The Bet

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The next day arrived and was very, VERY awkward. Everyone knew about Brandon's secret crush on y/n, well except for y/n. Every time Brandon got close to you the boys would laugh or smirk. It made Brandon very uncomfortable and he started to rethink this whole situation. "Would things have been better if I didn't tell the guys my crush?" Brandon asked himself all day long.

*In the Kitchen/Living room of the Prettymuch household*
"B, have you been thinking about making a move?" Nick asked
"I don't know man. I don't think she's into me. Plus these hate accounts have got her pretty down lately." Brandon answered, shaking his head.
"The boy speaks facts. He shouldn't make a move quite yet." Zion said.
"Well I think he should. Just go take y/n on a nice -" Austin tried to say, but got caught off due to you coming up the stairs.
You were crying. Your hair was in a messy bun. You were still in your pajamas. Mascara was all over your face. These hate accounts were getting way out of hand.
"The-the-the accounts. They threatened to kill me if I don't quit the band." You cried.
"What y/n! What account?" Brandon asked angrily.
"ihatey/n123, that's the account. I cant take it anymore. I should have never joined the band. I'm so sorry." you said, sitting on the couch.
"Whoever made this account is gonna be sorry. Telling people to kill themselves is not ok. I'm calling the managers!"Brandon exclaimed, reaching for his phone.
"Yo B! Calm down. I've got this under control. y/n go downstairs and i'll be down in a bit. Ed, try to email instagram and Austin go downstairs with y/n and try to report the account. Brandon, Zion and I will stay up here and explain to the managers what's going on." Nick stated, pointing at people to do their jobs.
Brandon yelled, his face full of violence and anger.
Edwin, Austin and you all went downstairs, trying to accomplish the jobs Nick told you to do. Shit was about to become real in the Prettymuch house.
"Brandon calm down. I know exactly what you can do." Nick said, glancing over at Zion who had a smirk on his face.
"Your boy boutta get a girlllll." laughed Zion.
"What can I do. I'll do anything to help make y/n happy again. I promise. Anything." Brandon pleaded.
"I'll make a bet with you." Nick said, smiling.
"Nows not the time for jokes. Seriously what can I do!" Brandon asked.
"It's not a joke B. If you love y/n you'll do it." stated Zion.
"Ok fine, what's the bet." Brandon said, finally giving in.
"I'll bet you $10 that you'll go downstairs and kiss y/n." Nick whispered. He didn't want anyone hearing.
"You want me to kiss her! What! Why?" Brandon questioned.
"Cuz bro, it will make y/n feel a hundred times better."Zion added
"I mean it's a bet. I can never turn down a bet. Deal!" Brandon said, shaking Nick's hand.

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