An Angry Bird o4o

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        One day, I was riding my bike. When I looked up at the sky, I saw a flock of birds. Since it was getting close to the winter season the birds were in a V formation flying above me when they suddenly stopped. The bird that was leading the flock turned directly to his right and started beating the crap out of that bird like hoe Twain had beat the crap out of Brown from the story "Cub Pilot." (A/N: The story 'Cub Pilot' is an actual story we read in class. I though it would be fun to add it in cause it does fit in with my story. Just a little.) 

"You slept with my wife!!! You bartard!!! You were my best friend!" The Flock leader (A.K.A: Birdy that was beating the crap out of his friend) said. How could you do that to me ?"






That's was what the angry bird was doing to the traitor bird. 

Angry bird took his ex-friend's face and banged it into his elbow. That blow knocked him out!

"Next time I'm ganna kill you!" Angry bird said

Angry bird left his flock, his ex-wife, and his ex-bestfriend ehind and never looked back.


So what did y'all think about this one. Personally, I loved it. I hope you guyz and girlz love it too.

Okay so guys I know this is a late update. I'm sorry. My mother was in a bad mood and if she saw me with the laptop, she would've broken it. 

So you all know that  my rule is that if I miss an update, that I will update twice the following week. So this is the first update.

The second will come as it is planned. Or i hope it does.

So see y'all next update date.



You all are great.

See y'all text update.


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