Part 15

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Hawkfrost sat beside Ivypool, watching Fluffykit and Duskkit tumble around. The two brown tabbies were the oldest, obviously meaning they would open their eyes first. Ravenkit's little mew awoke Ivypool, who was asleep.

"What's wrong, Ravenkit?" Ivypool asked, her voice muffled in tiredness.

"Mama, she's opening her eyes!" Duskkit squealed.

"Can we help her, papa?" Fluffykit looked at Hawkfrost, his icy eyes gleaming with plead.

"Sorry to ruin the moment, but she can do it on her own." Hawkfrost apologized to the little fluffy dark tabby. His eyes flashed with sadness, then he started hopping around Duskkit like nothing happened.

"I say she gets blue eyes." Duskkit declared.

"Nah. She's getting amber eyes. Just like Blackclaw and Ripplepaw." Hawkfrost felt Ivypool tense up at Fluffykit's words.

"Whoever gets it right gets to sleep by papa's tail. It's the fluffiest and softest part of him." Duskkit looked at her father's stripped tail.

"Bet!" Fluffykit loomed over Ravenkit, who had opened her eyes.

"Ha! I told you she would get amber eyes!"Fluffykit hopped around, obviously pleased and proud of himself.

"All we need now is Winterkit." Hawkfrost murmured.

"It won't be long, honey. She's the youngest, and it'll take her some time. Well, all those meows did certainly keep me awake last night. I'll watch over Winterkit while you watch over the others." Ivypool mewed.

"Sweet dreams, petal." Hawkfrost licked Ivypool's head before she went to sleep.

"Papa, can you tell us the Great Journey story again?" Fluffykit and Duskkit begged, amber and blue eyes gleaming.

He chuckled some bit, "Alright. But you better not be loud. Your mother is asleep."

"It was fun keeping her last night." Duskkit slapped Fluffykit with her tail, not pleased with what he said.

"Well, you did get that from me. Back in the old forest, I always kept her up. No joke." Hawkfrost beckoned the two restless kits with his tail. They made themselves comfortable around his tail.

"Tell us how, papa." Duskkit begged.

"Well, let's just say I snored a little too loud back in the day." Both kits ran up to his stomach and they were followed by his tail, which wrapped them up.

"You are making it sound like you belong in the elder's den." Ivypool giggled in the back.

"Very good remark, petal. Maybe I do belong there. Nobody knows." Duskkit and Fluffykit were laughing.

"If papa does belong in the elder's den, how come he just had his first litter of kits?" Ravenkit asked who was sitting down in between his paws.

"Very good question, Ravenkit." Ivypool put her chin on Hawkfrost's back.

"So does papa belong in the elder's den, mama?" A new voice surprised Hawkfrost.

"No dear. He's young and he still has so much to go through in life." Ivypool told the new voice, "Did I forget to mention that Winterkit did open her eyes?"

"What color are they?" Ravenkit asked.

"Dark blue with some lighter marks." Ivypool answered.

"Ooh!" Fluffykit gasped.

"I thought she would have amber eyes, leaving this fluff ball hanging." Duskkit mewed. What she said about Fluffykit was true. He was a little fluffier than Hawkfrost when he was a lot of moons and moons ago.

"Papa, how fluffy were you when you were a kit?" Winterkit hopped on Ivypool's head.

"A little less fluffy than Fluffykit." Hawkfrost let a yawn escape his mouth.

"And then there is the Great Journey. Don't forget that they asked you to tell them it again." Ivypool nuzzled Hawkfrost's neck.

"Oh right! All this fluffy talking made me forget. Thanks, petal. I would be lost without you." Hawkfrost looked over at Ivypool. The silver and white tabby was helping Winterkit move with Duskkit and Fluffykit.

"You're welcome, honey." Once the wiry she-cat finished, she gently licked his cheek.

"Papa, can mama move here with us?" Fluffykit begged.

"The story isn't the same without her." Duskkit agreed.

"Alright. All three of you, come with Ravenkit for a moment." Hawkfrost instructed. The three kits ran to their littermate while Ivypool slithered beside Hawkfrost.

"There," Ivypool called all the four kits. They all ran up to her and settled beside her. Hawkfrost put his tail around his mate and kits.

"Well, here is how it started."


"And that is how it ended." Ivypool ended it. While he was telling the story, Voletooth came to collect him for a quick border patrol. He had asked Ivypool if she could continue it, and the wiry she-cat nodded.

"What's a heat wave?" Winterkit tipped her head.

"A three day streak of intense heat. Now, why don't you take your nap." Ivypool yawned.

"Goodnight mama and papa!"

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