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Xinyi opens her eyes. It's still dark out. She looks at the near by clock, but it's still the same time. She slowly gets up from her bed to her closet, fortunately, she has an outfit similar to a snow assassin outfit, but more casual and dark like shadows. Yet she can still be noticed. She slowly opens the closet door, and everything is in place.
She switches from sleepwear to snow outfit, and walks to her siblings rooms.

"What is that..?" She whispers, lifting her boot off of blood.

"Gross..." She keeps on walking carefully and swiftly.

She reaches to the other side of the hallway, where Reina's room is the left hallway down after walking down the other one.

She reaches for Reina's door handle, but she feels breathing down her neck. Goosebumps crawl all over her, but she turns around, and there's no one. As soon as she turned, she heard crying coming from Reina's room. So she slowly opens the door, and finds Reina on the floor crying with a bloody hand prints on her face, including tape around her mouth. Her hair has been pulled, and has a bruise on her cheek.

"Reina!" She whispers hugging her, with misty eyes.

She removes the tape from Reina's mouth, and she gasps for air.

"Who did this to you Reina?!" She whispers loudly.

Reina doesn't respond, only breathing heavily. Xinyi then suggests they should find Michael. As Xinyi reaches her hand out for Reina's, blood starts dripping from the ceiling. Without hesitation, Reina tries her best to quickly get out with Xinyi.

"Who Reina?" She whispers as the ceiling drips for a tiny river behind them.

"That." She responds faintly.

With confusion, Xinyi stops in her tracks. Who is that? But before she can even think of an answer, sharp, bloody claws dig into her back, Xinyi screaming in pain as they rip into her back. The claws sink into her back more and more until they come out of her back. Xinyi gasps for air, coughing up blood and crying tears.

"Apurikotto." Reina whispers picking up Xinyi to flee.

"Apurrywot?" Xinyi asks in pain.

Looking back, three yellow greenish eyes are staring back at hers. All but bloody veins are it's body, with claws the length of two pencils combined. Without legs in sight, it's hanging from the ceiling, ripping through the ceiling tiles with it's razor sharp claws. Screeching with all its might, two tongues come out of nowhere, dripping with blood. What seems to be feline ears are noticeable too, also made of bloody veins.

"Can we go faster Reina?" Xinyi asks loudly while still staring the beast down.

Reina just suddenly stops and throws her to the ground, and then running away.

"Reina!" She screams after her.

The beast's claws rip into Xinyi's legs, making her unable to move. With all her strength, she flips her body upright trying to fight the beast with her hands.
The beast wraps its tongues around her face, covering her mouth and nose. She gets lightheaded trying to remove the tongues off of her. Before the beast claws into her chest, two sudden daggers are sliced into its back, making it screech in pain. It then disappears, leaving a bloody puddle where it was.

"Reina thank you!" Xinyi says gasping for air.

Reina looks down at Xinyi and smiles. Xinyi then closes her eyes and relaxes. She could've never been alive if Reina wasn't able to help. She wants to thank her again, but a stabbing pain is thrown in her heart, and then another into her head. Xinyi's pulse and heartbeat begin to slow down, as she opens her eyes, Reina's daggers are gone. Reina's walking away. Laughing. Hehe. Hehe. Then the world goes black.

"Xinyi." Says a voice.

"Xinyi!" Michael yells.

She comes back from dozing off.

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