Chapter 24 - Part 3

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My hands slam against his desk, a bruising pain shoots up them like fire. My frustration burning in my lungs, and I roar loudly, "She is still my wife. What are you planning to do Thaddeus, keep her locked up till she dies?"

Thaddeus glares from his seat, his desk protecting him from my rage. "I've had enough of your games boy! The girl will marry Lord Nicholas."

My body quakes with disgust. "That bastard will never get the crown."

"You can't play kingmaker with me. Sign the damn annulment," Thaddeus hisses, sliding a document across the desk once more. 

A lengthy document filled with scrolling, announcing a legal declaration against the marriage to the woman I have grown to care for, rests in front of me. By a blank spot is an odd inkblot. The paper slightly warps with a few stains of water droplets, tears. "You showed this to her. You threatened her!"

Thaddeus rises from his desk, enough was enough for him. "I've done what any father would!"

"You've done what a desperate man would do not call yourself a father!" I crumble the paper and toss it at the hearth. It burst into flames, the fire melting it into ash with a sense of satisfaction.

"I am your king!" Thaddeus roars glaring at the fire. An inconvenience, another document will need to be drawn up. A pointless act, Chloe didn't sign it, she won't sign it for a second time. 

"I've already sent for my cousins, we are leaving immediately!" I declare. All I need is to drag her out of this castle. If it came down to it, I would flip the damn castle upside down in my search. This was a mistake, I never should have brought her here.

"She is an Alexandrian, you have no right to take her from my land," Thaddeus roars glaring at me. I've become untouchable, and he knows it. Assassination would declare war against Caprese, and with my trial failing miserably, his hopes have withered away. The last hope he has is physically detaining Chloe.

"I have every right as her husband! If you wish for her to be cleansed, as you so boldly tell everyone, I'll have her cleansed in Caprese, but we are done here!" Impure thoughts he constantly cries to everyone about, an absurd illness. For all the claims not once has he requested a cleansing like he preaches she needs. Oddly enough as a blessed soul from the mountains, I could be the one to do it. This, of course, would never be acceptable, considering his accusations are only there to keep her away from me.

"You're a fool!" Thaddeus hisses pulling out another document. The bastard thinks he is so smart to have had several papers done up at once. I shake my head in amusement.

"I'm done playing your game. She has no desire to marry any of these imbeciles."

The door bursts open and a guard charges into the room, panting with distress, "Your Majesty!"

"What!" Thaddeus' eyes widen slightly at the sight of him. Recognition flashing in his eyes.

"The princess, she's-" the man wheezes and his words are caught in his throat as he glances up at me.

I snap my head towards Thaddeus, he is frozen at his desk. A boiling rage burns inside me. "Dear God if she's dead, it's war, Thaddeus."

"Speak!" Thaddeus cries.

"She's missing!"

~Where is Chloe? What happened? Will a war ensue once Kalen's family arrives?~

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