Chapter 17 - Part 1

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Anxiety overcomes me, my mind void of any thoughts. What other choice do I have with a dead man laying behind me? Short-lived fate lies before me. A death swift in the water, a small chance to survive and an execution awaiting me if I descend the stairs in defeat.

Darkness awaits me below, silent ripples of water calling for my life. A gust of wind blasts into me, and I stumble back. Swallowing down my fear, I clench my fists. Numbness seeps into my bones, I waver atop the ledge. I have to do this! If I don't, who knows what Thaddeus will do to me. I don't want to die! Thaddeus has no mercy, the water is my only chance of survival. Wind licks my arms, spread wide, readying to plunge into the waters below. I have to try, like my mother before me. Taking a deep breath, I fill my lungs for the jump, leaning into the space ahead.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." His voice zaps my heart in fear. Leaning against the opposite ledge, with his signature smirk plastered on his arrogant face, is General Kalen.

Instantly, my eyes widen, taking in every detail of him. Dread washes over me, his calmness is unbearable and snarky. The silent wind catching his hair, a small reminder that he really is before me. Even in his arrogance, he looks exhausted, heavy bags hang under his eyes and his stubble thickening with time. Swallowing loudly, I fear my choices are now gone with his presence. Even if I jump, he will meet me on the other side, just to drag me back, if I survive the fall that is.

"I mean you can if you want, I won't stop you." Eagerly, I glance to the waters below. Is he really going to let me leave? "Don't think I haven't forgotten that you can't swim," he taunts.

His eyes flickering with a haunting reminder of his acquired knowledge of me. Doubt drips into my conscious with truth in his words, but this is my only chance. I can't go back there. If he comes closer, I'll toss myself off. Scooting back cautiously, my mind reels in uncertainty. Inching myself closer to the water, I test his confidence. My foot slides off the edge of the wall. Panic flashes across his features. "Watch what you're doing, girl. If I have to go in after you, you won't like the outcome," he hisses.

Bravery flutters inside me like a fire in my belly. I can do this, even Kalen believes it. His fear is certainly enough for me. My muscle coiling with a promise to jump. Fright trembles up from my lungs. "I'm leaving. I don't care what you say."

Slowly, he sighs, shaking his head in disappointment. "I knew Wilfrid was wrong when he said you liked it here, that boy will believe anything. You're a royal, after all, it's natural for you to be able to deceive others, I've seen you do it before." Memories of pretending to be Cecile in front of Officer Quinton hum between us. Just like now, a need to survive surfaces from inside my soul.

Officer Quinton, the man who first showed me the darkness in this world. Another man who desires to abuse my bloodline. His promise of my nuptials, a haunting reminder of the fate that Kalen abandoned me to face alone. Panic swirls inside me, bubbling up into a plea, "I did what you asked, the guards will only search for me now. No one has to get hurt. If you just let me leave, it will all be fine." Tears of desperation roll down my cheeks.

His nostrils flaring in silent rage. His eyes scrunching together with disbelief. "You think after all the work I did to get you here, that I would let you leave?"

"I-I don't belong here," I whisper, my voice trembling. 

"But you do. Don't forget that you were taken from this castle."

Being taken from King Thaddeus was mercy, not a crime. My throat and cheek burn in memory. Who would I have become, growing up under Thaddeus' rule? I throw my hands into the air, fearing the snobbish noble lady I could have become. "I wasn't raised for this!"

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