Dreaming Of Having A Super Power o10o

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        One dewy night, I went to sleep after drinking three tall bottles of Gatoraid. Exactly 3 hours and 33 minutes later, I woke up with a humongous headache. There was water dripping down my body when I suddenly realized where I was.

I was near a small pond amd all off my hair was in the water.

When I moved my hand, the water followed it with speed and agility like a marathon runner.

When I retracted my hands, the water came back faster than lightning.

I didn't know if this was true. Or was is just a crazy dream of mine. So I experimented.

As I got up, I moved my hands in a rapid circular motion like a tornado when it's spinning at full force.

The water that was in the pond surrounded me and closed in on me.

It was the most coolest thng I have ever seen.

 When I got excited, the water rose higher and higher. 

When the sun was shinning on it at the right moment, I could see a beautiful rainbow that was full of life and had the most depths of color.

As it kept spinning, I realized that the water was calming my bones, body, and spirit.

Oh thank the lords. I had my powers back. I hadn't lost it. 

I was finally happy for the first time in a year and it felt so right.

I was happy and content with just standing here with the water spinning around me.

I could live like this forever. With my powers Of Water.


Hi everyone 

I hope you all like this story

Well you know what to do 




Thankxxx for reading and BYE!!!!!!!!!!

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