Spring Bling o17o

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Spring is coming and it's near. The thng about spring is that I dont like it or want it to come. 

I love the cold and cloudy days. I hate the sun and its shinny rays.

I will be the person hiding under my covers or under the bed. I would be the person that nails wood on my windows so the shine doesn't come through. I'm like a vampire. Sleeping through the day and out and about at night. (Or hunting. Which ever one has more priority that the other.) This is who I am.

When Spring starts to come, I start to get a little grumpy. It just who I am. 

If you every see me during the Spring season, You would thing I was crazy.

Instead of wearing shorts and tanktops or short sleve shirts that sine, I would be wearing Dark colored clothing from head to toe. 

When Spring comes, I will be getting ready to shut the sun out.


 Guyz and galz, starting off, I am sorry for the not updating.

I had this big project for one of my classes and it lasted for two weeks.

I finally have time now to update because of the break

I am truly sorry for the wait

Hope yall like this one and enjoy

As always





Thank you guyz and galz and BYE!!!!!!!!!!!

love y'all

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