The Plan

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"So you're telling me she just left?" Zion said to Brandon.
"Yup. She packed her suitcase and was gone. Although I just texted her and she responded. She's coming back tomorrow afternoon." Brandon said.
"Good, but you gotta do something for her. I mean you did kiss the girl for $10." Zion joked.
"I mean I really don't know what to do. I don't think she wants me anymore so anything I give her will be trash."
Nick and Edwin came walking up the stairs laughing about something Austin did in Fortnite. Nick and Brandon were chill now and Nick wanted to do anything he could to help B and you become friends again.
"Yo B whatchu gonna do for y/n, I heard you and Z talking." Nick said.
"Honestly bro I have no clue. I don't think she's looking for a relationship anymore and that's all I want to give her." Brandon replied.
"Hold up hold up. You said you want to give her a relationship right?" Edwin added.
"Yeah uh why?" Brandon asked.
"Dude. Are you joking. Sam Hurley. She's like in love with him."
"Don't bring that name into this conversion. I don't want to hear it."
"Give her Sam. That's the relationship. You need to show y/n that you care about her." Edwin replied.
"So basically I give y/n Sam and she'll want to be my friend again?" Brandon asked confused.
"Yeah. I'll text him right now. This whole plan goes down tomorrow. Goodnight B, go to bed issa boutta be a long ass day."
"I trust you Ed. Please don't let me down."
"B, I got your back. Always."
Edwin texted Sam and the plan started falling into place.
Edwin: Hey Sam! It's Edwin. Listen I got some important stuff to go over. Text me when you have a chance.
Sam: Yo whats up? Is something wrong?
Edwin: Yeah kinda. Brandon and y/n got into a big ass argument and I was hoping you could come over tomorrow and see her. I know it's short notice, but she really needs you.
Sam : This works out perfectly because I'm already in LA. I was gonna surprise y/n and ask her to be my girlfriend. I can just do it tomorrow
Edwin: That's perfect. I'll text you the rest of the plans tomorrow. Whatever you do just don't text y/n. Ignore her. Please
Sam: I gotchu. Night bro.
Edwin: Night brotha

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