You didn't even know o3o

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        My parent are a monstrosity among mankind.

        My name is Emily and this is my story.

        It all happened when I was 3. At first, I was just being abused verbally. My ostentatuous parents would always yell at me with their nasty and hatefull words. They always wore outlandish shirts and had hersign smelling bodies. 

        Everthing changed for the worst when I turned 9. They started beathing me with wips, belts, shoes, and pretty much anthing they could find. One day, my father put a cigarette burn on my glabella.

Whenever we go anywhere we act like a happy-go-lucky family and no one even looks at my conspicuous scars. They probably thing that I am a really climcy person that always falls down he steps or tumbles off a bike. Oh how wrong they were. And truth is, I don't even own a bike. No one didn't even know.

That was, untill i got to college.

        It all happened at a shindig. One shindig that changed my life forever.

        My friend of 2 weeks, Markus found out about my scars. He took me away from that horrible place . He was my savior, but he would always gangle at the idea at the thought of taking about my scars.

         I lived a happy life after that, but my scars will never leave. Thats okay though. I'm proud of them. Those scars that I bare on my body mean that I was able to survive those many years of torture the mosters I call my parents inflicted on me.


Hey you guyz 

So this one as was typing I changed. After I am done with this whole story of short stories, I will kinda sorta be rewritting this one, Some of it will stay the same and some of it will not.

So I  hope y'all like this one.

Thankx for reading.




Bye for now!

Thankxxxxx and BYE!!!!!!!!!!!

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