What's the point?

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Metro gets annoyed as he looks at the voodoo doll. Less raises an eyebrow, then notices that the doll is not bending it's leg, which resembles it's broken, but it was staying straight.

"We can try again." Less suggests.

"There's no trying. Reina has her back. Xinyi will just beg for more help." Metro angrily says.

Less pats his back, but he throws their arm off of him. Looking back at Less, he takes their hand and holds it.

"Okay, I'm actually doing this, but this doesn't mean we're going to bond like we're related." He says, looking Less in the eyes.

"Thank you, I guess." Less says cheerfully.

With Less smiling for the first time, Metro hides the fact that he, too, wants to smile with them. Looking back at the voodoo doll, he thinks of the family getting food from the kitchen, getting free access to food.

"To the kitchen." Metro says, bringing Less along with him.

"Why? There's no reason to go." Less asks.

"Well, if they want to thrive and get out. We take the food and take the lantern with that little annoying thing inside it." He says looking back to the shadows. "You can come out now."

The same man Xinyi saw earlier has reappeared. He looks into the lantern, blowing softly on it, letting out a pretty girl with the Roman numerals surrounding her. She has light brown hair, along with settling, soft sky blue eyes. She has a pretty dress, turquoise skirt and white top.A baby blue parasol, along with old timey stop-watches dangling from it. Bare foot, and looks like she has never touched food in her life.

"What do you need?" She asks weakly, troubling to stand straight.

"Me; Metro, Less," as he points to Less. "What was your name again?"

"Oh," the other man says. "I'm Lex."

"Well then, what do you need from me? To end this dream or to collect someone or something?" She asks.

"Collect all the food and discard it. Then you'll go back into that lantern of yours."

"And it's Amulet to you." She says, disappearing into fading light to the kitchen.

As Metro quickly changes his plan, he and Less walk back to Xinyi's room, grabbing the voodoo doll and heading to Reina's room. As they are walking, Lex wasn't sure if to follow, so he disappeared into ashes. Looking for Reina was his main plan. Reina is the source of riddles and solutions. And she's the only one that will direct Xinyi into a straight path without any obstacles. Michael might seem like help, but Metro feels like it's too late. After all, one of the three is lying.

As they reach Reina's room, they find it empty; with no people.

"Dammit. She already left." Metro says, looking around.

"What's the point then? We can look around, y'know." Less suggests.

"No. And, I'll make you feel a certain way. We're doing this how I want it."

"Anything but uncomfortable."

"I told you it was off. The deal is off, and I won't be playing nice anymore."

"You just got less like a murderer! You're changing!"

"I can change many ways, and it won't be pretty." Metro says holding up the voodoo doll. "And I can make more where this came from."

Metro tears off the left arm of the doll, causing Xinyi's arm to completely fall off, including blood.
Hearing a bloody scream from upstairs, Less gags a little, imagining what she looks like.

"Come on, we don't have this whole dream to find Reina." Metro says walking along.

Less sighs, and continues on with Metro. As they walk along the hallways, they have small talk with each other. Less starts giggling at their own jokes, and Metro hides a smile.

"Less, you know we have a goal to get to. Let's not fool around." Metro says, getting more serious.

Less immediately stops laughing, and has a straight face on. Metro doesn't see a point in their goal now. But he has too. He doesn't want a losing streak. Before Metro can tell something to Less, he hears a faint crying sound.

"She's nearby." He whispers to himself, trying to look down the hallway.

Reina stumbles out, casting spells here and there to defend herself from Amulet and Apricot. Michael let him go earlier. Amulet just looks more pale, with whitened eyes and every color on her is more dim and sad. Apricot is the beast himself, clawing in the air to distract Reina. Amulet is stopping her spells with time, allowing Reina to somewhat flee before her spells explode midair.

"That's enough!" Metro yells, his eyes glowing as Amulet and Apricot freeze in place.

Reina looks over to their direction, in shock of what happened. "What the hell do you want?!" She yells.

"We're here to let you join us. Plus, you're the only to lead such a poor, useless soul to victory." He says holding up the voodoo doll.

Reina gets up, looking Metro in the eyes. "I will not."

"You'd be a great help, does poor Xinyi want to start over?"

"No she doesn't. She's come so far now."

"Are you forgetting something?" Metro says, eyeing the doll.

"Don't do it." She says trying to walk over.

"One more step and it's over."

Reina goes silent, standing there, ready to cast a spell and start a fight.

"You wouldn't do that."

"I would."

Metro hands the doll to Less, and walk over the Reina. Reina throws a sharp frost shard at him. (ignore wth a frost shard is)

"Aw, do you wanna play with me?"

"Stay away from me!"

Metro disappears, faster than light, but as dark as a shadow. He then tackles Reina, pushing her to the ground.

"Pathetic. You didn't see that coming? I'll just use Amulet and Apricot against you, wouldn't that be fun?"

Reina looks over her shoulder, and smiles.

"What?" He asks.

"You'll see. Ruudbrxwjah ljbc!" Reina yells.

"You're still there. What can that do?" He asks.

Reina then casts a magma ball, but from behind. Metro then realizes what she had done.

"Illusionary cast! Dammit!" He yells in pain.

"Do you call that pathetic?"

"I'll show you my strength." He says getting up.

Reina backs up, but then Metro walks over to Less, snatching the doll from them. He throws it on the ground and steps on it.

A faint thump and scream then fill all of their ears.

"What have you done? Why am I fading?" Reina asks in panic.

"See you in another dream." Metro waves.

"Metro, why?" Less asks.

"I'm doing this my way, c'mon, we have some business to do."

"Why can't you just smile for once?"

"I'll smile when I've finally reached my success."

Less stares at him. They nod. Again, they want others to feel pain. Metro, he just wants his happiness again.

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