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Five hastily turned around to see Steve standing with the briefcase still in hand. Steve was looking around the circle of tied up children in front of him; it broke his heart to see such devastated kids in the situation they were in.

"What do you mean? I need to go back to the commission." Five stated, furrowing his eyebrows, clearly remembering the Handler saying that Steve was supposed to be loyal to the commission. 

"You deserve to stay with your family. As long as I go back without you and you stay under the radar, you can live the rest of your life until... you know what." Steve said, glancing at the children behind Five who had no clue as to what would happen on April first, two thousand nineteen.

"They'll kill you if they find out what you're doing for me." Five retaliated. He surprisingly liked Steven, even with his lack of brains. He didn't want Steve's blood on his hands if the commission found out.

"That's why you need to stay under the radar,"  Steve said, setting up the time travel device to leave.

"Just fix whatever else you needed to fix with this new life," Steve demanded, then opened the briefcase and was gone in an instant.

"Who the fuck was that?"


Y'all gonna be real mad at me... but it has to be said... this is the end of the book. BUT DONT WORRY!! I am going to write a sequel!  I wasn't going to end it here, but, as of ten minutes ago, I decided that I wanted to make a sequel strictly for all of the kid's new lives with Ben and Five with them! Is this a happy ending? Obviously not, it's the Umbrella Academy for god's sake. I haven't decided if I want to write the sequel and the new Klaus book at the same time, and I think if I do that I will update each every other day.

Also, I want you guys to ask me questions in the comments! You can ask me literally anything, and I will answer it if I know the answer! It can be about the book or me, but if there is anything you want to know about me, this is the time to ask lol. I will answer every question you have!

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