Don't leave

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"Honey, we'll be back before you know it." Mrs. Edwards says.

Xinyi doesn't feel comfortable, and she has to stay home alone with her 3 siblings, Reina, and her adopted siblings, Zelda Baker and Michael Woods.

"Now stay safe, your aunt will be here in 4 days, you have enough food..." Mrs. Edwards trails off looking around the floor.

"Where's Apricot?" She asks.

Apricot is the family calico cat. There was many more of Apricot, just replaced. Xinyi grew up in a rich family, and the house looked like a clean, new hospital with fairy lights everywhere.

"Mother, I think he's sleeping." She responds nervously.

"Okay sweetheart, me and your father will be back I promise!" She says with tears in her eyes.

After their final goodbyes, Mr. and Mrs. Edwards left the house. They left Michael in charge since he is the oldest, 17. He is the anti-angel of the family. Zelda is 15, loves fantasy and puzzles. Reina is just one month older than Xinyi. They both are 13, and love the same things, for example, playing video games. Well, only the part where they're getting chased by another player trying not to die. They laugh in fear and excitement. Most importantly, they all have something in common. Loving each other, but in this case, lies will be spread.

"Michael..." Reina starts off.

"No video games. We are cleaning." He says making a tuna salad.

"So unfair!" She pouts.

He signals her to go with Zelda to play card games, and she stomps into Zelda's room.

Xinyi is sitting on the couch, watching the television show 'Kindred Spirits', involved with so called ghosts that are kind of haunting the person that lives in the house, or something like that. Zelda is looking out the window at their neighbors house, with her crush in the window, Elias Soares. She's madly in love with him, and writes stories about them together.

"So what if I'm crazy, the best people are." Zelda sings quietly while playing Speed with Reina.

"Make a move already." Reina says tiredly.

"Sorry!" She places a card down, Queen of Hearts.

"Bam." King of Hearts and an Ace.

"Thank you." She places down her last 3 cards that are Aces. "Speed!"

"Unfair! You're the master of puzzles and mystery! Even murders." Reina says pouting.

"There's always next time!" She says nervously.

"You always win." She says getting up.

"Dinner's ready!" Michael calls to the girls in the bedroom.

"Coming!" They both say.

Xinyi is looking at her food in dislike. Reina doesn't care, she's just hungry, and Zelda is a healthy child. Michael looks at Xinyi, and looks upset.

"Can you try? It was my favorite as a baby..." He asks quietly.

"Okay..." She says hesitantly.

She grabs her fork and starts eating her food. She thinks it's delicious, but keeps a straight face pretending she thinks it's just okay. They all decide after dinner they should play Mario Kart 8, Zelda doesn't seem all excited as Xinyi and Reina, but she'll try it at least.

"Dibs on Peach!" Calls Reina.

"I'll be Rosalina then." Says Xinyi.

Zelda chooses Baby Daisy, and Michael chooses Yoshi. It ends up with Michael in first place, after 3 laps of competition. After that, Zelda says she'll be sleeping early, and gets up to shower and change into her sleep wear. After a early goodnight, she falls asleep. They all are at a tone where they can hear each other, but not Zelda.

"Reina, would it be cool if we were in Kindred Spirits?" She asks excitedly.

"If we don't die, I guess so." She says changing the channels over and over.

Michael is happy that they get to talk to each other, and how he is in charge of his 3 sisters, and himself.
They hear a knock on the door, and Michael goes to get it. Nothing but a package.

"Which one of you ordered something?" He says shutting the door.

"No one, I asked Zelda if she ordered anything yesterday before they left so I could tell you." Xinyi says.

"Okay then, it's probably for mom and dad." Michael says placing the box on the counter.

Michael decides when their aunt gets here, she'll open it. Xinyi starts to feel like she will be on the show: Paranormal caught on camera. She loves scary things, but not when it happens in real life by herself. The sun starts to set, so they each take a shower one by one, then putting on sleep wear, waiting until the sunlight turns into nightfall.

After it becomes night fall, they all go into their bedrooms, and call off a goodnight. Xinyi has trouble sleeping, but who said so?


"Okay Reina..." She says tiredly.

She falls into a deep sleep, only a loud yell can wake her up now, and everyone else.

"Who's Reina?"

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