Only You

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It was the next morning and Edwin woke up at 7 am. He wanted to make sure the house was absolutely perfect for Sam, when he arrived. Brandon was the next to wake up. He was feeling anxious and kind of sick. He hated the thought of another boy asking you out but knew it was the right thing to do. He wanted to be your friend again.
Edwin and Sam were texting back and fourth all morning long. Sam could could not wait to finally see your face after 6 long months.  Everything had to go PERFECTLY.
Yo Sam! Are you ready for today. Y/n just texted me and she's landing in 30 minutes. Pick you up in 40!
Sounds good to me, but what's the plan?
Me and B are gonna pick y/n up from the  airport, blindfold her, drive to your house, pick you up, and drive to our house. You are NOT allowed to talk in the car because you'll give it away.
Got it thanks bro!
Edwin and Brandon got into the car and drove nervously to the airport. This was the first time Brandon was going to see you after your big fight. Edwin tried to calm Brandon down, but nothing helped.
"Look here she comes!" Brandon yelled as he saw you walk from the airport doors.
"Dude stop yelling and help her get her bags in the car. We have to pick Sam up soon" Edwin said, pushing Brandon out of the car.
Brandon got out of the car and helped you out your suitcase away. You didn't talk at all and barely made eye contact.
"Y/n we have a surprise for you." Brandon blurted our, trying to break the silence on the car ride to Sam's house.
"What is it?"
"Put this blindfold on. Don't look until we say. Please listen. It's a really good surprise" Edwin said.
"Fine whatever you say"
Brandon, Edwin and yourself arrived at Sam's house and he got in the car. Nobody spoke a word because they didn't want to give the surprise away. Sam looked so happy to see you and just wanted to hug you. Seeing Sam look at you like this made Brandon very upset. He wanted you and only you.

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