldn't help but assume that it was his fault. Unfortunately for himself, he was correct. 

The team was split into strange numbers. Allison and Luther were part of one of the groups unsurprisingly, Diego, Klaus, and Ben in the other, and Serenity alone. A look of guilt came over Five's face, knowing that she didn't like being separate on during missions. If he were there, she wouldn't have to be alone.

"Be careful everyone." Serenity said, watching as everyone walked with their groups without her. Luther and Allison walked directly into the front of the building, while Diego's group walked around the other side of the building to find a separate place to go through.

Serenity sighed, taking off her mask. She always had problems seeing out of it and took it off when she was alone during missions. Her eyes began to quickly study her surroundings, and Five almost didn't notice that she saw him, but he did and moved quickly to avoid interaction with the girl even though it would probably benefit her mental health to talk to Five.

"Shit." Five whispered, moving around the corner with Steve so that Serenity couldn't see them.

"Run!" Five whispered, stealthily sprinting away while the man with him followed close behind.

"Five?" Serenity asked softly, running around the corner to see nobody. A sigh escaped her lips, and she shook her head at herself. It wasn't the first time she thought she had seen her friend when he wasn't actually there, so it wasn't new, but it was just as disappointing as it was the first time it happened. Ever since he left, she seemed to see him everywhere. In his room, in the dining room, outside, but the vision of him never stuck around.

Five and Steve with him now stood inside of the building after they climbed through a broken window. Steve brushed glass off of his sleeves, frowning at the tiny tears ridden on many places on his suit which was quite expensive. He wouldn't admit it, but as soon as he heard he had the privilege of meeting Five, he put on his most beautiful suit, wanting to impress him. In Steve's mind, he was Five's biggest fan.

"Who are those kids?" The man asked curiously, looking down expectantly at Five who just sighed, realizing that it would be easiest just to tell the man a bit about what is going on. Five thought about the best way to describe to Steve what was happening without telling him too much. If he slipped up and told Steve what he wanted to happen in the long run, Steve would bring him back to the commission, and he would probably never be able to see his family again.

"Those are my siblings. We need to stop one of them from dying today."


Y'all didn't tell me in the last chapter that I was saying the Curator instead of the Handler and now I feel like a fake fan tm. Also sorry for not updating all week, aparently my body reacts to brth control by giving me migranes (which are still happening even though I stopped taking the pill lol). Anyway, yeah I am completely changing the plot of the show, yoink.

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